What is philosophy even supposed to do after this guy?

What is philosophy even supposed to do after this guy?

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Actually be worth something in the form of Analytic Phil.

nothing, he ended philosophy

>Everything that Nietzsche cannot do is bad.

>Nietzsche could do much more than he does; but his strong principles prevent him.

>Everything that Nietzsche can do, no one will ever be able to do after him, no one has ever done before him, and no one must ever do after him. Nietzsche is godly.

>These three propositions are the quintessence of Nietzsche's writings;—the rest is merely—“literature”.

t. nietzsche, shortly before faking mental illness out of shame

Out of shame of what?

Being Nietzsche

Delusional *nglos at it again

Awesome, I just heard about this guy from Pewds! *brofist*

you are supposed to go literally insane and start screaming incoherently about antisemites

How are you supposed to kiss a girl on the lips with that mustache

meant to prevent all interaction

>Knowing one's “Individuality”.—We too often forget that in the eyes of strangers who see us for the first time we are quite different beings from what we consider ourselves to be—in most cases we exhibit nothing more than one particular characteristic which catches the eye of the stranger, [pg 295] and determines the impression we make on him. Thus the most peaceful and fair-minded man, if only he has a big moustache, may, as it were, repose in the shade of this moustache; for ordinary eyes will merely see in him the accessory of a big moustache, that is to say, a military, irascible, and occasionally violent character, and will act accordingly. (the dawn of day #381)

But Niethchze is dumb

>its fucking real
Holyshit I can't never get enough of this guy lmao
Why did he think he should add that passage into one of his books? What the fuck?

SeeHe was on 5D chess mode all the time; literally the complete opposite of dumb. He was actually one of the few legit cases of the "tfw too intelligent to X" meme.

Nietzsche's works aren't worth the paper they're printed on. Everything he wrote was a momentary epiphany with no real grounding, as evidenced by the fact that his own positions were constantly flipping this way and that. The only ideas he had which remained stable were his worst. On top of this, his writing sucks; he focuses too much on himself and can never get to the point. He takes longer to get to the point than even Hegel would have dared, and he started a long line of philosophers who substituted poetic nonsense for philosophy in their works. He was the end of philosophy because he made philosophy a joke.

i came to know nietzsche my last year of high school, he’s studied quite intensively in my country (italy). i adored and felt literally possessed by everything i was reading from him. in my early twenties due to embarrassing edgeism i quit nietzsche and digged myself into more recent philosophy, fearing out of insecurity that i was missing important and emergent matters of our times. fortunately i’ve also read literature and, ya know, learned from life. in the last 2 years i returned to nietzsche and read all of him, and GOD everything valuable i though i was getting from literature, philosophy, life insights and so on is already contained in nietzsche. he has embedded a shocking pollen in some simple lines that less acute minds have barely scraped in hundreds pages of hard work. the way he could understand anything is unparalleled. i respect him more than ever, especially considering how increasingly obscurantist most people tend to be nowadays, wasting tons of words to encrypt via dilution and irony the most basic shit

Who was in the wrong here?

This is the best thing I've ever read

insightful and also explains what was up the moustache

Guy #2

no not at all, at every """""""""""Critique"""""""""" reeks of midwit and low attention span, bad working memory, disorganized thinker, and not capable of abstraction or reconciling paradoxes. There's little in his work which is contradictory. I think that user has a bad mind, and is excited easily by words that appear in different contexts which would, on superficial reading, reflect contradiction. And this is all speaking as if contradiction is bad or as if poetic speech isn't superior to didactic thought.

no im all right!

"My to-day refuteth my yesterday"

Actually produce something beyond shallow rhetoric.


What IS philosophy even supposed to do?

Nietzsche fails in the same way Plato does.
Put simply he's too much of an idealist.
For a very long time now humankind has failed to live up to the ideas of men like these and they will continue to do so for longer still.

i don't think u understood nietzsche

What is it about Nietzsche that attracts idiots?

