Question: What drove Nietzsche mad? Was it his philosophy, or some mental disease?

Question: What drove Nietzsche mad? Was it his philosophy, or some mental disease?

A syphilis patient, that wrote pic related, saw a horse being whipped

It's fun to think he drove himself nuts by staring into the abyss too long, but the consensus seems to be it was just some regular old physiological condition that impacted the brain.

He foresaw the future and went mad after he saw the legions of brainlets misreading him.

An horsw

brain tumour, like his dad


Mutter ich bin dumm

Ahahahaha nigga like how is a horse's suffering even real hahah nigga just walk away from the horse like nigga close your eyes haha

Brain cancer. Stop confusing poetic / passionate madness with medical conditions.

God justly drove Nietzsche mad as well-deserved punishment for the spurious obituary. He will not recur.

Whatever you think made him mad made him mad


God must be a brainlet then

>That translation

JFC, Nietzsche in English is even worse than on German. I hope Anglos don't actually occupy their time with this biggest of all hacks in European philosophy


its because nihilists are mentally ill

Virginity coupled with the weight of his realization of his (potential) world-historical position.

I've long thought that if Salome had've s'd his d over Ree, N could've manned up, got another another academic post, the recognition/validation he craved and the extensive medical attention he required, and so could've lived another couple decades and would've eventually counteracted/converted a significant enough portion of the demographic that his sister was attempting to appeal to.. and so could've prevented the entire (or at least the majority) of the great European implosion ghgughggggggh


Sounds like a nice fanfic user

Pick one

He had a retro-orbital meningoma

>seeing somebody whip a horse

Isn't this in a Dostoyevsky book

Yeah, that prostitute gave him a rare form of airborne syphilis.

Shut up I'm definitely as potentially important as Nietzsche the only reason you haven't heard of me is that I put my energy into not going mad because of my virginity instead of doing the other things

how about you learn to speak the language properly before trying to insult it

His genius.

Yes, an old woman says that in Zarathustra. In BGE he says they should never be treated with force.

yeah it's in crime and punishment

Doestoyevsky was referencing neitzsche

>C&P published in 1866
>Nietzche horse incident happened in 1889

Hereditary brain disease.

>Nietzche horse incident happened in 1889
With less convincing evidence than the existence of Jesus Christ.

Where did I insult your language?

If the horse story is true, it is interest because the horse is a symbol of insanity.

All that ressentiment.

does it matter when it happened?

Maybe that horse had a horse-disease that he picked up when he hugged him. Ever consider that?

>A syphilis patient
Implying he ever had the courage to visit a prostitute. You know he painted artificial sores on his genitals in an effort to look less pathetic to his caregivers.


He knew too much

God punished him for being a degenerate nihilist


God had enough of his shit.


But Nietzsche was against nihilism and Christianity is the ultimate nihilism.

Christian genocide when? Wouldn't be that difficult. We know where they will be on Sunday. Just need a coordinated attack.


He realised that the horse being whipped by its superior is exactly the same as what he had spent his entire life doing to the rest of humanity

This is to say: Make them go faster, make them move, force them into motion, make them do things they don't want to do, make them do things that they aren't capable of doing, or are simply too tired to do.

He realised that he was or would become responsible for the deaths of numerous horses via constant lashing. Was he wrong Veeky Forums? Funny how WWII turned out, eh?

his sister's pussy. It drives a man mad

That would make for nice alternative history fiction but it is not realistic at all.

He predicted his end in "Human, All to Human" and It was an appropriately Dionysian death.

He went mad from realization of potential of his legacy like suggested but I don't think that he could have realistically prevented the implosion of the west; it was already too late by then and he realized it quite intimately.

The consensus now seems to be that his insanity was caused by frontotemporal dementia rather than syphilis.

However, that almost feels like a comforting story compared to the idea that Nietszche's realizations led him to totally lose his shit, because that means it could happen to you if you decided to follow the rabbit hole down far enough in terms of thinking about reality.

His desire to fuck his sister didn't help matters.

Too many whores.

He was a brony.

it is required to reach higher levels of understanding

Actually, Nietche died in the 18th century and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic did not air until 10/10/10. I remember the date that show aired because it is a repeating number date just like Skyrim is, which was released on 11/11/11.

Hmmm... I see you're a man of culture.

He was a proto-brony.

i've never read nietzsche but he seems to have permeated the culture so much i feel like i don't have to. should i anyway? is it embarrassing to read him after 17?

>women fucking too much are to be blamed for men's problems
>women fucking too little are to be blamed for men's problems


>is it embarrassing to read him after 17?

That's the very age where you are most likely to embarrass yourself by trying to read him.

We need women to fuck juuust the right amount. Not too much or you'll over do it and turn roastie and lose your allure, not too little because we have to actually achieve our object at times or else get overly frustrated.

Its sorta like how stress makes one stronger but too much stress can break a body beyond repair.

his thoughts..

>you'll over do it and turn roastie
Dear god, the sheer stink of virginity in this thread ...

Didn't he just pretend to be mad out of shame?