I was thinking about why Nietzsche is so popular between people that are not academics. Like, why is he so pop?

I was thinking about why Nietzsche is so popular between people that are not academics. Like, why is he so pop?

And I made a conclusion that whatever is the reason this is good because philosophy is good to everyone.

But some friends of mine said that philosophy isn't for everyone, like, should be read by some kind of elite that can think about it in a critic way.

So it makes me wonder, Who should read philosophy? Only academics, because they have a background of study? Why not normal people and they can make their own opinion about it?

Whoever wants to

If you want to actually do good philosophy, you need to be trained.

"It is obvious that in his day-dreams he is a warrior, not a professor; all the men he admires were military. His opinion of women, like every man's, is an objectification of his own emotion towards them, which is obviously one of fear. "Forget not thy whip"--but nine women out of ten would get the whip away from him, and he knew it, so he kept away from women, and soothed his wounded vanity with unkind remarks. He condemns Christian love because he thinks it is an outcome of fear: I am afraid my neighbour may injure me, and so I assure him that I love him. If I were stronger and bolder, I should openly display the contempt for him which of course I feel. It does not occur to Nietzsche as possible that a man should genuinely feel universal love, obviously because he himself feels almost universal hatred and fear, which he would fain disguise as lordly indifference. His "noble" man --who is himself in day-dreams--is a being wholly devoid of sympathy, ruthless, cunning, cruel, concerned only with his own power. King Lear, on the verge of madness, says:
I will do such things-
What they are yet I know not--
but they shall be The terror of the earth. This is Nietzsche's philosophy in a nutshell. "

Nietzsche's philosophy is an extension of his person, and that is what makes it interesting. To read his work with no grounding like the edgy Highschooler is stupid and produces obnoxious fools who misintepret his most basic tenets while the rest fly over their head because most of Nietzsche's work is a polemic against history or philosophy

because he has epic quotes and no system.

Philosophy is best in the hands of academics, at least today, but everyone should have a working understanding of it. I am not an Epicurean, but I think Epicurus had it right when he designed his philosophical system: simple enough for the average illiterate city dweller to get use out of, but deep enough for inquiring minds to work with, if they so chose.

The principle of charity is what 99% of amateur/armchair philosophers ignore, and that is what separates them from the serious thinkers. They are too concerned with "winning" an argument and not interested in the conversation itself or what it might lead to.

are you catholic?

I'm atheist actually. Why?

Bunch of cucks ITT.
>No only jewish social science professors can do philosophy!

Or, and I know this is crazy, but hear me out, OR, you could enter academia yourself and take the field seriously. Hell, be the Jew you want to see in the world.


>social science

stay pleb

>I was thinking about why Nietzsche is so popular between people that are not academics. Like, why is he so pop?
Easily quotable, covers a wide range of topics, and appeals to very human senses with his use of language. That's just part of it. The larger part of his popularity is due to his accuracy. His core idea, will to power, is just too gripping: everyone and anyone can find it agreeable, and even undeniable, when they encounter it.

>Who should read philosophy?
Anyone who doesn't become depressed or more hysterical by it should have at least some of it in their lives.

>That's just part of it. The larger part of his popularity is due to his accuracy. His core idea, will to power, is just too gripping: everyone and anyone can find it agreeable, and even undeniable, when they encounter it.
is this a joke?

What makes you say that?

Oh no no no, you can't have every other idiot try and dip their feet into philosophy. They're to stupid to know when they don't understand something and create such obnoxious chatter it's fucking unbearable.

Yeah, you eventually get over that, but if everyone suddenly became that "autodidact" guy from freshman philosophy courses, I would never leave the house

But they can keep reading and becoming less dumb eventually

His work appeals to the special snowflake in everyone.

Because he wrote aphorisms
Also he's pretty much responsible for the current zeitgeist

Because Nietzsche invented nihilism MAN, do what you want, hehe, nothing matters DUDE.
Didn't know you God is dead cis-scum?

