ITT: Post Essential Red Pill Books For Your Ideology

I'll start:

Geneaology of Morals/Beyond Good and Evil - Nietzsche
Crime and Punishment - Doestoevsky
The History of Sexuality - Michel Foucault
The Truth in Painting - Jacques Derrida
The History of the Peloponnesian War - Thucydides
Orientalism - Edward Said
On the Social Contract - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The Territorial Imperative - Robert Ardrey
An Introduction to World Systems Analysis - Immanuel Wallerstein
Capital in the 21st Century - Thomas Piketty
The 2008 Annual Report of the US Federal Reserve - Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

As for some context I'm a National Socialist

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't have any specific ideology I just live my life
and enjoy every single moment of it because I know that this is all I have, and giving up myself to an ideology is just a waste of time and life.
However I do enjoy reading wide variety of books
Particularly Philosophy From Greeks to Present
Particularly Stoics, Marcus Aurelius etc.
For spirituality I subscribe to Vedanta which looks at every religion having some Truth
And no matter what I do I make sure I don't waste it because I know "memento Mori" I could've been dead by now. So no wasting time on bullshit

lol go fuck yourself with your laundry lists that you post as stand-ins for having any actual opinions and plans for action. the world doesn't need more blockheaded bookfuckers

>Capital in the 21st Century - Thomas Piketty
This is objectively trash.

Economist here, it isn't.

Economist too. It is.

Austrian "Economists" need not apply.

It's a waste of time .
Men can't live by ideology anymore, you'll get crushed by the system if you dare to show off.

>Plato - Republic
>Aristotle - Metaphysics
>Epictetus - Discourses
>Augustine - City of God
>Descartes - Meditations
>Hegel - Reason in History
>Kierkegaard - Sickness unto Death
>Heidegger - Being and Time
McIntyre - After Virtue

This list is full on social outcast.

the fact that you're both pretending that economists are a reliable authority on anything indicates that you're definitely not

I was going to post a list, but this is extremely close to the one I would have made


Nietzsche - Thus Spake Zarathustra
Raoul Vaneigem - Revolution of Everyday Life
Guy Debord - Society of the Spectacle
Baudrillard - America
Mark Fisher - Capitalist Realism
Anna Tsing - The Mushroom At The End Of The World
William Leonard Pickard - The Rose of Paracelsus
Colin Wilson - The Outsider
Lionel Snells - Thundersqueak
Gordon White - Chaos Protocols

>Alt-left entrepreneur

What would yours have that mine didn't? Curious

>Entire Freud oeuvre
>Rationalist and Empiricist thinkers

Idk my ideology. I find myself drawn to right wing thinkers and edgy /pol/ tier stuff, but deep down i'm an open minded person and I feel like I truly identify more with liberals. I have positive opinions towards left wing economic ideologies, I support the typical liberal's policy goals of universal healthcare, subsidised education, higher progressive taxes etc, but I also can't deny some of the red-pills about race and some far-right ideology/causes. I kind of just like jumping on the bandwagon of flavour of the month ideologies that /pol/ cooks up.

SIEGE by James Mason
The Turner Diaries by William Luther Pierce
The Lighting and the Sun by Savitri Devi
How to Bomb the US Gov't by MDE
My Twisted World by Elliot Rodger
Helter Skelter: the true story of the Manson Murders by Vincent Bugliosi
PURE by Peter Sotos
A Thousand Plateaus by Deleuze and Guattari
Special Forces Guerrilla Warfare Manual by Wimberley Scott
Mindfuckers;: A source book on the rise of acid fascism in America, including material on Charles Manson, Mel Lyman, Victor Baranco, and their followers By David Felton
Adolf Hitler the Ultimate Avatara and NOS: the book of the resurrection by Miguel Serrano
Imperium by Francis Parker Yockey

I consider myself a moderate liberal

Is this in Northern Ireland?

The Culture of Critique- Kevin B Macdonald

Without a doubt the most compelling thing I've read in a long time.


a third, other economist here. This.

>I only care about myself and my wellbeing
Your life is pointless then. Please roll over and die.

what is the truth of painting about?

> Bible, KJV
> Liber Null and Psychonaut
> Being and Nothingness
> The Red Book
> Fear and Trembling
> World as Will and Representation Volume I

My ideology is a work in progress along very strange lines.

