Lisa is Veeky Forums personified

Lisa is Veeky Forums personified

Other urls found in this thread:


Veeky Forums doesn't read.

Should be I "stretch my legs" like you pick up beers.

/fitlit/'s read and bleed
Formerly Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums

Was maybe. Lisa went from liberal voice of reason to indoctrinated social justice puppet.


OP has no idea what they have done.

Sneed posting is imminent.

All hail SNEED.

>”I stretch my legs like you pick up beers!”

>”Then you have a serious chuck problem.”

Homer Simpson is Pynchon's favourite fictional character of all time

I want a GF with Lisa's personality.

He's LARPing, man-of-the-people mode. The not so cryptic reference is to Nathanael West, one of his favorite American 'proseurs'

>thinking that harms OP's position
O i m laffin

Well, she did read Gravity's Rainbow

I'm sure lisa doesn't have open sores on her genitals from masturbating twelve times a day like most of Veeky Forums

Maybe a few years ago. Veeky Forums is now /pol/ Lite.

every board on this site is /pol/lite now (aka reddit-lite)

h-how did you know

More specifically /The_Donald/ Lite.

>Rise and fall of the third reich and the brothers K
you guys have to admit that is amazing for an eight year old to be reading

Geez, user, she's been 8 for almost 30 years. That can't be easy.

idk, something tells me most of the posts in that thread are satire. Or maybe T_D really is that cancerous.