But this is totally wrong and stupid. People miss Nietzsche's sense of humor, his desire to be as offensive as possible, the unpalatable masks he puts on to ward off readers and his deliberate minimalization of all sentimentality. I'm fairly certain he has some aphorisms about how love/adoration is pleasant both because it makes the adored one feel good, and is obviously inherently fun and pleasant for the one doing the adoring, for instance. Nietzsche doesn't envision "a being wholly devoid of sympathy, ruthless, cunning, cruel, concerned only with his own power". He envisions a well-rounded being, one who can feel sympathy, but also has the ability to sometimes seemingly act against this sympathy for the sake of a higher sympathy which wants oneself and other's to be better -- in fact, he also has one interesting part where he talks about how a person capable of feeling a "higher pity" sneers at people who feel "lower pity". The higher pity is the pity at seeing people weaken and degrade themselves and others while thinking it's in their best interest, is humanitarian, is great, etc. The lower pity is the sentimental pity for the suffering which can refine and shape people into stronger people.

So, it sounds a bit callous, but really it's just Nietzsche trying to point out some things and points of view that we don't like to think about; for instance, that excessive and air-headed pity makes people weaker, and so on.

He's provocative and easy to digest in quotes.

>Nietzsche tries to be offensive as possible for the lolz
>Nietzsche thinks he's better than all the other "soft," "sentimental" people out there
>Everybody else thinks he's a pathetic basement dweller who daydreams about being Chad
>autists sperg out when someone mentions this

So Nietzsche is Veeky Forums, the philosopher?

>He envisions a well-rounded being, one who can feel sympathy, but also has the ability to sometimes seemingly act against this sympathy for the sake of a higher sympathy which wants oneself and other's to be better
Yeah, but the disctinction that Russel would probably respond with is Nietzsche adresses that to the select few, it's advice only for the aristocratic souls

Do you actually believe in God?

>Do you actually believe in God?
I do ironically

Nietzsche is not pop at all, like Evola and in a lesser fashion Guénon a lot of people who mention him(them) have never read him(them) and just recycle platitudes and generic observations they read on the internet; I have never met a single person who mentioned Nietzsche who was able to mention anything he wrote outside of circles that are heavily critical of his ideas, notably Christians.


Spoken like a true amateur

> tfw everyon'e favorite Neet was a big baby who couldn't handle Schop redpills

Because of his famous quote "God is dead" that teenagers and (((atheists))) love so much, without any context of course.

I'm in Vancouver BC and every guy I've known who was "into" Nietzsche's writings was exactly the kind of intemperate jackass you've described.

Thanks for putting it so well.

Your last sentence was particularly interesting. This one fool in particular would go into paroxisms of rage when I'd discuss history and particularly the etymology of specific words, declaring that I was "moralizing" and that in his supposed Nietzschian world view that this was the ultimate contemptible error, or even crime.

what makes you say that?

because his """""philosophy""""" amounts to a collection of vague aphorism-like phrases that are easily digestible, and cool to say / feign belief in.

Schoupenhaurer had a good quote about how philosophy should be the last thing you learn: you must reach a understanding of history and science first.

I don't think anyone with a soft heart or a miserable life should learn philosophy because philosophy is cruel.

>Normies claim to like Nietzsche
>They can only quote that one thing he said about life having no meaning without music

This is why normalfags shouldn't into philosophy.

>because philosophy is cruel.

This is extremely debatable

Good philosophers are those who can:

A. Get their ideas across in a way that just about any person can understand

B. Formulate ideas that just about any person can relate to

Nietzsche is a philosopher who is a strong example of this and so is this the reason behind his popularity.

Most philosophers who don't at least strive towards these things simply have a fetish for the philosophical process or metaphysics.
Academia has been and still is plenty full of people like this.

good philosiphy is based on being able to visualize new concepts. I mean actually visualize them. Being a pseud means sticking to dialectical linguistic fuckery. Doesn't matter how accurate your terminology is, if you can't see it's shape you are a pseud.

>t. platonic realist

Nietzsche agree's with Aristotle that you need a slave class so that the aristocrats of society can use them to further their own goals. He thinks if a group of people end up as slaves it's because they were too weak to be masters and deserve no pity at all.

Philosophy is cruel because the world it's trying to analyze is cruel. It's not a place for optimism.

>B. Formulate ideas that just about any person can relate to
>Saying this about Nietzsche

Very few philosophers have their insights come to hopeless conclusions,whether their premises are ultimately right or wrong. Even less advocate suicide which would be ultimate solution to a truly cruel world hostile to happiness.

Even Schopenhauer ultimate pessimism is at least hopeful in terms of the virtues of glimpsing truth.


You completly missed the point and jumped from philosophy has cruel conclusions to talking about suicide. I think this is pointless as the terms you think in are too distant and stupid, you missed everything so much I can't even tell you why you are wrong, you aren't wrong, you didn't even understand enough to weigh in on what I tried to communicate.

