Jewish Literature

We have a Christian chart, Islamic chart, but no Jewish chart. Can you recommend some Jewish literature here? I was reading Maus recently and thought it was good, but Spiegelman is the only Jew I've read outside school. No /pol/.

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I unironically don't know of a single Jewish author I liked. Had to read pic related during high school. Wasn't even a channer back then but I hated it on some subconscious level, like I felt something about it was just inherently wrong.


This should be pretty obvious but the two main Jewish writings are
1. The Torah
2. The Talmud

What kind of Jewish literature do you want? Fiction? Historical non-fiction? Do you want to learn about the religion? I'll try to make an image for you if you want to learn about the religion. The other two I don't know much about. Let me know if you'd like that.

You mean the Tanakh. The Torah is just the 5 books of Moses, and the Tanakh is the entire Hebrew Bible.

I just wanted to talk about Jewish literature in general. A chart on the religion would be appreciated.

There are a number of Jewish Soviet writers.

“If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?”

"That which is despicable to you, do not do to your fellow, this is the whole Torah, and the rest is commentary, go and learn it."

“Do not say: ‘When I have leisure I shall study,’ perhaps you will never have leisure.”

They made me read Night in jr high.

Hemingway was right, they're pompous and annoying. Cunty.

Here you go.

irene nemirovsky

>“If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?”
user, is this the origin of "if not now, when, if not here, where, if not me, who", the common saying?

what point is this retarded comic trying to make?

damn, this empire that lasted hundreds of years and the legacy of which lives on today in countless ways didn't exterminate the jews... i guess they won!

Primo Levi
Joseph Roth
Philip Roth
Martin Buber
Franz Kafka
Simone Weil
Isaac Babel

>Simone Weil
>jewish lit
Have you even read her? sure she was born jewish but she was basically a catholic-gnostic hybrid who disavowed her judaism. she denied the fact that she was jewish
>Franz Kafka
Wow, nice meme.

Franz Kafka
Primo Levi
Leonard Cohen
Walter Benjamin
Stefan Zweig
Marcel Proust

bro no one want to read the history of ovens

Philip Roth isn't religiously jewish either, dimwit.

i don't know or care who roth is, hence i didnt comment on roth

Proof southern French really are just converted Jews.

>Franz Kafka
>Leonard Cohen
>Walter Benjamin
Kabbalah is pagan.

Are these actually good? I might pick them up later.

unlike christians amirite XD jews BTFO

>Walter Benjamin
i bought the arcades project and didnt realize what i was getting into. is it a tough read?

epic xD
have some gold my friend

Franz Kafka
Joseph Heller
Sigmund Freud
Ayn Rand
Isaac Asimov
Karl Marx
J.D, Salinger

Yes, they're excellent recommendations if you want an authentic "insider's" understanding of the Jewish tradition. I didn't include the subtitle "patrician edition" for nothing. I know what I'm talking about, those are top notch books.

>Ayn Rand
lol, swap her with Saul Bellow and you've got a good list of Jewish writers.

If you're looking for something explicitly Jewish:
Philip Roth
Isaac Bashevis Singer
Sholem Aleichem
Gershom Scholem

Im a latino immigrant from Peru. Yet i have always enjoyed Jewish comedies, i find them super comfy. I barely even know any jewish people, i wonder why i find them so funny.

Are these books on the Tanakh, or the Jewish people as a whole?

u speak quechua nigga

Depends what you mean by "on the Tanakh". Do you mean a summary of the content? You can get that from wikipedia, or hell check out the Lego Bible (it's a quite amusing and easy way to learn the content of the Biblical stories) . Judaism is a large overarching tradition which includes the Tanakh as a part of it. That will be made clear in these texts. Leibowitz, on of the authors I put on there, has some essays dealing with the role of the Torah in Judaism more expicitly I think, and probably Hirsch does as well (can't remember).

Sorry, are they strictly religious commentary is what I meant

They're about Judaism. What it is, what it's about, what Jews believe, how they live etc. It's what the title at the top says: a basic (and patrician) intro to Judaism. So yes, they are religious. Horeb and Yoke of Heaven are both largely Tanakh commentaries if that's what you're looking for.

Well I'll be definitely giving them a go.

>Spiegelman is the only Jew I've read outside school
>go to google
>individually enter the names of all of the authors you have read, followed by the word "Jew"
>view results
>realize most of what you have already read is Jewish
Jewish literature is not a rare bird.

Marcus Eli Ravage
Maurice Samuel - You Gentiles
Theodore N. Kaufman - Germany Must Perish

does this mean you will accept me Varg-kun?
>yfw Salinger is a Kike
we can't stop winning

>Not knowing Salinger is a kike
You should have been able to figure this out very quickly.

literature written by Jews =! Jewish literature

Your curt response allows permutations. What, specifically, are you trying to convey? I could interpret your post a few different ways.

Postmodernists, ladies and gentlemen

Surprised Saul Bellow and Yehuda Amichai haven't been mentioned yet.

I mean, atleast, that a jewish author does not mean a book is Jewish. One could also extend, here it's debatable, to mean that a Jewish book is not necessarily written by a Jew. There are books about Jews (not antisemitic tracts, for gods sake) or with Jewish themes who don't have jewish authors. The Golem by Gustav Meyrink comes to mind.

