The rise of new wave Christianity is going to bring a new Nietzsche, stay tuned!

The rise of new wave Christianity is going to bring a new Nietzsche, stay tuned!

>new wave Christianity

>Synthwave Christianity

>new wave Christianity

the Veeky Forums islamphobe christianity revivalists will cringe themselves out after passing to a novel fedora

It's all just LARPing my boy

Christianity is dying quickly. Its more like a wounded dog at this point. Someone needs to shoot it and put it out of its misery.


That's completely wrong. 1.) There can't be a new Nietzsche, his influence was far too original and iconoclastic. 2.) If anything, we're due for a new Christianity being brought about as a response to Nietzsche's ideas subtly permeating society for over 100 years.

But that's basically Jordan Peterson

Deus Vult fags were a mistake.

>Veeky Forums isn't a christian board anymore

>implying religion holds any value in modern society

>implying postmodernity doesn't make religion possible again

>If anything, we're due for a new Christianity being brought about as a response to Nietzsche's ideas

are you some sort of faggy new age pagan that believes everything goes in cycles

>implying everything doesn't go in cycles
Linear time is for the philosophically inept

>Christianity is dying quickly.
Nice atheist meme. Christianity is growing, atheism is what's dying.

There's always a new modern waiting for you around the corner.

>new Nietzsche

So a self-hating fuck who gets syphilis on purpose and dies in a nut house?


Absolute cyclical time is sophomoric philosophy.
>the seasons go round, the stars go round : therefore, all time must go round and round!

The truth is a series of mini-cycles within an overall linear structure. Time has a beginning and an end, and is moving towards its perfect fulfilment in eternity.

We have enough fucking wiggers already

>The prime anti-Western fantasy for our age, however, was expressed by Nietzsche. Two years after hearing the piano score of Wagner's epoch-making opera Tristan and Isolde, Nietzsche made a lifelong commitment to sexual revolution by deliberately infecting himself with syphilis in a Leipzig brothel. Thomas Mann saw in that gesture an act of "demonic consecration." Whatever the motivation, Nietzsche was outraged when Wagner had second thoughts. When Wagner "prostrated himself before the cross" by writing Parsifal, Nietzsche flew into a rage not only against Wagner but against German music and all of Europe as well. Turning his disease-damaged eyes southward, he began to discern what he termed the "lewd melancholy" across the Mediterranean. As an antidote to Wagner's prostration before the cross, Nietzsche discovered Africa. "This music," Nietzsche writes, describing his impression of Bizet's Carmen, "is lively, but its liveliness is neither French nor German. Its liveliness is African. It has this destiny; its happiness is short, sudden, and without pardon. I envy Bizet, therefore, because he has the courage to give impression to this sensibility, a sensibility which up 'til this time had no expression in European music, a more southern, browner, more burned sensibility. ... How the yellow afternoons of this happiness give us pleasure! We look out and believe that we have never seen the sea calmer. And how this moorish dance speaks to us so tranquilly! How even our insatiability learns satiety from its lewd melancholy! Finally we have a love that has been transposed back to nature. Not the love for of some "higher virgin"! No Senta sentimentality! Rather love as fate, as fatality, cynical, without guilt, cruel - and as a result just like nature. That love which is war in its means, and at its basis the deadly hatred of the sexes [my translation"

-E. Michael Jones "Degenerate Moderns"

If anything, The Church is becoming more traditionalist, contra the domesticated Protestant belief that Nietzsche was reacting to.

What a goon. I reckon Nietzsche lost it because he discovered the root justification for traditionalism but tried to pound it with the hammer of liberalism until his face and cock were a bloody pulp.

>If anything, The Church is becoming more traditionalist

>E. Michael Jones "Degenerate Moderns"
Impressive source

You're both wrong. Why doesn't that surprise me?

He's already here

wrong guy

>post punk Christianity

How can one man be so ahead of the curve