What does Veeky Forums think of 12 rules for life by Jordan Peterson?

What does Veeky Forums think of 12 rules for life by Jordan Peterson?
Thinking about reading it but I thought I would get some opinions first

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he is not a good writer and he has literally explained the rules on youtube so why buy it?

>Its in 12 parts like Virgil’s “The Aeneid”
>Based Peterson

>literally picked randomly from 42 rules he shitposted one afternoon he was bored on quora

A book would go into more depth than any YouTube video would imo. Thats why

if he were a good writer, but he writes the same way he speaks, he just rambles around

"Good" is matter of opinion is it not? I have enjoyed the lectures that I have watched of his, but (I assume) you don't.

Self help snake oil for pseuds

I'd say it's marginally better than Meditations as self-help simply because it's contemporary but it's just generic self-help in the end, so don't get it if, you know, you don't want to help yourself or think that self-help is bullshit (which I suppose is most of Veeky Forums).

lol what?

A normie version of this

Alain de Botton-tier as far as any rigour goues.

>has never read "My diary desu" by Marcus Aurelius

stop dadposting Julian

jesus christ

is this what happens when you language cant distinguish between ser and estar


soy boy o estoy boy hmmm

Should i read this book if i watched a lot of his videos and am familar with a lot of his advice ? 20$ is a lot for a book

start with the greeks

But the ideas don't have any DEPTH. They are as simple as they sound. You really don't need to waste money on the book.

It's really no different from How to Win Friends and Influence People or any of those American-style self help books. Just with a dash of his childish "order good, chaos bad" thing on top.

I think it's fascinating how he managed to stretch his 15min of fame.
His ideas seem uninteresting tho.

Watch his lectures first. If you like his ideas then buy the book. I bought it, haven't read it yet -- but I'm fairly confident I'll like it.

There's just a total lack of a positive male role model that isn't in sports within western culture imo. He filled a void and he knows what he's takling about.

>hahahaha praise kek ironically bro lmao shadilay x-DddDddDdddDDDdDdDDddDDDDd
oh lord, the reddit stench
the last commentary is pretty true though. peterson just reiterates insights we already know, or no-brainers easily derived from those we already know which could be mistaken for the previous ones

Why do peterson fags always muddle up this board? The current generation of men in their 20s are a pathetic bunch. We need to legislate mandatory draft to whip these pussies into men.

What did distinguished philosopher and clinical psychologist Jordan B Peterson mean by this?

Portuguese has two (technically three but the third doesn't really count) verbs that 'to be' translates to:
Ser, which means to be in the permanent sense, and estar, which means to be in the temporary sense.
The third is 'haver', which literally means 'to exist' or 'to have' depending on context.

Peterson is as middle-brow as it gets. Don't waste your money

long-form gets more at the character of the author or the "mode of being"

read hesse' steppenwolf for a better description of this

What if im middle brow too?

stop posting this shit every fucking day you utter normie retards

Contemplate the fact that you're going to die one day, maybe sooner than you think, and try to explain to yourself why a middle-brow existence could ever be worth it

My existence aint middle brow, but what i might need at this exact point in my life is some middle brow advice, and that would give leverage for better things. You might be tempted to feed a starving man a full BBQ, but what is better for him right now is light soup and lots of water.



actually kek'd at this

just skip past your edgy teen phase already and become a communist like the rest of us

the only communists where i live are 60 year old senile men, it's not really a good look

he was in the middle of writing it before the whole thing at the university happened


The only communists in my country are edgy teens.


>I can't do it

What did he mean by this?


I guess that's why there were so many portuguese philosophers.

Who's that beautiful female (male)?

He's a meme. Don't waste your time with him.

>stands up to ask question
>reads a multiple page speech
That was painful to listen to

Looks like a postmodernist Marxist (not a Jew though; I'm not antisemitic) got triggered! Free speech too much for you bucko?

Are you an introvert or an extrovert xddddd?

*postmodern neo-marxist
Please use my correct self designation and thank you.

I think I'd like to be transformed into a lobster. Lobsters are fertile until they die, and can live to be over one-hundred. Also, I've always loved the water.

>The 12 rules is also the mean age of his fans
>Based Peterson

>We need to legislate mandatory draft to whip these pussies into men.
So you want them to start with the Greeks? If only public schools were capable of educating people, well, it's nice to dream sometimes.

I’m glad you actually though about your choice. Most people pick a dog.

isn't that literally this film?

Yes, they are lampooning the fucking film with near-verbatim quotes, thanks for getting the reference.

haven't seen it, it's still good to be right

It's an ok film.

I can guarantee you that there is nothing in this book you haven't heard him speak about. Same with everything else he sells, the self authoring form is literally just setting goals and making plans for your life and there's plenty of personality tests out there.

Life- and world-changing prose mixed with philosophical psychology.

>reddit stench

That's /pol/ my man. That's /pol/ right there.

end my

This changed my life


Sounds like a scenario you would find in a fascist society. Neato

>Daughter gets harassed in front of you
>l-let's just walk away
What a cuck lmao

which is a normie version of Jung
Jung is normie version of Bardon
Bardon is a normie version of obscure manuscripts from the Gnostic revival

I think he recognizes in our society you would be criminalized, a better society would let you kick the kids ass.

