How do you overcome hedonism? Alcohol and porn just feels too good

How do you overcome hedonism? Alcohol and porn just feels too good

sounds like you haven't fully embraced hedonism and are on the fence, which is your problem

if you don't go all-in on hedonism you only make yourself miserable by half-assing it

Replace them with something that’ll make you better. Every urge to watch porn go out and talk to girls at a bar/club/cafe/mall. Every urge to drink alcohol go exercise. Then drink alcohol. Moderate alcohol. I’ll never quit it.

Veeky Forums - literature

This. Stop trying to "Overcome" hedonism. The mere fact that you're on Veeky Forums is at odds with this.

If you really wanted to, you'd stop using Veeky Forums, sell your tv, read Summa Theologica and City of God, and spend three hours at the gym everyday.

Just embrace hedonism as your biological will, nothing more.


>Replace them with something that’ll make you better

the most emptiest shit I've ever heard.

I just masturbated so much I blew out my dopamine receptors and now I'm pretty much physically anhedonic. Seemed to work.

you grow up.

Pray the Rosary every day. Not even memeing.

You just have to have firm resolution. Porn is probably the harder of the two to cut out, since it seems less harmful. I'd try to cut out alcohol first. The best advice I can offer is cut out people in your life with whom you drink. The opportunity will present itself less. It doesn't have to be dramatic, just avoid them. Good luck, user.

Pray to God to take it away daily/promise him you’ll actually put effort into it then when you do it you’ll receive less and less pleasure from it because of all the guilt. You have to stick to it though. ;)

Pray to God daily and hourly if possible.
Live a simple life devoid of any complications or distractions and focus solely on God and bettering yourself physically, spiritually and mentally.

Liturgy and daily Vespers helps greatly as well as listening to beautiful music and chants.

Boredom is the only way you will outgrow those things. You are probably already bored of them, but they are still the least boring ways you know how to spend time. Once you find something slightly less boring than those things, you'll be set.

Did they kiss?

I did it by getting bored of those things. Just indulge more and more until you feel completely empty, and you won't want to come back

What was your suggestion, easily flustered user?

The problem is not that you assign value to pleasure, but from how you derive pleasure and whether or not you're assigning the proper values to the proper types of pleasure.

>John Stuart Mill (1806–1873) was a follower of Bentham, and, through most of his life, greatly admired Bentham's work even though he disagreed with some of Bentham's claims — particularly on the nature of ‘happiness.’ Bentham, recall, had held that there were no qualitative differences between pleasures, only quantitative ones. This left him open to a variety of criticisms. First, Bentham's Hedonism was too egalitarian. Simple-minded pleasures, sensual pleasures, were just as good, at least intrinsically, than more sophisticated and complex pleasures. The pleasure of drinking a beer in front of the T.V. surely doesn't rate as highly as the pleasure one gets solving a complicated math problem, or reading a poem, or listening to Mozart. Second, Bentham's view that there were no qualitative differences in pleasures also left him open to the complaint that on his view human pleasures were of no more value than animal pleasures and, third, committed him to the corollary that the moral status of animals, tied to their sentience, was the same as that of humans. While harming a puppy and harming a person are both bad, however, most people had the view that harming the person was worse. Mill sought changes to the theory that could accommodate those sorts of intuitions.

>To this end, Mill's hedonism was influenced by perfectionist intuitions. There are some pleasures that are more fitting than others. Intellectual pleasures are of a higher, better, sort than the ones that are merely sensual, and that we share with animals. To some this seems to mean that Mill really wasn't a hedonistic utilitarian. His view of the good did radically depart from Bentham's view. However, like Bentham, the good still consists in pleasure, it is still a psychological state. There is certainly that similarity. Further, the basic structures of the theories are the same (for more on this see Donner 1991). While it is true that Mill is more comfortable with notions like ‘rights’ this does not mean that he, in actuality, rejected utilitarianism. The rationale for all the rights he recognizes is utilitarian.

Go learn more about the human experience and stop shitposting.

Veeky Forums isn't hedonism, especially not the hobby boards. besides, he's asking for a way to get over the unhealthy forms of hedonism, pleasure isn't the evil only the detrimental pleasure

They don't though, you're just reliant on them. Coming up with a better substitute is the hope.

I believe in God and sometimes pray vehemently with my rosary when I am thankful or make a request to God and still I feel aversion towards this type of life. I just couldn't live it even though I understand it to be good one according to the moral framework I accept.

Read Dark Night of the Soul by Saint John of the Cross translated by Peers.

it's gonna put you lower than ever, but you grow so much closer to God because His Divine Light will fill you

Moderation, which is accomplished through heavy self-discipline. Set yourself some rules and stick to them, punishing yourself harshly for not abiding by them. It is hard but will be the fastest way out if you keep on it.
My rule is no drink unless it is an occasion, porn is for falling asleep, smoke no more than two bowls a day. I'm not the best at following, but it is realistic enough that I don't slip and let myself go

>drink on on occasion
>porn is for sleepy
>smoking two bowls a day
And this is your moderation

What do you do to punish yourself?

