What awaits us after death?

What awaits us after death?

Nothing that we will consciously know is after death

I know this is Veeky Forums not /x/ but I genuinely believe in some form of slight reincarnation.

Judgment. Many sources say so, and life validates this.

There are parables everywhere. Pure, unadulterated judgment awaits those who die.

The kind of judgment which uses your thoughts and how you were thinking.

>many sources

there can be no valid source for this

peaceful sleep forever in the cool quiet earth
oh and being eaten by worms

Depending on the condition of your corpse, your soul will travel back to the astral world to go over all the choices you made in life and await the next reincarnation based on the mistakes you've made in the sum of all your past lives. If you did good deeds, you'll go to heaven for however long is required. If you were bad, as in cause pain to other life forms, you go to one of the levels of hell appropriate for the degree of your sins. To escape this cycle, you have burn all your karma in one of, or a series of lives to link back up with God.


There's gonna be huge judgement, believe me. All the best people are telling me, user we're seeing tremendous amounts of judgement.

And why is that? Because you don't believe judgment to await after death? And why do you hold that view? Is it some selfish thing in your breast telling you that you lived according to your selfish natures and that's what you should have done?

You see, many wise men have said over the years that you are judged after you die. Socrates, Jesus Christ, King David, Mohammed. Anyone who has witnessed the reality of life's divine nature has said this.

I can tell you, if you are not living righteously, this is still a thing judged whether you want it to be or not.

And if I take any sort of multiform variable hell to be the punishment, I can guarantee you will be there in the veritable Tartarus upon my ascent.

See ya ;)

>tfw there being nothing scares me
>tfw there being something scares me
>tfw not knowing scares me
It's like no matter the out come I still have to ask "why" and I don't think I'll ever be okay with an answer.

Maybe I should see a shrink.

I suspect the experiences we have after death aren't terribly different from the ones we had prior to life.
Those weren't so bad, right? :(

Read this book.


I have viewed this
It seems life repeats its self as one, continuously. For my self at least.
During this momment I wrote in the book of Life.

Sounds neat, I'll check it out.

"There await people when they die things they neither expect nor imagine."

more death

Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it: white shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.

See but I don't see why all the nerds are so scared. You haven't done anything fucked up right?

You'll probably go to heaven, bud! You get to live your dreams. A constant state of actualizations.

There are many philosophers and religions who view heaven as being a tiered process anyway. After you get to the first heaven, there will be another heaven above that one. Climb for higher understanding my friends!

The matter is the only real thing. You will transform in other things, as for example dog shit.

I'm really hoping for a "new life+" where you start over from the beginning, but retain all your stats. Imagine being a baby, but having the strength, intellect, and emotional maturity of an adult. I might actually have a shot at success. Oh, and I'd need to retain my penis size, but then have it continue to grow with me, so that after several cycles I could have a normal sized penis.

Someone needs to make this a religion.


nice words

>A lot of people that I baselessly claim to be great say x so x is true
Nice sophistry.

I do not baselessly claim great religious/philosophical figures to be 'great'. They were great because divine. And it could be argued everyone of those beings were divine because of their reason and life.

Their reason divine because of the arguments they made in favor of God.

Their lives divine because they lived their lives in the search for truth and nothing but the truth. Some, like Jesus or Socrates, were imprisoned for this truth.



Not a shred of evidence otherwise. I'm not surprised at the superstition in this thread, must be correlated to the leftyness of this sub.

>must be correlated to the leftyness of this sub

You're confused. The left, having always been more skeptical of religion, is far less superstitious. The right-wing propaganda has really gotten to some of you. So many of you leftist haters on here don't even know what leftists believe. It's like you think it's all SJWs and Stalinists. If Veeky Forums seems superstitious now it's because it's moved far to the right in the last few years. Back when Veeky Forums leaned more to the left virtually no one believed in life after death or mythical creators.

I hope for the sake of a truth that I don't under that you're correct

To be fair Socrates (or rather, Plato's portrayal of him) doesn't claim to actually know what awaits men after death (in the Phaedo at least I'm pretty sure he says it's all speculation). Isn't it more of a "I will believe this because it seems to me the best and most beautiful way for things to be, and men should live as if there were a judgment after death regardless of whether it's true or not" kind of deal?

Nice bait. 7/10

Our births repeated, infinitely, instantly, following the same exact chronological proceedings.

>many wise men have said over the years that you are judged after you die
>Jesus Christ
In the Gospel of Thomas, he says that you will not taste death at all if you understand him. Judgment was a St. Paul addition later down the road.