>an empire that began 2000 years ago doesn't exist anymore
whoa, mind=blown

>I mean, atleast, that a jewish author does not mean a book is Jewish.
Thematically, perhaps not - but the authorship will contain the subjectivity inherent in his point of view.
>One could also extend, here it's debatable, to mean that a Jewish book is not necessarily written by a Jew.
You appear to insist that Jews can write "non-Jewish" literature but you hesitate a bit when you suggest that those outside of Jewdom only MAY be able to write Jewish literature.
>There are books about Jews (not antisemitic tracts, for gods sake) or with Jewish themes who don't have jewish authors. The Golem by Gustav Meyrink comes to mind.
>not antisemitic tracts
Why do you even raise this issue? Further, are the Jews advanced so far ahead of the bestial nature of those whom they deride as "Goyim" that nothing in their conduct may ever be criticized?

uh, those two seem to be doing pretty well right now
maybe not as good as Israel, but far from bad

Thank you for the response, I will now clarify my meaning.
> but the authorship will contain the subjectivity inherent in his point of view
I don't believe that every person born of Jewish ethnicity necessarily has a Jewish perspective. A lot of factors go into making up one's world view.
>but you hesitate a bit when you suggest that those outside of Jewdom only MAY be able to write Jewish literature.
I do not hesitate because of my OWN doubts, but because others might be inclined to debate that point. I am agree that non-Jews can write Jewish literature, hence I mentioned Meyrink.
>urther, are the Jews advanced so far ahead of the bestial nature of those whom they deride as "Goyim" that nothing in their conduct may ever be criticized?
Not at all. My point was that such literature would not be considered Jewish literature. It's otherwise perfectly legitimate. Criticism is important, and ultimately beneficial for all.

Jodorowsky is my favorite Jew writer/artist/filmmaker

>sure she was born jewish but she was basically a catholic-gnostic hybrid who disavowed her judaism
A lot of Jew artists are not very pious, but the influence of judaism on their writing does give them a unique aspect.

Have you seen his latest films. They were kind of fun...but also kind if terrible. I can't make up my mind how I feel about them.
>Simone Weil
She rejected Judaism explicitly though. She wrote a letter to the French government indignant that they considered her officially a Jew. She embraced Christianity and met regularly with a Catholic priest. She never officially converted because she was too sympathetic to Cathars/Gnostics.

>They were kind of fun...but also kind if terrible. I can't make up my mind how I feel about them.
Kek, yeah that's how I felt about la danza de la realidad
That one scene early in the film completely redeems it in my eyes though. That scene where he appears behind his kid self, takes him in his arms and says "everything you will ever be, you already are"

Yeah, that was wonderful. I also love the opening where he talks about money "el dinero es como el Christo" etc. Not sure if that's from "realidad" or the other one.

>I do not hesitate because of my OWN doubts, but because others might be inclined to debate that point.
This is a major fault in our civilization. No group should be allowed greater flexibility of authorship than any other. No group should be allowed any looser restraint of conduct than any other. Otherwise, any notion of equality is a fraud.

If only he could...I don't know...finish a book.

>A lot of Jew artists are not very pious, but the influence of judaism on their writing does give them a unique aspect.
Judaism is only one aspect of the Jew. Many Jews are atheistic but identify with Jewdom because of genetic descent, real or otherwise. Some Jews identify only with the extra-religious cultural aspects of Jewdom. Some Jews have no genetic tie to the people of The Covenant but find themselves knit into Jewdom because of the religion. I totally agree that everyone has a subjective perspective that will always show in their writing - even in their self deprecation. I tend to label the writing of an author on the objective, measurable qualities that he possesses.



>She rejected Judaism explicitly though.
>She wrote a letter to the French government indignant that they considered her officially a Jew.
Even her rejection of Judaism and her indignance towards the French government flows from her subjective perspective - a perspective that was at least minimally modeled by Jewdom.

I disagree. She was very unjewish. She was an eccentric Frenchwoman through and through.

to add: French nationally, and religiously was Christian in her point of view, although quite heterodox by Catholic standards.

Aside from those already mentioned, Clarice Lispector and Yvan Goll

>retarded man becomes seething because of children's comic
never change /pol/

From the art this looks like one of the Chick tracts, street preachers sometimes hand them out, they're right wing American evangelical writings so this is almost certainly a pro-zionist comic. "America should support Israel for their own good and God's favor

>sympathetic to Cathars

Where did you go to high school? I read that then as well and very much enjoyed it.

>Hemingway was right, they're pompous and annoying. Cunty.

He said in a pompously cunty and annoying fashion.


I heard Joyce was some kind of crypto.

greece and iran are much more divorced culturally and religiously from their ancient polities than jews are from theirs. i think that difference is actually one of the defining aspects of jew-ness.

you're probably some sort of crypto-kike descended from marranos

Not really if you have a philosophy background.

this guy sounds great

I'd recommend Emmanuel Levinas. His work made a deep impact on me and unfortunately he's not really studied and phil departments still vastly prefer Heidegger.

To be fair, Simone Weil was basically a Marcionite. TS Eliot and Harold Bloom agree on this. Weil was anti-Judaic yet apparently she never was baptised.

Iran is about to have a revolution though. How much longer can Assad's forces hold out. Makes you think...


brainlet here, can you give me a quick rundown on benjamin? i used to be a mark for the cultural marxism meme but idk anymore. dont' ask me to read him though, i can barely read genre fiction.


he takes Paul and incorporates it into Marxist conception of history, smokes weed and writes about random shit like kids books and malls

read some Agamben or Jacob Taubes

Christians aren't a race.