

Today I quit my big dick lawyer job to in order to write novels. I’m going to live off my savings for two years in a little shed in Zagreb. I’ll Tudor the locals in English as well, for a small fee. I’m 28, single, and fully prepared to die alone and unrecognized.

Any advice for me?

you are insane and will die of hunger so start beggin for your job back
t. fellow compatriot

I might not, though

well if you are single, alone and unrecognized than there's no real damage, but you might just give having a job, family and friends a chance if you are capable of those things

befriend the liquor store owner.

I’ve had a job. Utter shit way to live. Granted I was working 60+ hours a week, but still. Something something not buried til 75.

Go back to the office and beg for your old job back.


>Utter shit way to live
i agree, but that still isn't a reason to waste all your life savings and become an autist
at least join a convent or something of the sort if you want to check out of society

>Tudor the locals in English

I’m not in this to check out of society. I simply want control over my life. I plan to do freelance projects on the side to augment my savings.

Autocorrect... phone poster :/

Just making sure someone else noticed this. Thank u based tripfriend.


my man if this is not a larp you have lost your nut

do what you will, go and crush the author bit. when you are starving and if you have a philosophic bent go to a monastery and beg them to give you orders. you might do some good.

>I’m not in this to check out of society.
well, it's exactly what you are going to achieve
>I plan to do freelance projects on the side to augment my savings
unfortunately it doesn't work that way,
there is extremely little chance that you will do anything worthwile in this country and society
most likely you will fail, write a cheap generic book nobody will care about and waste your time and money

im a law student in zagreb and i hate every moment of my life, but I am not blind about the reality of life

Yes well interestingly the idea came to me as I was walking the stations of the cross in Sinj, and I had a sort of revelation that I must write.

Do you see a CBT therapist named Morrow?

No, should I?

>tfw T14 and have no intention of ever working in Big Law
can't wait to be broke

Make sure you take a solid dictionary with you and a good thesaurus. I don't know about Zagreb, but in Belgrade you can get a decent apartment for $400/month. You can send in journalism as a stringer--it's good writing practice and you will need the contacts. Travel light, light light. Teaching English? Part time only. ESL ain't that easy. Your employers will expect you to prepare lesson plans. Better would be part-timing in an "of counsel" relationship with a local law firm. Even if they think they don't need help with their precedents, they do. Also, all of their international contracts are in English. No international contracts? Now that you have an of counsel relationship, in they come. Register the firm with the US and UK embassies. You have a skill-don't throw it away.

It’s interesting. Biglaw is so very clearly a tremendous burden on one’s life. It is universally communicated to all that it isn’t worth the money, the harm to your health, or the emotional and psychological toll. And yet, people just can’t fucking stop doing it. Completely masochistic. No wonder lawyers can’t stop killing themselves.

I am not as brave as OP, but I have the same aspirations. Currently working in the west as an engineer. All I want to do is stockpile enough money to move back to balkans and focus on writing while living modestly.

OP here. Join me when you’re ready. I have a room in a 2 bedroom, $300 USD a month

why don't you try moving to the countryside
it might give you a better perspective on life

Hvala puno user

I would love to, but as of now I don't have enough savings to sustain myself. I have considered the countryside though. My father owns a piece of land with a small house, very cheap to live off of.

What’s your age, if you don’t mind me asking? As I am approaching thirty I feel my time is running out.

there's definitely a personality type that's well-suited for it, but that's rare. it's probably still worth doing for two or three years for the income/prestige/connections, but i suck at networking too much to realize any return.

i'd much prefer to get a clerkship, then shift to a small-town practice or get out of law entirely. i don't want to become a NYC-dwelling alcoholic

22, recently graduated from University. I feel like I already wasted most of my life doing the bare minimum and living like a lazy pleb. Only around two years ago I really got serious about my life.

well im 21 and my life dream is to start organic farming, live minimalistically and estranged from the world
i don't even know why did i get into law, but what can you do

I am seeking a similar future. When I abandon my job this August, may I join you in Zagreb? I have distant relatives in Dubrovnik.

I wish you the very best, user. I am doing a similar thing right now: quiting Uni, moving to Berlin to write. The closer the date of my actual move came the more anxious I felt, up until a couple of days ago when I was notified that one of my stories will be published in a magazine for experimental prose - gave me a huge boost in self-esteem that.

