Do people even like Ezra Pound...

Do people even like Ezra Pound? His poetry is shit and he just drops a ton of obscure references to trick people into thinking he's a genius. He's basically T.S. Elliot minus the talent.

I mostly agree but his translation of the Seafarer is a masterpiece.

No one likes Ezra Pound's poetry.

But it was immensely influential. An entire generation of poets took his ideas and ran with it, leaving Pound to wallow in antisemitism.

I really like Usura, but only when I heard him read it.

what about his poetry was actually influential? like, what would poetry be like now if there was never Pound?

I mean yeah, of course, people like Ezra Pound, but obviously you would never get a straight answer for this board and you're not even actually asking anyway, you're just projecting your opinions.

He is literally the Rupi Kaur of his time.



You're a truly terrible reader.

I'm still correct. He is literally Rupi Kaur. I could call you a terrible reader for not getting Rupi and be just as right.

No you couldn't.


Yes I could and I will. You don't understand Rupi. Most people here don't realize how much goes into her poems. They take time and effort to make.

just a chad that played the cosmopolitan meme

What else would he do? He was born in fucking Idaho

I'm not well read compared to the people Pound was writing for, and I still get most of the references. His use of languages I can't read prevents my full immersion in much of his poetry, but I still enjoy it.

But this is good you fucking nonce

I actually don't necessarily deny that. They may share effort with Pound but they don't read like Pound regardless of how much I enjoy either of them.

he was a fraud who didn't even know chinese

You forgot the semicolon at the end of the first line and that poem is great you lil bitch

honestly rupi kaur cant even write something like this

this has much more rhythmic and syllabic complexity than anything I've seen of Kaur's

Pound is great. You're an idiot.

Confirmed:- Pound is great.
Also confirmed:- OP is an idiot.

Pound stature re-checked - still great.

I'm currently taking a class taught by Richard Sieburth, editor and commentator upon almost every New Directions edition of Pound's work, and he's really changing how I view Pound. Sieburth is to Pound as, say, Bloom is to Hart Crane

Unironically very good

any insights you can share?

The use of assonance in the place of rhyme is a nice touch for a couplet, and it has some semblance of rhythm without using a specific metre. I fucking hate free verse and am willing to admit this is tolerable. Kaur doesn't even seem literate in comparison.

On topic, isn't pound best known as a patron and supporter of poets at the time? It seemed like everyone had Pound backing them up at some point or another.

>T.S. Elliot minus the talent.
>Eliot has any talent at all

No, you are not correct.

What the fuck is with Veeky Forums and having shitty taste in poetry lately? Has all the ironic Rupi Kaur posting become unironic?

this guy is a faggot as well

care to explain how Eliot has any discernable talent?

His poem about Jesus as told by one of the Apostles as an angry Scotsman is great and everyone knows it

Did pound weigh... wait for it... a pound?

outrageous bait. nicely done

care to show a state issued ID that shows that you're old enough to post on this board?

He most likely weighed a pound of something at some point in his life.

what does that have to do with Eliot's talent and whether or not it can be discerned?

also probably paid a pound for a few things which is better since it all iterates

what a dad joke

he once referred to himself as Ezekial Ton in a letter

elliot literally called pound 'il miglior fabbro' you moron

yeah but what does that even mean? I can't speak Sanskrit or whatever

The best faggot