You are focused on the exercise of philosophy itself pretentious unveiling of reality whereas I think the conclusions reached by the analysis is ultimately more important and relevant to people


I think youtube philosophy would be a great fit for you.

>academics lmao
>doesnt understand/resonate with Neitzsche


Because he managed to say something profound about life that touched many people.

Isn't that hard.

>Never read Bourdieu

Philosophy is for everyone and no one

>But some friends of mine said that philosophy isn't for everyone, like, should be read by some kind of elite that can think about it in a critic way.
wasn't Nietzsche anti-egalitarian and elitist too?

thats a good one

>nietzsche created nihilism
kys pleb

He stole all relevant parts of his philosophy from Stirner or Dostoyevsky, added in some edgy social darwinism and packed the whole thing into easily digestible aphorisms in purple prose.

wtf I dont believe in god now

Why are TV shows like Ancient Alien Ice Road Truckers so popular? Nietzsche is popular because of the hegemonic fascistic tendencies promoted by the elite. They created the alt-right/new age controlled opposition to dumb down the masses. They want to destroy critical understanding and revive ancient "esoteric knowledge" cults. Nietzsche refined explanatory tools (e.g. "projection", archetypes, etc) and a method of analysis which misdirects young minds trying to understand reality towards simple narratives, either of a fascistic or postmodernist variety today.

>nd I made a conclusion that whatever is the reason this is good because philosophy is good to everyone.
Wrong, kys.
Russell is exactly the kind of idiot Nietzsche was combating. Never trust him.

Oh look, a retard who just completed philosophy 101.
Fuck off cunt, you know nothing.

Nietzsche is a soft sentimentalist also.

Nietzsche is popular today because atheism is the new religion, and most people haven't read anything Nietzsche other than a quote taken out of context saying that "God is dead". That's about as much your average Joe knows about Nietzsche.

Because he was a poet and a communication prodigy who could market himself as a philosopher. One of the first of a long dinasty of morons.
He, litteraly, needed Jesus: If he could have dressed his ramblings with some pseudoreligious pomp he would be everywhere today, childrens book included.

N would cringe at this thread lol
Let's have it, guys. *soft cringe* for Nietzsche.

Probably because he predicted the exact existential crisis a large number of people are currently going through

This is why there should be always a "Brainlet Russell" thread up.


This. He basically puts into word the justification of the sense of anomie many people experience in the West.

>you know nothing

are you memeing me?

Also, have a degree in it, but cool

> fun name
>nothin personnel kid nihilism
I'm not saying thats him but it's why he's pop.

>degree in philosophy
LOL I would say you should kill yourself, but you probably tell yourself that every day when you wake up.


Top kek. user go back to your academia safe zone.

The better questions are: why wasn't he popular when he was alive, and why isn't a thinker like icycalm popular today?

The answer is the same for both: because in order to enjoy their works, one must be a free spirit — a spirit that is free from a blemished soul with unsatisfied, repressed urges from the past, and with the strength to exercise one's power openly without doubts. The majority of humans are not free spirits.

These men represent peak health in their respective times; the majority of humans do not want to know what peak health is like, because they aren't as healthy. They find the values of these men difficult to digest. They fling insults and avoid confrontations and do whatever they can to bypass any sense of responsibility on their part. They refuse to despise themselves like these men do, and despise only these men, and anyone else that they feel is in their way, which is precisely why they are not as healthy as these men.

Nietzsche is vastly more popular now than he was when he was alive, partly because his works are now more accessible of course, but also because much of what he wrote about is no longer a significant concern. His thoughts were greatly defiant for his time, but not so much anymore. It's no longer as questionable to believe what he believes. It is still questionable to believe what icycalm believes, though, which is why he is not popular right now. Humans are self-righteous indulgers often with hangups, which make them weak moral creatures; this is their problem and they are subconsciously reminded of it when they encounter an individual like icycalm.

He isnt really "popular", he has a plethora of accessible, invigorating quotes that are tossed around with a fequency higher than most other intellectuals. Very few actually read his work. Even fewer read it critically and with an educated mind..

Anyway, philosophy will only ever be practiced by what can only be classified as an intellectual elite, whether or not these people are conventional academics. Moderately intelligent people will not learn higher philosophy. They may be curious for a little while, check it out, and then be disillusioned and discover its not for them.

