Were they metaphysical occultists?

Were they metaphysical occultists?

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No but the hippy movement of the 50s and 60s was

Then what's with all the

in a """philosophical""" discussion with someone you have never spoken to before, please remember to define your terms first/as early as possible, to avoid sentence to sentence discussion being a waste due to incongruent comprehension of term meanings, in this instance:
metaphysical occultists


nerd, are you maybe a metaphysical occultist?

You have no idea what you are talking about

I know


didnt the nazi movement contain a hippy movement with their volk stuff? the diyonisian white dresses flowers in the hair milk maiden in the eternal wheat fields opposite the fascistic apollo

what is not metaphysical occultism? The difference between animal and human? I suppose quite a number of humans might not be metaphysical occultists, or at least not of their own awareness and accord

seeing above^... yes? are you not?

yes, they were orthodox heideggerians. sad!

read pic related

Germany was decades ahead of every country. They had their hippie movement in the 1920s. Back to the landers, vegans, nudists, free love, neopagans, occultism, Communists, etc. Nazism was basically the synthesis of it all. Not antithesis. Synthesis.

its easier when the freaks are close to your genetic brother to not so hate them

Himmler was and so were some others but Hitler's views of God and his role in history were rather simplistic.

that's giving them too much credit
in reality, they were just brainlets

>its easier when the freaks are close to your genetic brother to not so hate them
though sometimes for some folks the exact opposite is true


yeah, like "why does that guy, something akin to my genetic brother, get to frolic in the meadows valleys with the bier ent musik ya vit zee toga and zee znaked zmelly zluts ya prancing arount making z baskets and trinkets, playing the uber homo mandzolin, vhile vi vav do spend zine entire life buildzeeburgering zan zempire ztate zize builtzerbuncherhowzer rail gun...its not fair, zo..everyone must only build guns and we need to conquer all the lands so I can have fields of my own"

why do you think there is no literature related to the subject?

They tried to revive old Germanic religion/pageantry.

If anything, they were pagan scum. Deserved to lose lmao.


Fuck on off back to /pol/ idiot. Hitler was a Christian.

Except orgies and homosexuality were an everyday occurrence in most if not all Pagan traditions you fucking idiot.

Oh man these 18th century drawings are just like me

Dragging in Hitler out of nowhere
Yeah, though the Pic is Varg, there were/are homosexual blackmetallists that see homosex as the vest way to thwart god.
>Bible says it's bad to spill semen on the floor, but what if you put it in an anus, or better a man's anus (because it could drip from the female anus to the vagane)? That would make him crazy.
That's basically how they argued it. But Varg was a bit more nazi styled.

Both ancient and modern Christianism and all that has its
root therein is the negation of everything grand, noble, generous,
heroic, and the glorification of everything feeble, atrocious,
dishonorable, dastardly. The cross is now, and ever has been, an
escutcheon of shame. It represents a gallows, and a Semite slave
swinging thereon. For two thousand years it has absolutely
overturned human reason, overthrown common sense, infected the
world with madness submissiveness, degeneracy.

>"but-but, muh pagans were orgy loving homos"
Nope. Tacitus wrote about the German Tribes attitude to homosexuality that
>"Traitors and deserters are hanged on trees; cowards, shirkers, and sodomites are pressed down under a wicker hurdle into the slimy mud of a bog."
Tacitus also wrote about how they treated sex and women
>"By such means is the virtue of their women protected, and they live uncorrupted by the temptations of public shows or the excitements of banquets. Clandestine loveletters are unknown to men and women alike. Adultery is extremely rare, considering the size of the population. A guilty wife is summarily punished by her husband. He cuts off her hair, strips her naked, and in the presence of kinsmen turns her out of his house and flogs her all through the village. They have in tact no mercy on a wife who prostitutes her chastity. Neither beauty, youth, nor wealth can find her another husband. No one in Germany finds vice amusing, or calls it 'up-to-date' to seduce and be seduced. Even better is the practice of those states in which only virgins may marry, so that a woman who has once been a bride has finished with all such hopes and aspirations. She takes one husband, just as she has one body and one life. Her thoughts must not stray beyond him or her desires survive him"

Are you even German or just a larping Amerifatty?


The Scatmen

my ancestors :)

So the german tribes had the same atittude towards sex as christians, nice

Read Miguel Serrano, nigger.

Were you an idiot?

Nope, not from America. Also, Germanic doesn't refer to specifically German, the English, Scandinavians, Dutch, etc are all Germanic.
>t.butthurt christcucks who got btfo and have no arguments
Great and powerful governments, Commanding Peace,
come into existence only in ages of decadence; when nations are on
the downward grade. If the human animal lives a natural, cleanly
life, out on the plains and forests away, where oceans rollers crash
along the shore, or on the banks of the pouring rivers he requires no
police-force to 'protect' him — no usurious Jew to rob him of his
harvests — no tax-gathering legislators to vote away his property,
and no 'priests of the Idol' to 'save' his soul.

