Do you guys ever save posts from Veeky Forums? If so, post them here please

Do you guys ever save posts from Veeky Forums? If so, post them here please

Other urls found in this thread:









>save your own post
>spread it in a subversive way
>gain anonymity fame







aigh you pseuds, give me (you)'s if you want more.


cracks me up everytime :')




Be careful what you wish for

>Do you guys ever save posts from Veeky Forums?
good grief no
why on earth would i ever do that?
Veeky Forums is supposed to be transient
also you're a bunch of fucknut basement dwelling mouthbreathers
on the rare occasion that something useful slips through i'll make a mental note and move on


like this?

Anyone have the pic of the heideggerposter who was justifying cuckolding as the only way to save western civilization?

have you looked into reddit?

In response to Hemingway saying that happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing he's known.


That premise is fucking hilarious

This post was unironically one of the most uplifting and hopeful things I've ever read. I saved it so I can look at time to time, it always makes me feel better.

Actually pretty meta, well-done.


Stopped reading

There was one that I wish I had saved from a critique thread a couple months back. I cannot for the life of me remember any particular phrases so I could never track it down in the archive, but it had this magic realism feel like One Hundred Years of Solitude, and I think I vaguely remember something about a woman with her hands getting cut off, but it was in a very matter of fact, anatomically descriptive in a medical kind of way, like describing the cross section look of her bone.

It’s still the best prose I’ve seen on here. Wish I could remember more to track it down.

Kek that’s good


Who is this referring to?





















Having a """discussion""" with a roastie of any calibre, especially over text (i.e. while she simultaneously talks about cocks with Sandra and Chayenne) is just fucking deplorable, truly. I am so blackpilled on women that it really amazes me how far I've come from being a "nice", smiling, docile little boy to a mysterious, seemingly-callous, independent, profound libidinal intellectual pseudo-sadist. The first thing to do with any woman you want to penetrate is assert a distance between you. Do not let her get close. Keep her at arm's length and only very rarely make it clear that you want and desire her. People in general, and women in particular, DO NOT want to worship a human being. They want an image, a reliable, powerful, consistent force of Will that they can attach themselves to, shade themselves under, and live vicariously through. By being a cutesy idiot posting lengthy texts explaining your pleb-tier opinion of "Asian" philosophy to some piece of stupid fuckmeat you are admitting that you (A) Don't have anybody informed on the subject to talk to, (B) Are begging for her validation and "feedback, (C) Are oblivious to the fact that this submissive, masochistic little cunt wants a sexual partner, or a boyfriend, at her age and not some entry-level philosophical sparring partner. If she wanted that she'd go choke on the cock of some PhD student studying fucking Kantian epistemology, not a dumb weeb who reads Samurai fanfiction to reinforce his self-image as a serious academic. Seriously OP sort your shit out immediately or throw yourself off a goddamn bridge already. It's painful. You need to learn as quickly as you can what women want, and what they do not want. Women enjoy tension, intimidation, the relief from repression, the utter debasement of themselves in service of a man who represents brute force and who apparently gets as much of a kick out of pissing on her, choking her, destroying her dignity and violently using her body and forcing her to admit her utter inferiority as she does in allowing a guy to do that to her. Very few women are looking for some dumb nerdy nice dude with tenuous philosophical positions, and those who do are usually boring as hell. You need to straighten up and become the Fascist you know you can be. Be as brutal with yourself as the potential woman in your life wants you to be with her. There is no second option.



good post





is this pasta? that's some mad prose





Not lit but I found this and it really made me think...










Who is the last mans?

Hahahah holy fuck that is the kind of pure, unforced Veeky Forums gold that brought me here as a young lad. Pretty sure growing up on the internet was not good for our development.

>an anonymous image board
nigger for all everyone knows i could be you berating yourself

Isn't that just absurdism?


p-post vixen

hahaha holy fuck this is a classic

Don't come here often, but this was posted in a poetry thread almost three years ago.

It touched me in a very real way. If you wrote this, thank you. It helps to keep me going.

This is a John Green quote


>tfw I empathize with user completely
be gone you she-devils

This is a poem by William Ernest Henley idiot

Luce Irigaray makes an argument in support of sexual difference along these lines, sorta

>tfw my comment was not only screencapped it was also reposted
This is the best thing that's happened in my life for the past week at least ... :(

lmao I wrote this. having someone screenshot one of your posts is like a super(you)
