French Culture

Anyone know of any good books that provide context and understanding of French culture for, say, someone from an American perspective?

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ask /pol/ and they'll redpill you

Leonardo DiCaprio's character in Django Unchained

I'm from /pol/, so I already have the redpill perspective on this. I'm looking for something more balanced and less political.

dude the jews did it

Are books expensive in France and only considered to be a bourgeois pasttime?

That only happens in america

>an American perspective
Why would that even matter?

I mean yes and no. Jews have had a pretty profound influence on French culture, and were certainly supportive of the revolution that emancipated them. I'm not really interested in things that are blatantly obvious though, more like questions of the Catholic influences and geographic/environmental influences on French culture.

Because I'm a Buttmerican and so I can really only understand different cultures from the perspective of my "culture", if you want to call it that.

cont. If it's any consolation, I can read German as well, so anything they've written would be acceptable too.

books are cheap and everywhere. you can buy dante and houellebecq at any ruddy train station for less than 15 euro

>writing in german is being a german

French culture is the most pretentious shit ever.


Read some biography on Voltaire. You get to know the genesis of french culture with their cafes and shit.

>implying I meant this is contributing to this thread

Thanks, gentlemen. Cheers.

>culture for someone from an american perspective

What a beautiful expression. These kind of videos come to mind.

Or these

beautiful video, thanks

Where did you get that picture of my mother in law?

is everyone in france thin and arrogant?