This must be bait, mate

Just start drinking more and more expensive booze and paying for your porn.

Also the place of philosophical debates
If that embarasses you, then you are a brainlet



Thank you so much

>Veeky Forums is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc.
>If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to Veeky Forums. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/.
>Philosophical discussion can go on either Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums, but ideally those discussions of philosophy that take place on Veeky Forums should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>ideally those discussions of philosophy that take place on Veeky Forums should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.
>ideally those discussions of philosophy that take place on Veeky Forums should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.
>ideally those discussions of philosophy that take place on Veeky Forums should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.
>ideally those discussions of philosophy that take place on Veeky Forums should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.
>ideally those discussions of philosophy that take place on Veeky Forums should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

now fuck off and take your whiny teenage pop-thinking with you

it only feels good because ur a bad person. if you were good already, you wouldnt need external things to bring you pleasure, they would only supplement your original pleasure. we can now understand why you drink and watch porn, because you are bad, and those things are bad (and bad for you). you are simply falling back towards your nature, doing evil things.

decent people never felt the need to abuse alcohol or disrespect their own bodies and those of their spouses by forcing sexual release without the desire to procreate. but we live in a fallen world filled with many people who have been led astray and had their minds poisoned. they still feel bad, but they are confused as to why, just like you OP.

you are a trapped slave in a hell of your own creation.

It's not my fault that you are homosexual

So there is no hope for me?

>the most emptiest shit I've ever heard.
Not same user, you have every right to believe that but you can't just disregard it without trying.

I was addicted to porn, I fapped 3-4 times per day every day and sometimes planned my day around it. But I quit for a month and picked up an instrument and I feel joy and noticed significant improvement by just spending the same amount of time I used to waste

>all the unironical christcucks ITT
I thought we moved past this

>alcohol and porn

Wait I'm sorry but can you go back over this? I'm a brainlet but I think this is a possible major breakthrough for me and I would very much appreciate it.

No. Accept there's no hope for anyone and everyone poops and cums. We all have a vice and things that are just completely outside our realm of knowledge. Feel for a totality of love be it in works or art, a skill or craft you are passionate about, or just knowing if others work like I do then if I give a stranger a $5 then put my finger in my nose then maybe I'll have reached them. Maybe they will smile. Maybe the universe is just feeling itself up and your just the sex organ. So please. Go be happy and take care of yourself.

This made me laugh out loud, thanks user. I needed that.

If consuming alcohol is fun for you then there is nothing to worry about.

>cut out people in your life with whom you drink
terrible advice

i hope so

Maybe stop telling yourself desire is a bad thing, then your desires will actually lead you somewhere. Your desires for alcohol and porn are actually desires for something more, but since you tell yourself they're bad the desires never evolve and move beyond the most base.

Don't know what will work for you, but I just stopped caring. Haven't masturbated in months, I did have alcohol during the holiday, but only one drink.
Maybe pick up some hobby that will keep your interest.

Avoiding hedonism is easy when you're severely depressed and disinterested in pleasure

God died.
God remained dead for three days.
It was the sin of man that killed God.
But it was God that resurrected.
Get over it; Nietzsche was like 30% right.

It's not terrible advice. When I quit smoking weed, I stopped hanging out with anyone who does smoke weed and it really helped because you're not put in the position in which your will could be tested. Alcohol is more widespread of course and but you could easily cut out any binge drinkers. People who drink less often is okay, but cut out those people that you know would cause you problems if they asked you to drink with them. Some people are harder to say "no" to.

Of course, you want to do the opposite too and find friends who don't drink/smoke/etc. so that you're not lonely.

>fuck girls
>still desire the easy and stress-free orgasm that comes with masturbation/porn

plus i'm an alcoholic. i'm functioning though so it's fine

that's just because, like the posters telling you to go full-on, you're a weak willed little piece of shit who will never amount to anything, trading future glory built on hard work and growth for what feels good and is easy right now. Truly pathetic.


Brought to you by the local drooling retard

That's how it works. I'm addicted to masturbating because I have nothing else in life that I do physically outside of the necessities that gives me pleasure.

Part of it is just forcing yourself not to masturbate, then you'll eventually want something to relieve the stress with instead. For me it's exercise. Some people meditate. But you'll be forced to find something because guys usually use masturbation as a stress reliever rather than because they're actually horny.

how in the fuck is that massive writeup on utilitarian philosophy tied to learning about 'human experience'? utilitarianism is a normative theory, it tries to correct moral human experience not teach or account for it...

>guys usually use masturbation as a stress reliever

See, for me it's that it feels so great that I force myself to do it in order to feel that even when I'm not in the mood. That then results in me feeling bad because it wasn't a good orgasm. I want to feel good because I don't go out with friends and I don't have physical hobbies or a partner.