''The weight of the gun in Jason's hand surprised him. 'How heavy,' he wondered, 'is the human soul?''

>''The weight of the gun in Jason's hand surprised him. 'How heavy,' he wondered, 'is the human soul?''

Why do we like this guy again?

Cuz he made O!Nolan write At-swim-two-birds.

Oh, wait, no, that was O!Nolan's worst book

If you post again I'm telling your mom and she'll take away your computer privileges.

in what ways for what reasons do you not comprehend the greatness of that line?


Why do you think it's so great?

because considering the human soul: considering the (ambiguous concept) of the weight of the human soul (weight meaning, worth? depth? strength?) in relation to holding a gun, right after a misdirect of multiple meanings of terms, is pretty nifty and cute and sweet and swell, but how swollen of an idea is it, he wondered

lol I figured it wasnt joyce, but forgot to look up before I responded.. I thought he didnt wouldnt use Jason as a character name


Thanks for letting me pick your brain

>Why do we like this guy again

Arse full of farts

>doesnt get it
is not aware a monkey has vomited in the Musuem of Greatest Human Achievements before

Once i was drunk at a party and said something mildly pretentious and some chick said "let me dissect your brain!" to me and i freaked out and left


That's from family guy

>he doesn't recognizer T.S. Eliot's most famous line

That line is a nexus of amazing. It is the hand of god type shit. The only poorly chosen word is 'wondered', but the lack of synthesis is conspicuous. It breaks the fourth wall and commands the reader. Thanks for pointing this out.

Tbqh his funniest book is precisely the one in which Joyce is a centenarian devout catholic who didn't understand Ulysses or why it was praised.

ITT: Veeky Forums gets baited into praising a line written by pic fucking related


>thinks a cartoon character was the one who wrote his line
ok buddy...
*walks away slowly...and then quickly*

You know what i meant you fuck

how many episodes of family guy are there? 500? bound to be some good lines here and there

Paolo Sorentino did it better

*runs after you*

Hey! We aren't finished here!