Dialectically speaking, what is happening to the culture of Veeky Forums right now?

Dialectically speaking, what is happening to the culture of Veeky Forums right now?


turning to its opposite - formulaic instead of creative, mainstream instead of fringe

Used to be skeptical, contrarian, and playful. Now it's just a bunch of humorless anti-Semitic alt-right Catholics who have decided to stop thinking.

its still contrarian in that case

Contrarians are a poison, playfully or not
They are what brought this

It was always both. It just seems old now. We've been here for quite a while, so when youngsters come here with questions which we saw and answered again and again, it becomes boring and feels unoriginal.

Arguing against every position is quite fun. I love arguing against the side of the majority in some threads even if I agree with them. It makes me see things in a new way and makes me better at debating.

how do we fix this?

>Arguing against every position is quite fun.
no it isn't

Well not if you go against all of them at the same time since people will want an alternative answer. Then again, you can say that you don't owe them an answer just because you proved that they're wrong.

t. a cuck

There is nothing to fix. The cycle and format works, and it is the only populated place online where it CAN work.
Manchild, queer, loser, summerfag, radical, autist, schizo, racist, freak... we all have equal access to the means of communication. Our posts stand on their own. There is no social image, status, or reputation to worry about, and this means to stand out your ideas must be challenging, provocative, hilarious, troubling.
This consequentially develops a biblical quantity of shit, but buried under all of that shit, Veeky Forums is nothing if not brutal, unflinching, necessary honesty.

>They are what brought this
and they are also what will end this

You missed the joke, sweetheart

Haha nice one



give it 5 years and it'll become a marxist shithole

I hope it takes that long at least. We're already mired in it.

Meta on /qa/ only.
All meta discussion of boards is to be redirected to /qa/

Oh, Monty Python references are "jokes" now, aren't they?

Sad thing is... I did notice it. I just really expected the joke to escalate and to finally get a decent conversation on this board.

Oh shut the fuck up you insufferable cunt

Trully the End of History