Besides the works of Marx & Engels and Lenin, what are some good books on communism?

Besides the works of Marx & Engels and Lenin, what are some good books on communism?

Other urls found in this thread:çoise_Bettencourt_Meyers

I'm gonna do that thing where I ignore your bait image and answer the question as if it were a serious one. Rosa Luxemburg, specifically "Reform or Revolution" and "The Accumulation of Capital", plus Trotsky's "The Revolution Betrayed" for some juicy gossip about Stalin.

Lol if that's real it's hilarious. Veeky Forums is absurdly robust to takeover. For one, it's far more self aware and self critical than plebbit. Secondly, when boards (e.g. /pol/) are invaded by ideologues, users flee them and they become the laughing stock of the rest of the site.

my diary desu

George Fitzhugh's 'Sociology for the South' is the greatest work in support of communism/against capitalism. In it, he eradicates Adam Smith and other liberal thinkers with the sophisticated position that slavery is superior not only for blacks, but for people of all races.

>implying it wouldn't be better for Veeky Forums to be raided by commies instead of /pol/tards
At least communists are intellectual.

I know from direct experience this is absolutely not the case. Communists like in the OP are theorybrains, they're inherently anti-intellectual as they've lost the ability to innately cognize information since they're plugged into an intellectual machine which prescribes a short list of appropriate categories of thought.
In short they can't read

That's a hard choice
Communists are better at being stupid

Nah, /leftypol/ is just a more refined version of /pol/. Their long-winded tirades against capitalism get really boring really quick.

the fact you actually believe this is what makes this post so funny.
Only redditors think /pol/ isn't swarming with colonists from stormfront

Are you nuts? Stormfront gets like seven unique visitors a month

Most commies are simpletons who at most do minor ideological reading, and mostly get their ideas through osmosis and memes, just like their /pol/ counterparts. It has been an eternity since I saw serious Marxist-Leninist thought on the internet. It's a shame, the Soviets wrote a metric fuck-load of simple introductions on material dialectics and other such subjects, but current commie can only spew soundbites. We seem to be back in the age of socialist utopians. Marx is rolling in his grave.

>We seem to be back in the age of socialist utopians. Marx is rolling in his grave.

Both jews. Curious.

Anything about Totism or Yugoslavism? I'm curious about that era.

Kolakowski's Main Currents of Marxism

Opium of Intellectuals by Arond

>current year
Pic two


because they all moved to other sites, like this one

It's the other way around, a lot of Veeky Forums browsers are Stormfront posters it's just a demographic overlap. They're not colonizing anything they've been here for a long time.

Its not about comunism per se but Lukacs' history and class consciousness is pretty dope

I was just thinking about this the other day, when you could talk to actually well-read Marxists on here. I used to find them annoying, but after reddit nazis and reddit commies, I miss the old regime.

why the hell are these neckbeards larping as some undercover revolutionary spies

uhh what? /pol/tards are not intellectual, but communists are anti-intellectual, man.
Raids in general are bad.

Bordiga and Dauve for maximum infantilism

Activism, Party and Class, Dialogues with Stalin are all pretty good

Doctrine of the Body Possessed by the Devil just for the name

>and help us create better memes

>Veeky Forums is absurdly robust to takeover
Are you so sure about that man? Do you go to /pol/ or /v/ even a decent amount? I do, and when I'm there trying to enjoy a thread or two I usually encounter things like shitty artifact riddles images, stales memes with phone filenames or maxresdefault, sheer "reddit-isms" like FPBP or collecting (You)'s or just some other form of wankery in general, and whenever I try to call them out and admonish them for it like in the old days where users would dog pile on someone for such infractions, it's either ignored at best, or in most cases a few will jump in on me to defend their newfaggotry like that's all suddenly OK, and for all I fucking know It probably is now, because they're the majority; all newfags that crossed over from reddit the last few years. They are true normalfags,which is why their comments look like they belong in a fucking youtube section, and they just go with the flow with few possessing ANY critical thought. They would eat up communism with enough OP's forcing threads through about it, just as they do the NatSoc and Racebait shit they do now.


Now I know every communist here is a r*dditor

Embarrassing. Shows how brainless commies and the left in general really is.

>current year
what does this mean?

There are countless examples of intellectual right wing thinkers these days.

>he thinks being an intellectual means you're smart
>he thinks 'intellectual' is some sort of a honorary title

The sheer amount of stupidity is staggering...

I mean I'm leftist economically, but people who actually think communism is a valid replacement to metaphysics are just the worst kind of brainlets.

1984 and animal farm

>I mean I'm leftist economically

Kill yourself

yeah fuck me for thinking people shouldn't have to sell their dignity to survive in a post industrial world. I bet you're some degenerate lolbert.

Literally nobody has to do that

It's not dignifying to look through trash in order to survive, or wait in que for your daily ration of bread while armed guards make sure you don't try anything.


How does corporate dick taste like?

I never said I was communist. I despise their hatred of religion. People should be gauranteed basics, but the focus of government should never be economic/material, it should be maintaining spiritual infrastructure


How about the government fucks off and keeps it nose out of the sacred


You don't have to be a communist to not let corporations run ravage as they wish

they don't have to but they do. What is porn, what is the majority of IT work, what is office politics, what is service work?

You just sound like a lazy bum.

kek, I mean if you consider government funded researcher a bum then yeah

Sinners gonna sin

Depending on the """research""" I totally would. Hope MAGA fires you


Lol, good joke.

>the commies here were redditors all along

net worth of +42 billion dollars
literally was born into it
No matter what you write you will never make the money she does in a year. You could be the next Tolstoy it wouldn't matter. Capitalism has deemed a year of her mere existence more valuable than your life's work. Nice strawman though faggot, get it off reddit?