Just bought this book, is it any good?

Just bought this book, is it any good?

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the title implies that the author wants to make readers feel better about themselves without actually doing anything to improve

seems destructive

don't give a fuck

thanks for your opinion soyboy

Are you a manchild?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then maybe.

Your real problem is you think some smug NYT asshat is going to fix you with 250 pages of telling you how to live your life.

Want a life worth living that exudes its own confidence naturally? You're going to have to put in a lot more work.

it's entry level stoicism

after you read it and liked it's themes continue reading Marcus Aurelius and Seneca

Read the fucking book and tell us, faggot. Form your own god damn opinions before looking up to your betters for validation.

Why the hell are you reading some self-help bullshit?

Why is there constantly a shill thread for this piece of shit?

Because a family member bought it for us and we still haven't figured out what to make of it

spoken to two harlots this past month about this and “How to be a Badass” so if you have a comparable iq to comm major tinder whores then yes im sure you’ll enjoy it

It's not like that at all

Agreed. I found it humorous and it definitely has some appeal. As someone who has already read Aurelius and still managed to get stuck in a rut more recently it helped me return to my better self. It’s simplicity is good.

>Just bought this book
>asking if it's good

I don't know, why don't you read it since you bought it you nigger

just pick up a copy of the enchiridion of epictetus

If you choose to follow this. Start with Epictetus discourses > fragments > handbook (enchiridion) then Senica and finally Marcus Aurelius

it's helpful. check out his blog if you haven't markmanson.net

I know someone who bought this and then didn't even read it, probably because the kind of people who would buy this book don't even have the patience for reading.


fuck you redditor

>ywn get rich selling utter plebcore

fuck me life lad