Gnostic revival?

bardon is just a meaningless german with above average german autism though

Why not just tell the kid to stop trampling on her hands?

the kid was a chad, he wouldn't stop



he is so beta he feels threatened by toddlers. He is the kind of guy who plays competitively against children

i bought a copy for my mom's birthday to try to introduce her to some alternative ideas (she's

Well what do you expect, he has never been a serious thinker.

Most of his knowledge of philosophy is second hand stuff, and he has barely any understanding of postmodernism and the frankfurt school.

I mean most people here don't. I always find it laughable when people start saying that Adorno planned the destruction of the patriarchy and the west when he was both a defender of traditional family and of the western cannon.

In fact Adorno's criticism of jazz wasn't that far off of a modern conservative criticism of hip hop. That is: an expression of commodification of art that shows the corrosive effect on our morals by the entertainment industry huge economic power.


Is Bardon worth a read?

This is just a simple, 'No, we don't do that.' You don't even have to raise your voice. And I know because my sister has free-range kids.
All men should learn to train a dog before becoming a father. If you can't properly raise a dog you certainly cannot raise a child.
Just think how many kids miss out on leadership like this. They'd be better off as dogs.

>locked eyes with him as he proceeded to stomp on his kid's hands
That kid didn't give a fuck. That's the point.

It's two years old. It's just trying things out, people are curious about what will happen. And it may have been the passive 'Are you really going to do that?' look on Peterson's face that made the kid go ahead with it.
Maybe free-range parents, but at two years it's pretty unlikely that the kid would overstep any real authority.
The right thing to do was to just joke with the kid, 'I know what you're thinking'. Prevention and guiding what you want is the key, not games or punishment. That shit fucks with their minds.
Authority is mostly how you carry yourself, and you hardly ever have to discipline kids if you really know how to carry yourself and have a sharp eye.
There's no demon in that kid, and Peterson's over-reaction shows that he doesn't know what he's talking about. He has a temper of someone who has been hurt and has never dealt with that.

Is Peterson officially a Veeky Forums meme now?

Speaking of Jung, I'm kinda lost in trying to read Man and his Symbols. Am I just a brainlet or is there something that I should read before that? Sometimes chapters go into long tangents about symbolism and I have trouble trying to piece together the reasoning behind their interpretations.

But fusion772 is absolutely right.

>he's just trying things out
No, he's stomping on a kid's hands either for entertainment or out of spite of the other kid. While the kid might not understand that he's being a dick, he is still, in fact, being a dick.
>at two years it's pretty unlikely that the kid would overstep any real authority.
Two year olds do this all the time. This is the prime age for a child to become defiant. The phrase "Terrible Twos" didn't stem from toddlers respecting authority.

>the right thing to do was to joke with the kid
It's better to be direct. That said, simply telling him to stop might not have been enough. Removing his daughter(and thus, his target) from the situation was not a bad option. If that kid's parents were there, they could have stepped in.

>Authority is mostly how you carry yourself
>you hardly ever have to discipline kids [...] have a sharp eye
That's nonsense. Small children regularly test the boundaries of how they can act before their parents snap on them. Authority is not derived from an attitude, it is derived from policy that is enforced on a person or people. No child is going to respect you as an authority figure because of how you carry yourself and glare when the kid does something stupid. You have to enforce boundaries that establish what behaviors will and will not be accepted, and make sure that the kid stays within those boundaries. If he does not, then you exercise disciplinary measures. In terms of dealing with other people's children, your options are more limited here.

I'm about halfway through the book and I'm enjoying it. Peterson knows that his message is popular among young men, and this does feel like a self-help book for that group. I basically fit right into his target audience. Having this book tell me to basically man the fuck up is just what I needed to hear. There's useful stuff in this book, and there's some pop psych. The pop psych and philosophy are just giving me ideas for books to read that have real insight into those topics.

Most self-help books are vapid rambling for soccer moms or sub-3.0 GPA business students. The rules he uses may have been random answers on quora, but it at least feels like there was thought put into the explanations.

tl;dr - if you need a book to tell you to man the fuck up, read it. if you're looking for something profound, don't read it. If you like his videos you've probably seen most of the messages, but you'll probably like the book anyway.

That's as entry tier Jung as it gets sans Memories Dreams and Reflections.

I read the whole thing. Good advice, bad book. I don't understand why Peterson didn't just leave the storytelling and allegories in Maps of Meaning.

If the guy could just distill his advice down to just the actual advice, he could write a good book. The first 2 and last 2 pages of each chapter tend to be the only ones worth reading.

He is literally just regurgitating what Peterson says, that's what makes it so cringey

This meme really misses the mark though. Most people aren't RELATING to JBP, they're looking up to him, as a father figure or hero or whatever.

There is no contradiction between stating there are no objective moral truths, and advocating a specific moral position.

the media unintentionally makes some great memes about him

Should I bother with the foreward in this book?

He simply doesn't practice what he preaches.
By his own standards he is weak.


There's nothing just or virtuous about letting your daughter get trampled by another kid and not involving yourself. I would perhaps be a bit more sympathetic to this argument if it was my son but even then it's not right. It seems to me that Peterson only thinks that there's one solution to this (which he sarcastically presented) when in fact there are plenty of ways to deal with a situation like this.