What is philosophy?

the athiesm probably

he’s popular for his influence on literally everything from ‘900, so he’s in the spotlight

What a guy

> If anyone doubted that the Christian world of today has reached a frightful state of
> torpor and brutalization (not forgetting the recent crimes committed in the Boers and
> in China, which were defended by the clergy and acclaimed as heroic feats by all the
> world powers), the extraordinary success of Nietzche's works is enough to provide
> irrefutable proof of this. Some disjointed writings, striving after effect in a most sordid
> manner, appear, written by a daring, but limited and abnormal German, suffering
> from power mania. Neither in talent nor in their basic argument do these writings
> justify public attention. In the days of Kant, Leibniz or Hume, or even fifty years ago,
> such writings would not only have received no attention, but they would not even
> have appeared. But today all the so-called educated people are praising the ravings
> of Mr N, arguing about him, elucidating him, and countless copies of his works are
> printed in all languages.
No one can BTFO him more than Big T.

Holyshit how can someone fuck up a post this badly

Well mem'd

You kisser on the other lips ;)

don't even know the quote and I know it's T.S. Eliot. what a bellend he was.

Tolstoy, you dip.

Pretend he never happened

basically a whole lotta nothing in that quote
>i hate him so he's bad!


refound reason

>implying calling the "will to live" something else resolves the problems inherent in personal existence.

Premise 1: Privations are not qualities in themselves
Premise 2: appetites are privations
Premise 3: It is necessary for there to be appetites (in the form of wants needs and impulses) for there to be personal being

-Harm is the privation of Benefit just as Bad is the privation of Good
-A Being can be benefitted or harmed on the basis of its personal wants, needs and impulses (whatever those may be) being either fulfilled or exacerbated respectively
-A maximization of benefit is the fulfillment and nullification of the entire record of wants needs and impulses
-A being without appetites fails to be a personal being (premise 3)
-The maximization of benefit engenders a condition already satisfied in the non-existence of a personal being
-therefore to come into existence is also to be harmed

But what is the critique of Nietzsche, without fallacies, where did he go wrong? Has anyone answered this well? I've only ever seen vague problems and personal attacks.
I have my own ideas, but I wonder what the best critiques out there are.

wasted digits and this isn’t an own its just whining

This is hilarious

There seem to be some glaring flaws here. This is the rhetorical equivalent of "proving" 1=2

Feel free to point out the flaw then

this sounds memey but moustaches were a pretty recognizable military trait

Same reason I grow repulsively long hair, have a neck beard that looks like a hastily glued handful of pubes, and never shower.


this is the second time the nytimes published a op-ed by black professors who referred to themselves as "philosophers". of course both merely wrote about "muh white supremisah" not much to do with philosophy, but i couldn't think of a single instance of a white philosophy professor referring to themselves as a philosopher. is it just that black dudes are always shameless braggadocios or what?

benefit is not derived from a state of fulfillment but the act of fulfilling.

Nah bros all races are equal :)

be a neetch scholar
or this

We start arguing about which values other people should support, or, if you don't care about other beings holding your values, living authentically.

>Analytic philosophy is worth something!
>Oh, really, what has it accomplished?
>It's not supposed to accomplish anything, idiot!
every time


>he doesnt fit muh white ideal so hes bad!!!!!!! KILL ALL KIKES

He's not an idealist, quite the contrary.
He's not an atheist, quite the contrary.

Exactly the post!

He'll likely be forgotten in a billion years. Meaningless.

You never know

Can we go one day without talking about this fuckface? He just complains about both sides of an argument and doesn’t give any solutions to the questions

not settled either way, quite the contrary
not even by himself

But that shit is so gay

And why does that make you so mad?

Because if you don’t provide any useful alternatives to the problem or argument then you’re just shitposting


wtf, I have more insightful thoughts on the shitter.

Holy fucking shit just end it all

either laugh at him or just plain ignore him