Nah, I'm butthurt you try to claim Varg/Blackmetal as German scatmen.

So you exist in a fantasy world where you'd larp as an plains Indian. Dumb ass French cuck, real German here, we don't like you. Your hostility to Christianity is founded on a meme, you can't conjure a religion based solely around your racial makeup.

Varg is actually against homosexuality, degeneracy, racemixing, which is what the Germanic tribes were against.

Why are you trying to call the Germanic Tribes "scatmen"? Is it because you're a butthurt christcuck?

No doubt our ancestors were somewhat rude in their
manners, somewhat deficient in sweetness and culture, but in
manners of frozen fact they were decidedly logical. They did not
sneak to public meetings and swagger about 'Liberty,' 'Justice,' and
'Equality of Opportunity,' or 'Rights of Man,' when they knew full
well that not only their lives, but everything they nominally
possessed was 'by leave' of their conquerors and proprietors. They
accepted their position pro-tern, and when again ready, honestly re-
entered the doom-ring to test anew their Fate.

If they could come alive again how those old Pirates and
Freebooters would stare in shame and scorn at the sight of their
'tenderfoot' posterity, walking up in solemn, horny-handed, hump-
backed procession in shoddy rags, before an idol-altar called a
ballot-box, dropping into its gilded maw, printed invocations for
Justice, Mercy, Liberty, "Peace in our time O! Lord" —
Protection,— Cheap Money,— "more laws! more laws! more laws!"
How our blonde, clean-limbed ancestors would guffaw? Indeed,
they would probably keep on guffawing, till they guffawed
themselves to death again.

"Oh!" they would say:— "to think that our seed should have
sunk so low!"

hippy movement was influenced a great deal by nazis. hippies were basically crypto nazis

"Larp as a plains indian"? The Germanic tribes lived with nature, cuck. All human tribes lived with nature before (((They))) came along. The Germanic tribes had no cities or roads or civilisation.

You're not a "real german" you're a civilised, urbanised cuck. And I'm not french.

The real Germanic Tribesmen would have drowned degenerates like you in bogs

Ok, but the real Germanic tribesmen turned into civilised, urbanised cucks, so they aren't going to be drowning anybody.


>National Socialism

I thought you guys read here, try cracking open an Anthro101 book.

>tfw you will never wander with your bros to go to a book burning

I don't try, I did it twice already. I'm not Christian, you like me to be though? And Yeah I already said Varg was a bit nazi themed but he isn't 'blackmetal' (though he liked to claim it).
Hey, if you don't like homosenuals tell them and get them to btfo of your anus, why go austic about it and tell everyone how you don't like something someother fag does like.

Only because of (((Christianity))).
When did I say varg was "black metal" black metal is degenerate and is shitty, his ambient work is better.

I was making a point how the Germanic tribes drowned sodomites in bogs and didn't tolerate whoredom. Butthurt.

Patience, user...

whatever Bub I don't think you are ver smart.

Every day we grow nearer.

Well that picture is from Varg in his blackmetal fase, not his gnome larping fase...
>his ambient work is better.
Oh okay, and you are wondering why I call the German tribes scatmen.

White Germans are thoroughly outpopulated by browns now.

They're fucking doomed.

Yes but wrong occultism based on fucking nothing

There's more Germans than have ever existed at any time before.

Those Vrill cuties though

>Ctrl+F 'thule'

WTF is wrong with you people?

the whole new age movement was infested with crypto nazis from its inception

Should we begin culling before its too late?

>contributes nothing

Read Wittgenstein

Then realize defining your terms is hopeless because all the words you define are composed of symbols, thus beginning an infinite regression of defining symbols, never reaching any conclusion as to what the meaning of [insert symbol here] is

If that were true, how did you understand what Wittgenstein was staying?

He didn't, he understood what he thought Wittgenstein was saying. We'll never truly know what he was trying to say, just as you'll never know what I am nor me you.

From 1933 the Nazis outlawed the Wandervogel, German Scouting, the Jungenschaft, and the Bündische Jugend, along with most youth groups independent of the Hitler Youth. Only Church-affiliated groups survived, lasting until almost 1936


b-ut i have not clue what you are saying i dont know what those or these words mean i am speaking to my self right now guessing these squiggly lines were written to say they mean something and now am just guessing that I am trying to think with instincts that something means something my ignorance but i am trying to express it with purely feelings and vibes and understand noone can ever know what these words mean because self referential definitions that can be agreed upon and pointed to actions and objects are impossible

Yeah no shit, they consolidated their competitors into a single group. What is surprising about this?


Most of those subcultures weren't actually that popular in the 1920s.

I can feel the fedora through the computer...

???? Metaphysics is a primary concern of occultism. From the corpus hermeticum to blavatsky

No, most were Christian, some were pagan, some were occultists

The roots and leadership were occult.