Hey user, i saw you reading Foucault in the library during lunch

>Hey user, i saw you reading Foucault in the library during lunch.
>You don't actually buy into that shit, do you? He was just a french faggot who didn't care about evidence and let the AIDS do all the brainwork.
>why not read a true American radical like McLuhan?

how do you respond?

Other urls found in this thread:


I've always loved you Camille, please marry me

>I identify as transgender

what did she mean by this

>Climate change is fake

what did she mean with that?

>revenge of the sith is the greatest artwork of the twenty-first century
What was she trying to convey with this statement?

>rape is okay because sex is natural bro

what the fuck does she fucking mean by this?

>I snort cocaine from Thai hookers' asscracks
What didst she mean by that?

I need you

>there is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper
Whatever did she meaneth?

Camille Paglia is the voice of reason that the American left needs. Even though she's a climate change denier.

That she's a charlatan. I'm not sure what appeal she has for Veeky Forums outside of taking easy shots at feminists like Dworkin.

>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
What exactly was she getting at here?

>climate change denier

She's able to point out major flaws within the contemporary Left, such as their love for Islam, using toxic masculinity as a cop-out for everything, and that trannies are hindered the most by anatomical restrictions instead of "transphobia".

two questions for climate change activists/believers
1. is the rising of temperatures a thing one can stop? preferrably without destroying the economy.
2. what is the optimal temperature for the earth and why?

McLuhan was Canadian.

1. We've waited too long to stop it but it can be slowed down and made less intense.
2. The optimal temperature is whatever temperature allows for a world we want to live in.
"Protecting" the environment is fundamentally about protecting humanity. Climate change will fuck up the economy far more than environmental regulation. For some (if you don't think nature has intrinsic value), it'll be like exercise - it'll feel unpleasant so you'll constantly want to put it off, but you continuously neglect your health you'll die of a heart attack at 45.

>Pagila will never sexually dominate you while telling you about the failings in third wave feminism

why do guys (Veeky Forums guys) want to be tied up any time a girl displays some sort of competence in an activity or ability to hold an argument

what an incredibly reddit question

Ew, you're an old pixie "girl". I bet that you're also a lesbian or are jelaous of men like Judith Butler. Go shill your irrelevant philosophers elsewhere grandma.

no, reddit loves that same shit, theyre constantly asking girls to sit on their faces and saying they love eating asses whenever a girl does anything

Because it’s an ironic joke you autist.

they worship the divine feminine because they have been excluded from normative masculinity

what the fuck does that mean



They mean that weak people have a tendency to worship and idolise the strong for having what they lack

because a female being competent at anything is so rare, let alone a female that is all-round intelligent and perceptive. it's a display of equality and commonality that many males will never experience with a female, very attractive for many, especially those with passionate and related interests.
pic related

Also, this attraction manifests as the 'want to be tied up', due to the idea or possibility of a female being vastly superior in a given activity or interest, or just in general. They are in the position of inferiority/weakness in regards to their ability/knowledge. So the female is dominant, even mother-like, within a certain scope.

>That's how you can tell you're dealing with someone who's ideologically possessed, they make everything attributable to a single cause
What did Peterson mean by this?

Supply and demand


>Hey user, i saw you reading Foucault in the library during lunch.
>You don't actually buy into that shit, do you? He was just a french faggot who didn't care about evidence and let the AIDS do all the brainwork.
>why not read a true American radical like McLuhan?

Can you please stop posting this idiot anytime someone mentions McLuhan

So you don't know the ideal temperature the Earth should have? Maybe it should be a little bit higher

It doesn't make sense to ask about the "ideal temperature" for the earth, or the "ideal atmospheric composition of the earth," or any other condition you can think of. The whole point of that post was that questions like that are missing the mark.

How would you determine Earth's ideal temperature? If it's at all related to human flourishing, it should definitely not be higher

i wish i could BDSMrape some straight boys alongside camille paglia
i think im gonna rewrite de sade's juliette

why can't it be higher. it might help increase agriculture in some areas of the world. it would have it's pros and cons wouldn't it?
I don't see the whole doomsday scenario happening even if the sealevels rise a bit. and I'm saying this as a Dutch citizen who lives below sealevel. Maybe countries like Bangladesh would get flooded but they could just move a bit north right? Why do I have to worry?

>it would have it's pros and cons wouldn't it?
cons outnumber pros

hm alright, I suppose I can concede that cons may outway the pros. but there may also be unforseen pros and cons. but again what if we can't stop or slow down climate change (I heard somewhere that even if the Paris accord was followed 100% it probably still wouldn't help much) Wouldn't it be just better to try to manage the changes instead of trying to influence the temperature of the earth?
I mean the temperature of the earth has always been fluctuating, perhaps it would be futile to try?

Since we know with a good deal of certainty that we're the ones causing it (youtube.com/watch?v=w5hs4KVeiAU), it stands to reason we can also prevent it from getting worse - especially because it would be cheaper to do so than to continue the way we're going now: skepticalscience.com/renewable-energy-is-too-expensive.htm

It's not rare, there were plenty of strong girls in my undergrad math & cs departments. I pretty much knew more competent girls than guys. And now i know that half the guys were probably fantasizing about being tied up by my friends :/ so weird

I bet her vagina has moulded shut

Pls tie me up competent femanon waifu.

I'm a guy