Let's discuss Junger

Here's a two essays on him:

I'm personally more interested in late Junger, as early Junger.

Other urls found in this thread:


Jünger excelled at prose and wrote some very enjoyable books that were plagued by his absolutely retarded pseudo-hellenistic crypto-fascist goobledigook philosophy that was completely at odds with his sensual style.



I just want to remind you that Veeky Forums is a non racist board.

Can you give examples? I've read he refused to corporate with the nazis, had anarchist and communist friends, and was involved in the plot to kill Hitler. I guess that can make his writing still crypto-fascist though.

He supported the NSDAP before the 1930s and rejected them because they seemed too bourgeoise. He also wrote for far-right völkische newspaper because he supported their radical tendencies. He also never befriended communists but German national bolschewists who were basically fascists with slightly different economic ideas. Calling Jünger an anarchist is just blatant revisionism.

He probably rejected Nazis for being both too bourgeois and too proletarian. I don't know if he ever supported them though. He and his brother left their veterans thingo when it kicked the Jews out. His objection to Nazism is also obviously based on ethical shit. And the anarchism is more of a 'spiriutal aristocrat' thing - it's obviously a concept he grappled with, the individual. Not necessarily the sort of anarchism that posits itself as a utopian system, but more of an ethical understanding of the individual.

Also he had Fracois Mitterand over as a guest at his house later in life.

Veeky Forums in general is racist

You might find this annoying. Can't he be salvaged like Nietzsche? Or - maybe - Heidegger? At what point would a communist be a crypto-Stalinist?

>absolutely retarded pseudo-hellenistic crypto-fascist goobledigook philosophy
are you real?

Most of his better-known prose isn't explicitly political and more in line with early French Symbolism (even though he mostly read German translations if I remember right). He also never seemed to be opportunist and even wrote an essential WWII book with "On the marble cliffs". It can just feel frustrating when he paints war as the anarchist clash of ancient heroism when the reality was that military life in WWI was anything but heroic for people who weren't born rich as fuck. Céline was right on the money on how WWI felt for the average soldier.

This is a bad thread on a great man. I recommend people watch the extremely comfy documentary here on him for some context if they have never heard of him before youtube.com/watch?v=0Ju5HFoD20U

I've read everything Junger I can in the English language. My own brainletness has prevented me from truly getting him. But his major works have been translated. Post-war Junger was more mature sure but pre-war Junger was never refuted by himself. He never went back on anything he ever said. I suppose he felt everything was appropriate in its own context. To his death he never recognised the West German and then later unified German governments as legitimate

I see.
I've read "On the marble cliffs" and want to read "Eumeswil". I also read his essay on the forest walker. Here in Europe there seems to be a rival of him, alongside Spengler, but we all know why that is.

Junger's style is not at odds with his beliefs at all. Anyone who detests ugliness and loves beauty, as Junger did, would aspire to write beautifully and could be labeled a crypto-fascist. Notice, in fact, how of the fascist and crypto-fascist writers - Celine, Evola, DH Lawrence, Pound - they are marked for their sensual and beautiful style.

I agree. Still post-war Jünger sympathised with Stirnerian anarchism. His concept of the Anarch explored in Eumeswil is basically a mixture of Stirner's The One and the Man Among Ruins of Evola.

Basically he came to the conclusion that being a just man in an injust environment can only be achieved through outer or inner self-imposed exile (so-called "Waldgang", literally "The act of going into the Forest")

Great documentary indeed. Go watch it.

>Calling Jünger an anarchist is just blatant revisionism.

Not at all, because his anarchist phase started arguably in 1939 with On the Marble Cliffs, and there's hints of it in The Adventurous Heart from 35. His early stuff is strongly nationalist but also constitutes a relatively minor period of Junger's written work. You're neglecting an obvious turn in his work that those on the right perceived quite readily (Evola calls post-WWII Junger a Liberal, - Eumeswil is his response to this) Carl Schmitt disliked Heliopolis and thought Junger was trying pretend like he was always morally innocent. Both are fair critiques, but miss the mark. He is neither a liberal nor is Heliopolis an allegory for WWII, but the shift that takes place around WWII cannot be missed.

>He also never befriended communists

He was acquainted with Brecht, Cocteau, Picasso, off the top of my head.

This guy gets it. Junger was strongly influenced by french symbolism and french decadent novels.

> Céline was right on the money on how WWI felt for the average soldier.

Yes, and this is partly why, I think, Junger revised In Storms of Steel. He realized that his own experience of WWI was very lucky and he threw himself into it like a 18-19 year old would. Even still it retains the trademark Junger perception which he would retain for his entire life, which I can only somewhat compare to the lightwork in Terence Malick films.

> Celine, Pound
> sensual and beautiful

Nah. Pound is too baroque to be sensual, imo. Celine is definitely not beautiful and I personally think people who praise him as a stylist above all else are stupid. He's a proto-Bukowski (admittedly an insult to Celine but you get the point) who won't say it in his novels but strongly believes fascism to be the solution to the problems he presents.

I disagree with generalization. In fact, Junger in his WWII describes meeting Celine at a dinner with some other Nazis and collaborationists and that Celine was meme-tier and would incessantly talk about death as if it were a little poodle dog sitting on a chair next to him. Junger later in life (probably after Celine died) had said this was a possible caricature but it remains that they have marked different personalities and styles. There's nothing like the glorification of botany, viticulture, independence in Celine. It's a totally different aesthetic and you could easily call Joyce a sensual and beautiful stylist.

Coincidentally, Drieu la Rochelle calls Celine "Leon Bloy minus God. The difference is small and huge." And Junger was a big reader of Bloy, his fiction and his diaries as well.

>national bolschewists
Nazbol gang reporting in

Thank you. I shall watch it later

Read “Mort à Crédit”, Céline was definitely capable of demonstrating beauty even though it was hidden behind his cynicism.

Halfway through Storm of Steel, what else of his should I read after I'm done?

What translation and edition of storm of steel did you get?

On Marble Cliffs, of course, The Adventurous Heart, The Forest Passage and Eumeswil.

>tfw heidegger described him as an obsever but not as a thinker

he never considered himself anarchist tho
Jünger created the figure of “the anarch” to contrast with the more conventional“anarchist.” The anarch, for Jünger, is a person who enjoys inner freedom from subordination
to societal and intellectual norms, but who behaves outwardly in conformity with society. The anarch is the genuine individual; the anarchist is only superficially free from society

This he even delineates the differences in Eumeswil

It sucks there's so much of his writing untranslated. He has volumes of work and there's only like a handful of things in English

Most of his stuff has been translated to Spanish and French. Its just that English is the global language of brainlets and fags so obviously we're not going to get much Junger

He was of the "real fascism is not nazis" type

Is Junger the next author leftists will try to claim for themselfs?

No its more likely retards who haven't properly read Evola but post about Evola will adopt him. One step up from le fashy goys basically. Please kill me on the day they ruin Junger for me

We should be united through Junger by our anti-authoritarianism, not be divided by left and right idiocy. The people calling him cryptofascist are part of the problem, but so are authoritarians on the right claiming him.