>left and right
The spectrum runs from zealotry to indifference. Fedora tippers and true believers abound at the fringes of "left and right". They are easily swayed. The agnostics tend to be apolitical. They are immovable.

I am not sure what awaits us post mortem, however I will tell you what does not await you:
Sudden realization that the vessel you spent years journeying through the Earth on has become irrevocably broken, at which you resume consciousness as a microorganism within your body, likely a pilot or engineer, and make an attempt to scuttle the ship before it becomes inhabitable to you and your mini crew. From there a plethora of hearty adventures across the microverse awaits you and your loyal subordinates


lol at answering this question

Probably this

I'm 90% sure you're a Muslim.
t. Muslim

A tall white fountain

>I didn't say they were great I said they were divine
>They're divine because they made arguments in favor of what I think is right
That's a tautology you faggot. Jesus and Socrates didn't want to look for the truth, they were martyrs. Martyrs aren't concerned with the truth, that's why they choose to stop searching and opt for death. To think that either of them were even close to the truth of our reality is foolishness. In their search for the truth they both voluntarily said "I have reached the absolute truth", which is that largest untruth they could believe in. They were scum who have set Western thought back permanently and people like you who believe these fools are even bigger fools.

Does anyone else consider morbid curiosity and a fixation on death, especially what 'comes after it' to be a massive fucking waste of time and mental energy?
You're not going to spirit up an explanation for what happens when your brain shuts down by using your brains. if you believe in a religious afterlife or cycle of rebirth, then by the ideological safeguards provided to you by your religion, you cannot possess that knowledge in your mortal form anyways.

The whole subject reeks of floundering cowards and pompous self-justifying moral absolutists.

>The whole subject reeks of floundering cowards
Most likely. I have an anxiety disorder and it has recently started to haunt me a fair bit, I think it has a lot to do with feeling idle as well and not doing anything with my life so my brain jumps straight to death when thinking about my future.

The opposite. It gives me focus and reminds me to not waste time on futile and nonessential crap that most normies use their worthless lives doing.

But user, the amount of time you spend thinking about death takes away time you could be using to achieve your goals just as much as everything else.

I can sympathize with people that understand their fascination with the subject is due to baser human emotions like fear, but so many use this ultimate distraction as a tool of self-masturbation that its become grating.

>X is true cause X says it's true

>amount of time
It's not like I spend hours or even minutes

Have you ever been put under general anesthetics? Just count down from ten?
That. That's death. The big sleep. I can't wait.

you retain a flicker of conciousness which you can use to think, and from there you can build on that. you will eventually come up with all knowledge of science and maths through your faint memory of the world, including things which are currently undiscovered by humans. Through this knowledge you will be able to indirectly and passively control the universe.

Death rises and blows. Not with water nor sun
does it surround all that matters. What is rare
is its absence. In a century or two
natural forms decay, unless a sphere
of unity intervenes- a body
of perfection which challenges the gaze
of aesthetes emerging from a darker place.
Imagine the flea’s panic in ungroomed hair,
tossing at night, upon peregrine pillows,
and you will know the black hand, unlicensed fear
which hardens into the familiar, and then
loses itself in worlds askance and askew
from the adamantine world the senses show,
and eyes sifting the shapes of uncertain urns.

Btw i'm a schizo so you might ignore my comment aswell.

The idea of good deeds is absurd. Doing any one "good" deed means not doing countless other such deeds.


Yes indeed. :)

Absolutely not, because I have a very real interest in whether or not I'm tortured.

No one has achieved a single goal, or anything else for that matter.

>The left, having always been more skeptical of religion, is far less superstitious
Not even remotely, it's just that they believe in other type of religious doctrines, like egalitarianism. Talk to any leftist for half a minute about inherent differences between individuals, sexes, and people, and you'll find a crazy amount of magical thinking.

Stop thinking in extremes. This is where most people make their mistake.

The end of all sorrow and pain.

Good as in doing deeds that ensure the survival of yourself and loved ones without encroaching upon the livelihood of others. If this means defending yourself from a hostile threat, defend yourself. Treat others as though they are you. Have good intention behind all actions and do not give into base desires like anger, lust, greed, etc.

Imagine a circle that matched perfectly the shape of your eye.

the chamber of guf is a nightmare hellscape, you just don't remember it

sensible chuckle
i've also thought of this

An updated Terms of Service agreement.

Life goes on, unaware of your own death, you continue to age. You become a mound of bone and thin skin, barely able to keep on living. But unable to die. You know inside the final end must be close, and you're right, because it's happened. You just don't realise that what was never truly alive can never truly die.