Veeky Forums pill, serious thread no memeing only post in this thread to acquire wisdom

What's the Veeky Forums equivalent of /pol/'s "redpill"? What's the Veeky Forums pill? Is it Existentialist philosophy (e.g. Camus)? Is it Stirner? Is it Hegel? etc What beliefs would the Veeky Forums pill entail? What lifestyle?

>What's the Veeky Forums pill?
-Perennial esotericism
-Hegel but as a Protestant mystic
-Reading only poetry and continental "philosophy"

I think one of the characteristics of a /pill/ is that once you take it there's no going back. You never go back to your old way of seeing things. Question is: how would this apply to literature?

pills are for sick people

Kabbalistic Ceraism.
>Hegel but as a Protestant mystic
There isn't any other serious reading of Hegel.
>muh left Hegelians defending atheist interpretations of Hegel
Fuck off.

>What's the Veeky Forums pill


more like whiny crybaby faggot pill

also Schopenhauer

Do you even stoically lift bro?

Joseph McElroy. After reading his books you instantly become patrician

are the only real answer, because you never leave, or start really- you become them

C'mon. Everyone knows this is the Veeky Forumspill:

-The Holy Bible
-The Quran
-The "The Republic"
-The Tao te Ching
-The Dhammapada
-The "Progress and Poverty by Henry George"

Literally the allegory of the cave

Is Neoplatonism the Veeky Forumspill?

Yes, combined with Islam.

Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums are basically the same board. I don't know anyone who isn't flipping between the two.

Ironic Buddhism
Sincere appreciation of DFW
Starting with the Greeks
Talking about (Stirnerian) spooks while never having read Stirner
The Culture of Critique

Shia or Sunni?

Good question. Neither in my opinion, they both have Hadiths.

The way is simple Quranism. And regard the Tao Te Ching as referring to God as well, and you have the basis for an equitable neoplatonic religion.

Seconding Schopenhauer. I do not think that many people could read the entirety of The World As Will and Representation, or even selected sections of it, and not return as a changed man on the other side

opinion discarded