Most people in a state of existential crisis will not learn philosophy or higher philosophy. They'll solve it some other way. It doesn't matter if a person is "normal" or not, anyone who learn philosophy will cease being normal, they will alter their worldview and diverge from normie worldview. It doesnt matter if you think academia should be restricted to a select minority of the population. If a person is introduced to basic philosophy, and has need of its utility, he will pursue philosophy to the best of his abilities.

>I haven't read it, therefore nobody has read it

I take you're referring to the first sentence in my post.

Nietzsche's quotes ARE tossed around with more frequency than other intellectuals. Granting that, its reasonable to assume most people who quote him, have not read him. Most people who quote anyone are not intimately familiar with their body of work, whether its a philosopher, mathematician, scientist, artist, whatever.

everytime i learn a lesson irl i remember some quote or passage and am like
>so thats what he meant
rarely happens with other philosophers, usually they become less legit to me.

>tries to mock me for being a casual
>mocks me for not being a casual instead

Am I supposed to take you seriously?

I don't think the problem is on everyone reading philosophy but rather that if you start reading philosophy and stop midway like starting with the greeks and stopping at the medieval era or skipping from Rousseau to Nietzsche or basically not committing fully to it youll end up either blindly following your favourite philosopher or so overcome by doubts that you'll end up scared of believing anything.
I'm at the latter stage right now and I don't think I'll ever interest myself in philosophy seriously again in my life.

Does Nieztsche write like a philosophef ? By that, I mean, do his texts read like something Kant or Hegel would write ?

God no. He's very amusing to read. One could read him merely for pleasure and I know people who do.

Not even close. Nietzsche writes in this very poetic, bombastic, almost biblical style. Lots of passion, and not the autistic reservation and intellectual chill that you get with Kant. He can be as dense and difficult to decipher as Hegel at times, but for different reasons.

A degree means nothing, considering how blatantly little you know.

But user that sounds fucking sick

Same here desu. His prose are beautiful and he is consistently laugh out loud funny! Other than Doesteyevsky, and Steinbeck, Nietzsche is the best writer of all time

What have I said that made any claims? I said that armchair philosophers tend to approach every argument/discussion with a "win at any costs" mindset, and I stand by that statement. Aside from that, you're really stretching here

... is this bait? Or is this the power of the newfag


>judging the works of an author based on that author's life

Believe it or not, Ive been here for a couple years, though, not solely on this board. My literary taste is a reflection of what I genuinely like, rather than trying to impress you guys and faceplant into the ground of pretention! I dont fall for the memes. Honestly, it seems as though you are just trying to be an edgy faggot to make yourself feel better. NIETZSCHE IS LE GOAT AND WE ALL KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE!!!!!!! "You can shove your [bull shit] up your arse for nothing and fuck off while you are doing it"--withnail

Because it's actually good. I would maybe understand only half of what he said if it weren't for my professor in high school, with whom we took his works very seriously and in detail. The man had his problems but you can just feel that he was a really good thinker and wrote in great style. And the main thing is that he was sort of a prophet.

What are you on about, we like great writers because they're great. Stop projecting because you can't appreciate Shakespeare

schoprnhauer was 1000x guilty of what nietzsche is usually accused of,
- nihilism (pantheism is polite nihilism)
- pessimism
- womenbashing
- polemic essays with strawmanning
- never left philosophical puberty phase, his earliest writing is actually his magnum opus
but he happened to live longer and most pics of him show le ebin grey man so lit automatically assumes that he is somehow more mature.


neech literally makes the same point in BGE

>Intelligent, Nihilistic and with a Wicked Sense of Humor

>thes posts dumb i say so

Personally I find Nietzsche's personality and life more interstesting and inspiring than his actual works. He was an incredible man who certainly lived more fully than the majority of the brainlet haters in this thread. He did something with his life and tried to live out his own philosophy, spending his days furiously writing in a dark room, retching into a bucket. In a way his work is inseparable from his life.

Nietzsche inspired a whole generation of independent thinkers who dedicated their lives to one intellectual or artistic pursuit. What have we done that grants us the right to label him a "cuck" or "pleb-tier philosophy". Think on that anons.

Holy fuck how did Nietzsche's work ever recover? Is this the power of Kaufmann?

no one cares bug
>i find N’s personal life to be more interesting
yes because you’re cattle
>he was SO BRAVE