The point of reading a fictional novel or writing one is____________________

the point of reading a fictional novel or writing one is____________________


to prove one's virility to other low status males.


what the fuck happened to this board

but user I thought you'd like it

my name isn't user

Kill yourself

what's your name then, non-user?

god I genuinely wish these were me

Janis is an uggo hack and you and this boomer music need to end

I do it for fun

are you angry at something in your life?

only that you haven't rid us of your existence

oh honey. I know how it feels, I drew you this picture.

get testicular torsion

I hope you have a really lovely day!

well you can make that happen

I know! I have tons of cat pictures.

end yourself

love yourself

I do. Just kill yourself

I'm here to spruce up your thread


