In an attempt to build willpower and strengthen my attention span...

In an attempt to build willpower and strengthen my attention span, I plan to go 30 days without using any electronic devices, outside of a "dumb phone" and an MP3 player.

What should I read during this time?

I'll tell you about myself, so that you might tailor your suggestions.

I'm a white, slightly overweight male in my early thirties: I live alone, but have a 20 year old girlfriend with whom I share no common interests, and whose sexual past disgusts me. I'm insecure about my intelligence, appearance and sexual ability. I have become increasingly conservative and racist in the last few years. I am not happy. I have a general distaste for the modern world. I'm an atheist, but am more and more regretful that I have no faith in the divine. My opinion on sex is very puritan, though secretly I am a pervert. My family is poor white trash who are always fighting with one another.

What have you got?

Would you mind creating a journal (obviously with pen and paper) and then typing it out at the end so we can all read it? I'm really interested in this but can't afford to do such an experiment.

Please start a blog or something!

Yeah, sure. Why not.

what genre(s) do you enjoy? what have you read that peaks your interest?

one month in the woods with a bag of mushrooms and the complete works of RAW. Microdose throughout the experience so you always borderline sober but never not high. Alternate between the fiction, starting with Illuminatus! and a re-reading of Prometheus Rising after each new novel you finish, then work through the rest of the non-fiction.

Dump your girlfriend, move to Portland. You will know what to do next.

The fuck is this?

I've read very few books in general and hardly none at all in the last 10 years.

The last book I read was "A day in the life of ivan denisovich". Just started a Dostoyevsky novel, but can't remember the name.. he's planning to kill an old pawnbroker...

I liked the lord of the rings as a kid. In the 7th grade i was mesmerized by it. But I don't like fantasy in general.

I supppse my favorite book is 1984, or factotum by bukowski. The whole downtrodden loser/exploited person tyle thing appeals to me, I guess. Maybe something more upbeat would be good, though.

Enjoyed "practical philosophy" texts on stoicism and Epicureanism. Would like to know more about Diogenes.

I read some Kafka but it felt like I was watching a David Lynch movie. Either I'm too dumb to get it, or there's nothing to get.

>I'm insecure about my intelligence, appearance and sexual ability. I have become increasingly conservative and racist in the last few years. I am not happy. I have a general distaste for the modern world. I'm an atheist, but am more and more regretful that I have no faith in the divine. My opinion on sex is very puritan, though secretly I am a pervert.
100% Houllebecq, Elementary Particles
Crime and Punishment or Notes from the Underground

the qu'ran

I watched a speech he gave at a bar on YouTube once, I didn't feel like he made much sense and seemed like a new age nut job.

Took mushrooms as a teen and remember it feeling very profound and enlightening. I don't feel like I learned anything, but it felt that way. Took lsd for the first time last year. Just made me very happy and giggly. Didn't have that same feeling of uh.. profundity


it sounds like you need to stay away from fiction and start some serious studying. maybe study world history or you said you like practical philosophy...i would suggest Soren Aabye Kierkegaard but i havent read his work. i know this isnt helpful and talking to you is making me realize i should probably get a better general understanding of world history as well. theres so much to learn so much i want to read and so little time.



Genuinely interested

You sound practically like my twin. Right down to Factorum and Diogenes. Absolutely fascinating the kind of mirror Veeky Forums can bring out.

I'll write as often as I can, and will post them on this board within 40 days from now.

Is this a thinly veiled /pol/ reading list request?

why are you not good at sex? are you 5 inches or what? Even I can make a girl cum and i'm 6 inches long and thin as fuck


I get depressed and can't get it up sometimes

>an mp3 player
Weak as fuck, nigga. But you're on the right track. Read Lord of the Rings to feed your contempt for modern technology. Or start reading philosophy (Plato is a good starting point, you'll know where to go from there)

Robert Anton wilson

>using ebonics on a literature board

The DaVinci Code