Why don't women write big ambitious novels?

Why don't women write big ambitious novels?

Women approach the world with an attitude of resolution-seeking. They mimic, and reconstrue, and make amends, but never create. For them, a thing is never more than itself.

Hey Amazon, allow me to introduce you to my mate Theseus. What an advance on meaning these days.

Middlemarch - George Eliot

Janet E. Morris is always a Fun read

>Faces at lunch, oh, yes, smirking, lordly, bored or weary – here and there a flash of passion, of dreams or loving seriousness; these signs I saw, notwithstanding the sweep of a fork like a Stuka dive-bomber, stabbing down into the cringing salads, carrying them up to the death of unseen teeth between dancing wrinkled cheeks; a breadstick rose in hand, approached the purple lips in a man's dull gray face; an oval darkness opened and shut and the breadstick was half gone!

Pure Scheisse, people who read Vollmann are masochists too dangerous not to be put in a mental asylum.

They lack the requisite arrogance.



I'm Norwegian and I've never read this. Is it actually good?

Yes as well as Master of Hestviken

thanks for the insight, user


They do

I enjoyed it :( am I pleb?

Where do I start if I want to understand leftist philosophy / political thought? Is Marx's Capital actually worth reading, or will secondary literature suffice?

There is no substitute for reading the actual texts, especially in philosophy.

I don't quite know, but maybe it's an idea to start off by reading Hegel?

Main Currents of Marxism: The Founders, The Golden Age, The Breakdown

Looks like something worth reading albeit with a grain of salt.

UMMM Harry Pooter? Aiiyn Rand's Atlast Shrugged? C'mon, bro.

Vollmann is mocking DFW in this excerpt. He really didn't like him

>George Eliot
That's a mans name you idiot. Try again

gr8 b8 m8

Benjamin certainly isn't the place.

Don't be so surprised, Homer was a girl

no, it wasnt well written but very well constructed

I bet they've started a few.

Everything is derivative, so everything you just said applies to everyone.

Holy shit. People are stupid.

Vagina care takes up a lot of time.

West's book is beautiful

OP is a tremendous faggot


Tale of Genji was big and historically significant. Not sure if could be described as ambitious.

uh, OP, vollmann's written something new