What topics are you gonna write about?

berlin user reporting in
hoffe du bist kein schwabe

I think you did the right thing quitting your job if you don't like it but the whole thing about wanting to becomr a writer is insufferable. It's not an occupation until you're actually a published author. Even then there's a reason why people supplement writing with other jobs (ie academic teaching).

I genuinely feel sorry for people who spend so much time here that they've convinced themselves there's something noble and realistic about writing for a living. If anything you should start writing for things that won't take up all your time. Not novels. Bloody hell.

ich habe, um ehrlich zu sein, keine wirkliche lokale Identität, da ich zeit meines Lebens viel umgezogen bin. Geboren in NRW, dann Umzug nach Sachsen, dann Bayern, Niedersachsen, wieder NRW und ab März dann Berlin.

Schreibst du selbst?

He has enough money for two years. Taking the time off to actually focus on writing, to hone his skills is really not that bad of an idea considering he has no financial pressure. He can always start working some shitty job again in the future.

Godspeed, you absolute savage.

Was going to post this. I like you Madame Butterfly.

War auch nur ein Scherz.
Nur nebenbei. Mache erst mal mein Studium fertig. Woran arbeitest du, dass du deine ganze Zeit darin investieren möchtest?

Good thing is that he'll/she'll either become a successful author or learn something more valuable along the way. Yes that sounds like something you'd read on Instagram.

Verstehe. Nunja, vor allem habe ich gemerkt, dass ich neben dem Studium nicht die Energie habe, um so zu schreiben, wie ich es möchte.

Im Grunde werde ich zwei Hauptprojekte verfolgen: einerseits werde ich versuchen eine Art literarisches Portfolio zu schaffen, mit dem ich mich, wenn zu dem Zeitpunkt das Interesse daran noch bestehen sollte, bei dem Leipziger Literaturinstitut bewerben kann. Andererseits experimentiere ich momentan mit der literarischen Verarbeitung des Internets. Mmn behandeln die meisten Literaten unserer Zeit das Internet auf eine dem Fernsehen, Zeitungen oder Büchern, zu ähnliche Art und Weise. Ich finde das unzufriedenstellend. Das Inernet ist die gleichzeitige Materialisierung und Apotheose extremster Intertextualität, und mir ist daran gelegen es zu erfassen. Ich weiß nur noch nicht wie und bin auch, ehrlich gesagt, noch ein zu schlechter Autor, um dieser Aufgabe gerecht zu werden. Diesen Mangel möchte ich beheben und das Studium ist mir dabei im Weg.

Was studierst du denn?

Yup, exactly right. It truly is an "experiment in living" in the Mill-ean sense.

Have fun slowly sinking into NEETdom and a deep crushing depression, I guess. You think you're going to spend your days immersed in literature and perfecting your prose, but you're really just going to end up staring at anime titties for 13 hours a day.

Ich studiere im STEM Bereich, für mich ist wohl jede literarische Hoffnung verloren wenn ich nicht Irgendwann wie OP einfach für ein paar Jahre aussteige.

Das ist eine faszinierende Idee, ich könnte mir das Thema aber kaum als klassischen Roman behandelt vorstellen. Das Buch selbst müsste ja aus einzelnen Fetzen bestehen die erst beim mehrfachen Lesen zu einem Sinn verschmelzen, zumindest wenn es das Internet auch in seiner Erscheinungsform widerspiegeln soll.
Wie finanzierst du dir dein Leben in der Zeit?

Read this.

Gardner has a lot of good, practical advice.

He talks about how to earn your living and goes into detail about which jobs are suitable if you're trying to write at the same time.

These are basically jobs that give you time and quiet and seclusion.

Most writers got their first book (or two, or three) done whilst they had another job; they only gave up the day job once they had a foot-hold in the market.

Things like night-porter, night-watchman, janitor have been popular (Carver had a night job at a hospital; Ted Hughes was a night-time security guard for a while.
Teaching is also very popular because it's possible to get a lot done in the long holidays (Stephen King, etc).

Anyway, I highly recommend it.

Ah, ich habe selbst einen Bachelor in Physik. Während des Physikstudiums habe ich nahezu nichts gelesen und geschrieben. Was meine Kreativität anging war ich so gut wie tot. Good times. Ich hoffe, dir geht es besser mit deinem Studium, wobei dein Eingangssatz auch zu keinem rosigen Bild ansetzt.

