Be amazed by french postwar intellectuals

>be amazed by french postwar intellectuals
>learn french in france
>finally able to read them
>c'est quoi cette blague.exe

i only respect bourdieu and levi strauss. the rest of that band needs to be set on fire. and even those two are only relevant for those sharing their context.

on the other hand french academia is amazing, they have a specialist in any field you can imagine and will reveal it with great translations and deep studies. wtf is the anglo academia doing, any joker with some cheap degree can publish his pillow musings and get praised.

any experiences with other languages or fields?

Philospher here. Know your pain OP. I can't deal with literature students believing Derrida, Camus and Sartre are philosopher. Let it be guys like Merleau-Ponty, who just sat in front of a typewriter and forces his escargot-flavoured verbal diarrhea upon everyone in the proximity.

>Philospher here

Sory for bad engirish not me mothr languaje

Did you also learn french?

>user was laughing at the typo

I didn't dedicate my life to it, but I can read french. While some contemporary academia is good, most of their worshipped intellectuals of the past century were just unfuckable goblins who decided the only way to get pussy was to write banalities in an overly complicated way. This had the double advantage of having an excuse to talk to girls ("I'm going to explain you this passage here...yes...") and of impressing them with banal message ("so this means the only way to stand the absurdity of the world is political commitment...mmmh...yess..").

But in general the whole country of France is a monument to mediocrity. They just popularized the idea of the "artist", that is all. With the exception of Proust, they never had a world-changing genius in any field, like the Italians had Dante, Petrarca, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raffaello, Galilei and the whole fucking Renaissance bunch, Germany had Goethe, Kant, Hegel, Leibniz, etc., even those unworthy autists in Britain managed to pull off from their inbreeding soup of genes a Shakespeare and a Newton, but france had nothing beside fashion philosophers, fashion writers, fashion painters, and yet everyone thinks about France as a sophisticated country, full of culture, and forget that beside eating frogs and smoking cigarettes Frenchmen are generally good to nothing.

nothing sadder than an oaf who thinks he knows a lot

Pro-tip my dude, philosopher is a title that you can only call other people

>no world-changing genius

What is Rimbaud, Mallarmé, Baudelaire, Apollinaire, Descartes, etc

I'm on an anonymous board, it's not like I'll get any glory from calling myself anything :D

Good poets, but none of them a Goethe, none of them a Dante, none of them a Petrarca or a Shakespeare.

I think a better question for this thread is: what makes a good intellectual?

Man, the favourite writer of your favourite writer is probably french

I'd say that Rabelais, Baudelaire and Montaigne are at least Petrarca tier.

on the contrary

culture goes beyond writing in a specific field. France may not have the most forward thinking philosophers of the world, but they have mastered a "wholeroundedness" in all fields of culture. They are not specialized but heteroclite and heterogeneous in their expression of culture, without falling into dilletantism.

Finkielkraut, in my country, is everything

those names are great from the pov of the society that followed their historical moment and built on it. but from a wider perspective, they are just struggling to be human in a world that doesnt allow it, so their work remains purely negative. they are praised because the average life in the modern world is exactly that, so people identify with it. all contemporary poets just renew that same experience for the new context.

but if you compare what they actually did with poets from previous times and other nationalities, not to say other civilizations, they have never reached the human condition positively. they just jumped from poets praising tradition to reinforce it, to broken lives barely being able to state their broken state in a poetic form.

im not saying the thing is valueless, but its value can only be appreciated when you are in the same situation. bonnefoy's poetry and poetics is a good contemporary example.

Jette-toi dans l'canal, Finkel!

>Anglos are this butthurt that the rest of the world sees English as the language of the rabble and French as a sophisticated language for intellectuals
Get over it. As the other user said, your favorite writer’s favorite writer is most likely French

>who is Descartes
>who is Laplace, Galois, Grothendieck, Poisson, Fourier
>what is ENS Paris, the school with an enormous number of Fields Medalists and Nobel Laureates per head, more than any other school in the world

Whether they aggree with your preconceived notions of reality.

>spend years in canadian schools being taught french poorly
>graduate highschool
>Can't understand anything
>Graduate uni
>decide to pick up french in my spare time
>wow this is coming on fast. maybe those years in school werent a waste
>spend 2 years learning french, able to read, speak and listen with competence.
>relatives in PEI are happy to speak french with me, though they are hard to understand
>visit quebec
>they wont even speak to me in french despite my attempts to initiate a french conversation

Learning french all those years in school, and two years of rigorous study on my own were almost a complete waste. The people are complete pricks, and I cant imagine those in France are any better. The only saving grace is the fact that I can read French literature.



Watch Alain Soral, the great master of Logos

>he fell for Dante
>he fell for Goethe

> Soral

kek, kill yourself.

putain fiston je pensais être le seul à shitposter sur ulm dans ces prémices.