What do you mean you havent bought already '12 Rules for Life' by Jordan Peterson, Veeky Forums?

What do you mean you havent bought already '12 Rules for Life' by Jordan Peterson, Veeky Forums?

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Reading it right now

Now cum on it

What do you mean you havent bought already 'Formalism in Ethics and Non‑formal Ethics of Values' by Max Scheler, Veeky Forums?

>reading Peterson before reading his influences
>not even starting with maps of meaning
You're the reason Peterson fans are blanketed as Reddit-tier

I think about 70% of "go back to r-ddit" posting is actually well deserved, the other 30% being the type of /pol/ spam that shits up the board. But I really don't think this is a fair connection to make, and furthermore I think the people who have the biggest problem with the non-issue is r-dditors themselves.
Had to censor for spam filters.

The more intelligent among you might want to look into Curt Doolittle

>100000000 Peterson threads spamming the board every day
>if you complain and want Veeky Forums to be about lit you're told to go back to r*ddit

/pol/ is the best that could happen to this board. I recall years ago this board would be filled with waifu shit and camwhores and attention whoring trips. Now theres nothing of that bullshit, pure distilled funposting.

Can someone track the metadata from the photo and send a hitman to him?


reading now, basically a collection of his biblical lectures in book form

/pol/ salvaged this board. when i came here it was nothing but postmodern schlock and edgy leftist philosophers. now there are actual discussions about the jq and race realism.


I was reading his influences before I knew about him and watched his lectures already so, whilst I like him, I feel no need to buy the book

I think you're responding to the wrong post

Samefag, also hope this is bait

Because it's bland, unremarkable advice that will be forgotten in six months

Why the fuck is writing self-help bullshit alright now? I don't care if he's Veeky Forums's favorite daddy figure, this is trash.



i'll pirate it but i won't buy it. i hate jordan peterson and don't want to give him money

Nice one OP

>timestamping a book like it's some kind of illegal or esoteric item

Why buy what you can steal.

>someone thinks different to me? Must be a joke, because im always right ok?

You know what was posted is true. This board was pure unironic commie pomo trash, want proof? See the books the community wrote, pure "ironic" garbage "for the lulz", fun and all you want, but shallow and void as fuck, insincere.

I really hope, and please screencap this, i really hope Veeky Forumss 3rd book is a self help book. It just has to happen.

>wanting to better yourself is bad
Hmm who could be behind this post?

Veeky Forums seems pretty evenly divided to me, maybe it only seems commie dominated because you're used to /pol/? there are tons of over educated faggots here, of course a bunch will be marxists.

>/pol/ salvaged this board.

>/pol/ is intellectual

This, there were always plenty of deep discussions about politics, but it was all intellectual discussion, to a certain degree (as far as actual seriousposting). We didn't see spam of dumb /pol/ bs all the time.

That's a pretty stupid take m8

Peterson says that in killing god, postmodernism took away an order that had us act like nice people and invited in things like the Nazis, but like what about the evils of imperialism like the herero genocide?

>no verified checkmark
remind me why i should give a fuck about some literally whomst?

>/pol/ BTFO'd in one Twitter post
>damage control ensues

You mean Peterson?


Nice pony.

You newkiddos dont need to timestamp

Just take a picture of the book, we believe you.

Just as I thought, nobody actually gives a shit what he says as long as he's blasting lefties faithful pol doggies will lap up any cursory mention of their lost ideology

this book is for soyboys like you
how many pony collectibles you at?

My teenage years were difficult and in secrecy I had developed my own rules of life. I almost departed from the most important one because of social pressure. I keep a honour code. It is harsh.

hey, me too!

Is the most important one "don't have sex before marriage," or "don't do drugs"?

>Buying self help books

Why is it that the people who hate Peterson the most always have some sort of daddy issues?

/pol/fag please. I bet you were the same idiots who were still mad that Randposting was laughed at 24/7


For me it's because Jordan Peterson is my dad

They're also typically fat ugly manlets who have failed in every aspect of life

It is the exact opposite. Peterson defense force like to talk about how he fix their shit life with self help shit.

People who blindly love him and hate him didn't have a father figure while growing up. Peterson's impressionable fans just take his advice while the ones who hate him bitterly reject it. Different sides of the same fatherless coin.

hi tolstoy

I've read Maps of Meanings and watched too many of his lectures videos to have any interest in it. This territory is mastered; time to move to next frontier.

You sound like a faggot

Jesus look at that stubby little thumb.

hey, there's that faggot word again