Und ja, ein Roman im klassischen Sinn wäre es definitiv nicht. Momentan tendiere ich zu einer Art Kollage aus roher Kommunikation und expressionistisch geprägter Weltbeschreibung in Richtung Arno Schmidt. Aber wirklich weit bin ich noch nicht. Erst wird der Umzug gestemmt, dann kann ich mich voll und ganz der Aufgabe widmen. Ich werde nebenbei auch versuchen klassischere Texte zu schreiben, aber mein Ziel ist es definitiv innovative "Kunst" (so inhaltsleer das Wort auch sein mag) zu machen. Das ich damit meine sowieso schon dürren Chancen auf einen möglichen Verdienst durch die Schreiberei noch weiter schmälere nehme ich in Kauf.

Ich habe das Glück ein paar Rücklagen sowie die großzügige Unterstützung meiner Eltern zu haben. Ein Leben im Luxus ist damit nicht möglich, aber außer Büchern, Internet und Nahrung brauche ich sowieso nichts. Ein paar Jahre bleiben mir also noch bis ich Bettdecke gegen Hungertuch tauschen muss.

Thanks user I’ll check it out

Yes, but he’s a bit old for this now isn’t he ... ?

Viel Erfolg!

See, I don't believe in being "too old" for trying out yourself. In the end it's also not much of an argument in cases where you really want to do something, as you will not be given another chance to do those things at an earlier point in time. To me this is the real meaning of the hollowed out and abused phrase "yolo". You only get to live once, to experiment once, to try and create something once. So if you truly have the desire to create then fucking do it. Sure, be realistic about it. It will very much hurt your chances of becoming some top-dog investment broker at a huge company, it will hurt any linear career, but if you really feel the need to create, to express yourself then do it, or you will regret it - of this I am sure.
Get your priorities in check and get shit done.

Vielen Dank. Vielleicht sieht man sich ja mal in den Straßen der Hauptstadt.

Good luck. You’re a lawyer so you’ve basically been writing for your whole career, even though it’s very different. Hope I have the courage to do this one day. Probably I’ll just bottle it up til I’m 50 then die with horrible regret.

planning to do this next year once i have enough money saved up. corporate life sucks balls.

Amen brother. What do you do / what age / where you gonna go?

Yeah you’re insane. Consciously fucking up your life for some romantic ideal that no longer exists. Sherwood Anderson quit his job to write full time, sure, but that’s because writing wasn’t a dying medium then. A hundred years later, the only remnants of that ideal are for people who quit their job and build an app. So learn code or die a novelless lawyer

engineer, 28, going to live near my family and probably do some occasional freelance work to sustain my savings

sO lEaRn cOde oR dIE a nOveLleSs LaWyEr!!!


>he doesn't even know how to write sublime prose yet and quit his job to write a novel
LMAOing @ ur life

You’re unequipped to recognize the divine nature of my prose.


writing is a dead profession only well connected people make a living off of it and they’re all political hacks like Zizek and Land. I’m sorry you fucked up, you should have quit to trade stocks and currencies or to learn to program. You’re going to be sorry in 2 years time unless you whore yourself for a best seller self help book

Write > publish > MFA > teach



then marry a gullible girl

What would that accomplish

you would fall into deeper depression, get addicted to morphine and eventually end up in a mental ward

This is the most Veeky Forums timeline

Prvo napiši nešto da vidiš jel uopće imaš talenta.

Također, ovo. Kolike su šanse da itko šljivi kompletnog anonimusa poput tebe?


Good just do it bub, don’t bitch out

If this is true then I commend your courage.
Far as advise goes, I'm not as qualified as you and if I were I probably wouldn't give it all up to take up writing and start using my savings
So good on you, for taking this gallant step

I'm in the same boat as a few others in this thread. I'm 24 and have 35k saved up from working as a copywriter. Where can I go that would stretch my money the furthest?

Cleveland, OH
Baltimore, MD

Write a fucking shitload of books and then send them off to editors who can teach you how to write them better. Then write a fucking shitload more books, repeating the process over and over and over again, until you're good enough to be published. Then send a WHOLE FUCKING SHITLOAD of books to a WHOLE FUCKING SHITLOAD of agents and publishers, until eventually many years later you find one willing to publish you.

You did the right thing.

Lucky for me, I can write a decent full length novel in 3 months.

Hell, Faulkner wrote TS&TF in six weeks.

Yeah, he had been taking notes and letting the idea percolate for a long ass time though

Nice me too. William Faulkner and I are the same. He’s just less Croatian

Thanks user