What are some cultural critique books, some leftist economical books...

What are some cultural critique books, some leftist economical books, just some critical academic books from the left that don't have much to do with Marxism? I've read some Bourdieu and those books were great.

I'm so tired of everything having to relate to this lineage ending up at Marx.

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How the fuck did you came to the conclusion that the man who created the concept of cultural CAPITAL hasn't been influenced by Marx?

le classikul libruls


You can be influenced by something without being subservient to it dummy. Marx himself owed a lot to Smith, but he still carved something separate on his own.

I am a right wing conservative and have started reading this. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debt:_The_First_5000_Years

The author is definitely on the left, but it has a lot of interesting ideas and doesn't devolve to marixsm (so far).

Google for PDF.

His ideas can be easily conjoined to Keynesian economics unlike a lot of other thinkers, that's why I mentioned him.

Nigger, so what, Bourdieu was VERY CLEARLY influenced by Marx, his fucking main thesis was an extension of Marx's own work.

He wasn't paranoid about a capitalist hegemony unlike the Situationists, which are the thinkers that have influenced a lot leftist thinkers. His thinking is compatible with current economics. Calm down mane, I'm here to discuss. Like I saidm being influenced by something doesn't mean one is beholden to most of its tenets.

What you're not getting is that his ideas are contingent to marx's notion of capital. And comparing him to situationists isn't productive at all, they have very little in common other than a preoccupation with the marketization of culture. That's like people who try to lump McLuhan and Debord together. They're much more different than they're similar.

Doesn't exist

There's plenty of them, Marx didn't create leftist thought or socialism. As a matter of fact, if you go to his wikipedia page right now you'll find some non-marxist leftist authors.

>books from the left that don't have much to do with Marxism
Marxism is the left. Literally.

>what is anarchism
>what is pre-marx socialism
>what is mystical / religious anarchism

Weber? Not sure if he classifies as leftist though


Relevant enough to have influenced Marx.

Anything written by Noam Chomsky.

Anarchism is a tertiary dimension, its right version is even the primary one.

God and State
The Conquest of Bread
Anything by Malatesta is good maybe try at the caffee(not sure about english title)

Even if we ignore there is no such thing as right wing anarchism, "anarchocapitalism" is just a kewl and edgy name to draw retarded CS majors to neoliberalism, the fact is that the vast majority of anarchists around the globe are of the leftist variation, it was founded by leftists, it has been kept alive by leftists and it's historically aligned with the left. Even post-left anarchism still measures itself by left anarchism, while ancaps are just edgy cunts who want to buy 11 yo lolis legally because they don't even have the spine to commit actual crimes (other than vaping weed).

The same is true for fascism and authoritarianism.

Left "anarchism" is built upon force, or at best coercion.
Right anarchism is built on "leave me alone".
Anarchism is the concept of small self-governing communities/give help=get help; it's literally "libertarianism" reduced to a few thousand.
People want to trade and compete, leftism is an impossible fantasy without tyranny.

Christopher Lasch, Jean-Claude Michea, C. Wright Mills