PI - wittgenstein
ego and its own - stirner
being and time - heidegger
zarathustra - nietzsche
storm of steel - junger
reign of quantity - guenon
enneads - plotinus
the stranger - camus
amsterdam stories - nescio
nihil unbound - brassier
simulacra and simulation - baudrillard

No one does otherwise, amigo. Don't kid yourself.

that would be against his ideology

Foucault was actually an esoteric reactionary eurasianist 5th columinist like guenon, his goal was to further Ayatollah Khomeini's glorious Islamic Revolution via the subversion of the west through crowleyite homosexual sex magick

Autoerotic asphyxiator
Secretly watches Blacked

yeah, i had a professor mention just this point last week.

Stop watching Peterson.

>The History of the Peloponnesian War - Thucydides

Lyotard - The Postmodern Condition
Lyotard - Inhuman
Baudrillard - Forget Foucault
Baudrillard - Utopia Deferred
Virilio - Negative Horizon
Land - Thirst For Annihilation
Land - Fanged Noumena
Fukuyama - Our Posthuman Future
Fromm - Anatomy of Human Destructiveness
Deleuze - both volumes of Capitalism and Schizophrenia
Meillassoux - After Finitude
Bostrom - Superintelligence
Mackay - #Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader

>having an ideology


I unironically love Foucault as a writer but he was a total fucking failure as a historian. You really can't take any of his claims at face value. His only real contribution was to highlight some fun localized memes that he then generalized into broad narratives that utilized his ideas about Power.

I dont know what to call myself ideologically
>Epictetus - the enchiridian
>Nietzsche - the birth of tragedy
>Schopenhauer - on the suffering of the world (collection of 9 essays)
>Seneca - On the shortness of life
Solzhenitsyn - One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich
Dostoevsky - crime and punishment
Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451

Lmao who made this

>National Socialist
>Reading books

My sides

On Power - Jouvenal
Public Opinion - Lippman
Political Parties: A Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy - Michels
Government by Judiciary - Berger

>posts a mixture of texts that would skew left with centrist and conservative texts
>none of them are fascist in any appreciable way even Nietzsche
>is NEETSOC of course
hey how many NEETSOC nations are there?

R3D PILL ME BRO, ok will do
>Simulacra and Simulation - Baudrillard
>The Vision Machine - Virilio
>Understanding Media - McLuhan
>Leviathan - Hobbes
>Kapital - Marx
>Man & Technics - Spengler
>The Question Concerning Technology - Heidegger
>Phenomenology of Spirit - Hegel
>Dialectic of Enlightenment - Adorno
>A Treatise of Human Nature - Hume
>Faust - Goethe
>Oedipus The King - Sophocles
>Man and His Symbols - Jung
>Tractatus Logico Philosophicus - Wittgenstein

Right here

Hahaha, I know national socialists aren't generally known for their intellectual powers, but seriously, you must really have a low opinion of yourself to spend the time defining your ideological identity in terms of some book titles. You remind me of like a stupid teenager with a bad self image who shoves their identity as 'emo' in people's faces and has a list of crappy bands instead of a personality.


Nietzsche, Foucault and Derrida are all essential fascist authors

The Art of Rhetoric
How to Win an Argument
The Prince
Atlas Shrugged
Mein Kampf
Lord of The Rings
The Holy Qu'ran

>The Machiavellians - James Burnham
>Liberty and Equality - Erik von Kuenheildt-Leddhin
>Unqualified Reservations (blog) - Mencius Moldbug
>View from the Right (blog) - Lawrence Auster
>Various Works - Hillaire Belloc
>Various Works - Paul Gottfried
>After Virtue - Alasdair MacIntrye

>Liber Null and Psychonaut

So, nothing?


The Foundation for Exploration - Sean Goonan

I wish that were the case, else we wouldn't have self-flagellating progressive white cucks subverting Western ideals.

What western ideals are those? What have you done lately to improve yourself or your civilization?

As someone who's been crushed by the system and continues to give a large and public middle finger to the enslavers, I'll say that you should stand up for your ideology anyway.

The fact that the rulers can terrify people into self-restraining ideological discourse is the only strength they have.

Show them that we are not afraid, and it sets the stage for their collapse.

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."

c'mon man, foucault's a fucking reactionary

You are on Veeky Forums, the extended arm of /pol/.

OP's bait. Worked really well.

Reactionaries want to ban the possession and trafficking of red pills and dissolve blue pills and put them in the water supply.

That's pretty much their whole philosophy.

Mein Kampf-Adolf Hitler
Industrial Soceity and it's future-Ted Kaczynski
Might is Right-Ragnar Redbeard
Conan (all short stories)-Robert E howard