How do you deal with eye strain from reading for extended periods of time?

How do you deal with eye strain from reading for extended periods of time?

Nigger when I'm not reading I'm staring a monitor or a phone screen several inches from my face. This has been my life for the last twenty years.
I have probably forgotten what it feels like for my eyes not to be strained

Is eye straining a thing? Weird

OP here, I've had a screen in my face for most of my life as well but paper seems to tire my eyes out faster for some reason.

Take regular breaks: look out of the window, find something in the middle distance and then look at something further away and then bring it back, other eye exercises readily available to you via a google search.

Make sure there's sufficient light.

Et cetera


Super dumb ass realization.

Hahahahahahahaha how the fuck Is eye strain real hahahaha nigga just blink more often and take breaks like nigga close your eyes haha

read with a box of painkillers
alcohol works too

Eye strain is just the muscles that focus the eyes on closer objects getting tired. Stare out into the distance for a little bit then go back to reading. If eye strain is any more than that you probably have dry eyes.

Every five pages I close my eyes for a couple minutes. Imagine what it says on the page. Turn it over and see if I carry on

read in the right lighting and take breaks every half hour or something. i've never had this happen to me except after playing video games for like five hours straight.

Never had it, never heard about it. Its like telling me people suffer from shitpost syndrome or something. I never thought eyes would get strained by simply using them. Its like when they tell you not to play with the windshields. How is using them for what they're for going to break them?

>reading for extended periods of time
I think you're forgetting where you are.

When you've been around the block as many times as me, kid...

> tfw I acquired myopia
Death soon

Lower the lighting in the room. As a kid I could not read anything in clasd cause eyes got teary from all PURIFYING WHITE LIGHT

every 20 minutes or so glance up and try to focus on a distant object. It will prevent your eyes from straining and keep them flexible.


Story time

>be me, driving the grand prix
>going 40 in a 35 on a tuesday afternoon at 6pm
>red blue lights flashing
>yes occifer
>son do you know how fast you were going
>no occifer
>son you were going 5 over. Why are your eyes red? Where are you headed?

>i giggle: occifer my eyes are not red

I dont smoke weed fuckwad, i wasnt drunk, nothing, completely sober

>son step out of the vehicle you are being detained while i search your vehicle
>occifer i dont app-
>son this isnt an option step out of the car

>wait 15 minutes while backup arrives
>backup gets there, now i talk with backup
>so uhh you like your job
>its alright
>you from around here
>im not allowed to talk about myself
>oh right...

Occifer Fuckwad comes back to me with incriminating evidence...

>you want to explain what this is, son
>yeah its my friends ecig
>yeah. Uh huh. Whats it got in it.
>e liquid? Watermelon i think. Its pretty good, you oughta try i-
>occifer Fuckwad smiles, hands me the ecig, you win this time, Punk

>mfw i was completely sober and he wasted an hour out of my life and didnt even give me a speeding ticket

>when reddit tries to greentext

i dont read for more than 30 seconds each day

and now, thanks to you, my time is up for today