Lord Nicholas Land first of his name, Esquire

Can anyone tell me what this guy actually believes? Does he have a coherent philosophy or is it just a bunch of mumbo jumbo?

He's just a stupid shitposter trying to pretend life is more interesting than it is by LARPing Lovecraft is real through mythologizing his naive understanding of computers
Entertaining but embarrassing to take seriously as a grown man

Give me some sample beliefs

the older I get the more Zizek looks like an intellectual and Land looks like a pseud

Basically this. He wants bad things to happen because that way something something future AI capitalism timegod.

He believes that the best thing to do is become as cold and autistic as possible, either that or kill yourself. He tried to escape his self but went crazy because he used speed.

>He believes that the best thing to do is become as cold and autistic as possible

Because, reasons...

try reading one of his books, retard. i know your add rattled brain can't handle anything longer than a Veeky Forums shitpost, but second hand opinions from retards on the internet aren't a substition for real philosophy.

>Give me some sample beliefs

>Whatever the conclusion, it is clear that entropy and extropy have opposing time-signatures, so that time-reversal is a relatively banal cosmological fact. ‘We’ inhabit a bubble of backwards time (whoever we are), whilst immersed in a cosmic environment which runs overwhelmingly in the opposite direction. If reality is harsh and strange, that’s why.


kek. Sounds like something a sophomore engineering major would say when stoned out of their mind

maybe im a brainlet but idgi. Is he saying human life is characterized by entropy/extropy (one of them) whereas the universe around us is characterized by the opposite one thus leading to conflict between the two? If so, which is characterized by which according to him.? Seems to me both are basically characterized by extropy since both the universe and organic life are expanding (minus the setback of individual deaths, overall life is growing more advanced/powerful through humanity). fuck now i sound like a pseud

The universe is entropic.
Civilization is extropic.

Reducing disorder mean going against the cosmos itself.

>The universe is entropic.
Is there an actual scientific consensus on that? I'm not really a science-y guy, so I don't know much about that.

life itself is extropic, as are many things in nature. A subset of a system going against the overall behaviour of the system as a whole isn't something special. He also ignores the role of qualia like most AI techno-fags

He links it to time which makes for an interesting perspective.

Tendency is future. Rejection is reversal.

Any closed system is necessarily entropic. The Universe itself is by definition is not closed though so we have no fucking idea.

could you explain that analogy? didn't get it. Also, I think it's worth pointing out that although physically civilization is extropic (not really tho b/c heat release and fossil fuel burning, just qualitatively), in terms of qualia and spiritual life it's very likely that we are as entropic as anything in that we get further from God as time goes on depending on your religious views.

I don't think he wants bad things to happen, he just understands they are innevitable. It's true, if you read his twitter, he takes some smug arguably misanthropic glee in the future. But this is only because the events are so distant, they are merely science fiction is most peoples minds.

That said, you're naive to think capitalism will not continue to accelerate until the advent of something akin to the technological singularity. We won't merge with machines, they won't wipe us out in some appocalyptic war ala Terminator. They will simply leave us behind after it's understood we are just apes adding noise to the machine.

only plebs talk in terms of entropy/extropy as if they were closed and final tendencies. patricians know everything is actually cyclical

>implying anything changes at all

Take the stillpill.

>not distinguishing between being and becoming
>not realizing the phenomenal world is the divine play of god through his feminine shakti

>clinging to dualism

>he fell for the duelism non-duelidm duality

I'll let it go if you let go of the being and becoming duality.

this thread is a fucking embarassment

YO heres my theory
The universe is infinite right and theres infinite number of universes right
So the likeliehood that theres an exact copy of our world out there is 100% just because the universe is so big and theres so many
But taking this conjecture further, we can conclude that theres actually different worlds too
Frodo and middle earth is literally real guys
so is harry potter

Nevermind I just realised I was clinging to the letting go and not letting go duality.


>he thinks that's dualism
>he doesn't realize brahman and his shakti are no more separate then fire and its power to burn, and any perceived actual cleavage between the two is purely a human error

I'm more of a trinity guy myself

Pajeet.. easy on the ganga

who /aghori/ here?

they're 2spoopy4me