That part in dune where they find the dune

>that part in dune where they find the dune

Other urls found in this thread:

>that part in notes from the underground where they go in the tunnel underground and find the notes

>that part in in search of lost time when they find the lost time


>that part in IT when we floatin down hurr niqqu

>that part in crime and punishment where he does the crime then gets punished

>that part in american psycho when the psycho is american

>that part in War and Peace where they fight in the war

>that part in Things Fall Apart when things really did fall apart for okonkwo

>that part in fifty shades of grey where they argue over how many shades of grey there are and end up counting them

>that part in blood meridian when there was blood on the ground

>that part in othello when othello

>that part in Stoner where they get stoned

>that part in christine when shit got real

>that part in canterbury tales when they go to canterbury and tell tales

>that part in Don Quixote where they don the Quixote

>that part in infinite jest when jest is felt infinitely

>that part in middlemarch where they marched in the middle

>that part in the wheel of time when it's taking too long already

>that part in fear and loathing in las vegas when they went to las vegas and were afraid and full of loathing

>that part in animal farm when they went to the farm and saw the animals

>tp in the crying of lot 49 when they start crying

>that part in 1984 when it was 1984

>that part in anti-oedipus when user slept with his father and killed his mother

>that part in crime and punishment when he commits the crime and is punished later

>that part in the road where theyre on a road

>that part of 2666 where the same things happen 2666 times

That part in Remembrance of Things Past when they remember the past.

This one is pretty good

>that part in Call of the Wild where Buck feels the Call of the Wild and it's a grand old time

>that part in master & margarita where he finally masters margarita mixing

>that part in no country for old men where all the old men get deported

>that part of the Odyssee when they go and see this guy named Oddy

>that part in senlin ascends where senlin ascends

>that part in House of Leaves when the kids make a house out of leaves to play in

>that part in the dictionary where they list the words

>that part in It where they do It

>that part in encyclopedia with the circles

>that part in Cloud of Unknowing when

>that part in V. where they find out that the real V. was the friendships they made along the way

>that part in Devil to Pay in the Backlands when he doesn't pay the Devil in the backlands

>that part in the iliad when he gets ill yet goes to battle

Funeral parade of roses

>that part when title happens in book

>google canterbury
>it's a real place


>that part in the sorrows of young werther when the young werther has sorrows

>that part in the catcher in the rye where Holden catches the kids in the rye field

>that part when it's like poetry, it rhymes

Actually, though.


>then spoke agamemnon, saying unto diomedes "it is unfortunate you have fallen ill, i ‘ad hoped to ride out together in the morning"

WTF it’s real

>That scene in Steppenwolf when he steppe on the wolf

this is freaky because I just edited a plain text version of a PLMA article about Things Fall Apart for my lab that had extraction errors. I had never heard about it until last night.

>that part in Philosophical Investigations when Philosophy is under investigation

that part in no longer human when he turned into a robot

>when the family leaves the house

>When it happen's here in it can't happen here

>That part in the Dark Tower when they arrive at the tower that happens to be dark

first time ive heard that book mentioned on here

>That part in The Apology when Socrates never apologizes.

>that part in ovid's metamorphoses where characters go through metamorphoses

But that was a good scene though

Except for the ending

best post

Terrible thread.

>that part in this thread where mcpoopy comes in

>that part it The Histories when he talks about history

>that part in the complete works that has all the authors works

>that part in the stories my grandma read to me where this

>That part in Gravity's Rainbow where you don't know what's going on

>That part in life where you want to stop

This shouldn't have gotten me as bad as it did.

Oh I remember that part.

I mean, nevermind, I don't. I think. Hm. What?


>That part in Gravity's Rainbow where the rocket makes a rainbow

>that part in Paradise Lost where paradise is actually misplaced

The only time there is a rainbow in the whole novel is in the wilderness when Slothrop sees it.

>that part in crime and punishment when the criminal is punished

pictured: raskolnikov

It's a really popular book in American HS


>that part in critique of pure reason where kant chemically distills reason and then writes a childlike, hamburger style, one page critique of it, focusing mainly on it's yucky color and taste

>that part in Veeky Forums where four chinese men named chan slave away at a server farm that hosts 80% smug anime girl reaction pics

>That part in the sequel where the jap takes over, and instead of improving conditions he starts whipping the 4 chans for misbehavior and converts a closet into the punishment room called "little nanking"
man that series got dark

>That part in the Gospel of Matthew when Jesus calls Matthew.

>that part in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix when they order the phoenix

>that part in The Magic Mountain where the mountain pulls a rabbit out of a hat

That part in Veeky Forums where people tried to name 4 things that weren't Jackie Chan.

>The part in The Fall of Hyperion when Atlas trips up Hyperion and he falls

>The part in Call of Cthulhu where they call out Cthulhu

>"What the hell I asked for a Big Mac!" the phoenix squawked.

>that part in Brave New World when the character goes into a new world and it is brave and new.

>that part in war and peace when after war comes peace

>that part in Gulliver's travels when Gulliver is travelling

It’s galled Gravity's Rinbow because rockets make parabolas which are shapes like rainbows and exist from gravity

> that part in The Gay Science where they measure the girth to prostate orgasm ratio

>that part in the thread where the first few responses are funny then everything turns to shit and 4 more threads are made after it

>Brave New New World

Your post is shit. Absolute SHIT.

>book straight up tells you there's no end
>you keep reading anyway

your fault desu

Made me laugh on the bus. Good job user

>that part in childhood's end when the protagonist has his bar mitzva

>that part in Nostromo when he is /our guy/

>tpw in The Abolition of Man where Man got btfo