Looking for honest answers here. What's the point in reading when you have average IQ?

Looking for honest answers here. What's the point in reading when you have average IQ?

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storytiem nice time user

Deez nuts

Can we ban the word IQ from every board please?

>he doesn't know reading will raise your IQ

pack my groceries, brainlet.

What's the point of IQ?

Just read.

t. triggered low iq brainlet

IQ doesn’t mean you can’t be smart user. An adult male with a 100 iq is smarter than an infant with an iq of 170 or something.

Take these iq threads back to Veeky Forums

These threads never make any sense to me.
>What's the point of going for a walk if you have average IQ?
>What's the point of working for a living if you have average IQ?

You read for some combination of fun and of getting something out of it. Noting that averages are about other people, I don't see what either of those things has to do with other people.

I have a 140 iq. It's brainlets and autists who constantly bitch about muh iq.

It’s mental dysmenorrhea, like body dysmenorrhea but it can never really be changed


Nothing can raise IQ. See pic related.

You can accurately predict your comprehension of a book based on your IQ. If you're average IQ, you can expect to fully comprehend the books average people (read: normies) read, like 50 shades of grey and harry potter. The more sophisticated the book gets, the lower the average IQ's comprehension would be, eventually crossing the limit into unreadable, so hitting the ceiling of comprehension. Suffice to say, the greatest works of philosophy are incomprehensible to the average IQ person, so even if he somehow has a passing interest in philosophy he's better off not wasting hours just to deceive himself that he's understood the first few pages of Being and Time.

maybe that just means that all those environments were shit.
mental calisthenics are real

>mental calisthenics are real

Okay so what would you say is the lowest IQ capable of comprehending greater philosophical works.

Sure thing a 170iq child will grow up to be a 170iq adult.

Because you enjoy it.

Within the boundaries of reasonable effort I'd say around 120, because the average IQ for philosophy grads is around 130.

High iq life is ok, but mathematically it's a lot more difficult to find satisfying romantic relationships and platonic friendships. As for professional and intellectual success, hard work and dedication matter magnitudes more than raw talent.

t 157 iq brainlet

Hard work and dedication mean pretty much nothing in reality.

I think i have an higher IQ (had mensa when i was a kid) but my reading speed is fucking slow because my school was shit, and i was taught to read about when i was 11. I read fucking talking speed, but understand what i read very well and remember it for a long time. So that's my big problem. That i read so slow.

You are a literal retard.

How to spot an underaged poster.jpg

How are these stats collected? Irl, I don’t know of single person who is actually tested. Is testing required in some countries or are people just reporting the results of the bullshit online quiz they took?

If anything I'm overaged. I've tasted just how meaningless effort can be. Months wasted studying for SATs that ended corresponding almost perfectly to my IQ. Shitty grades in STEM even though I studied so fucking much. You don't know what it's like to have your inferiority stuffed down your throat and see all your dreams break. Every fucking day nobody spares their disappointment of me even though I worked hard just like everyone told me to. I tried my best and it was not enough so don't fucking tell me I'm underaged. Am I a literal retard? Yeah, probably, but at least that's the truth.

180+ brainlet here. you left out that socioeconomic status has more bearing on success than IQ above 120~ [+/- 1SD]
It's almost completely irrelevant past that point, but work and love will make you happier regardless of economic status I believe too.

Why would I want to predict my comprehension and not try my comprehension out?

This autistic obsession with IQ is getting really pathetic even for Veeky Forums

>nothing can change IQ

Take two individuals with an equal amount of intellect distributed by genetics: person A is an anxious, self-sabotaging, depressed wreck, who's also a heavy drinker, person B is a hard-working, content, self-assured physics student who eats healthy and works out daily

Person B will probably score 2 SDs higher than person A, despite both having the same genetic aptitude. Now if person A fixes his life his score will reflect that

There's a plethora of factors that influences an IQ score, so to claim it always remains static is defeatist, reductionistic and frankly stupid

the easier example is that IQ tests take off marks if you've done one before, because people do better on them if they've taken them before. it's like humans learn shit.

yes, high iq is just OK, high iq doesn't mean poorer relationships though, it just means /less time spent cultivating personal skills/. that's it.
im high iq, 143 a few yrs ago, now studying math for undergrad at a top 15 in the states

heres some of my thoughts on hard work/iq and its utility..

the ability to intuit and understand novel and complex ideas is certainly helpful, and sometimes speeds up learning, but without proper use or invocation, that skill does almost nothing for me day to day. why?

because progress is made not by hard work or even the /learning/ of new ideas but by those ideas /built/ marginally, when you are engaged enough with a task at hand to /build/ or improve upon what you know in order to achieve something. rote learning doesn't matter.

"hard" work, does not matter. ENGAGED work - when your mind sets upon a single task, you are engaged, this matters, this is where you build the neuronal fucking pathways in your brain, by focusing on solving problems. IQ means nothing for this

anyway. my few cents.

>the ability to intuit and understand novel and complex ideas is certainly helpful, and sometimes speeds up learning, but without proper use or invocation, that skill does almost nothing for me day to day. why?
Nobody's arguing about whether people can waste their potential. It's simply that the notion that genetic potential can be exceeded or changed which is definitely false, at least for our lifetime.

>when your mind sets upon a single task, you are engaged, this matters, this is where you build the neuronal fucking pathways in your brain, by focusing on solving problems. IQ means nothing for this

>genetic potential can't be exceeded or changed
sure, agreed, in the same way all things progress according to "nature", "genetic potential" by definition of the word potential can not be exceeded..why would anybody even discuss this, it is an issue of semantics only.

i hope you see that this has almost nothing to do with IQ and even less to do with the progress of someone's life.

Inspired by this thread I finally took a real IQ test

Are you 150iq guys real or y'all took an internet test? I wish you guys are for real cause it's getting lonelier by the day

They took an online test

180+ here. I took a real test while committed to a psychiatric facility. I don't need more friends.

wassa matter einsdick cant proverbiate with us dummies? suck a dick

lmfao jfc

IQ is not an accurate measurement of intelligence

it is just half these people are lying

Not if you kill it in it’s weaken state

Not if he doesn’t read

>when Veeky Forums raids Veeky Forums

Brainiac genocide when? I think it's time we show those damn pretentious autists what's what.

If you guys really want to see pathetic, autistic obsession with IQ, look no further than this link quora.com/topic/Intelligence-Quotient

Got tested three times by professionals when I was 10 because I was a weird kid. 187, 154 and 157 but the tester who gave the high score was later found out to inflate them for God knows what reason so I was given the other two. I only share it with people anonymously on the net if I see the occasional thread, it's not the kind of thing anyone with social skills brings up in real life because it really isn't that important to success in life or happiness. I usually try to communicate this in my posts, too

not the guy but here's the source


Eh. IQ is unimportant for some matters and important for others. For example, I would discourage my friend from trying to get a mathematics degree if he has 100 IQ.

IMO the best iq test is the LSAT.

What about me? my verbal reasoning is at 147 (according to the WAIS which is the most accurate of all IQ tests), however, my working memory is unofurtunatly at a mere 85 and my long term memory at 90. In addition, I am dyslexic, rendering my comprehension quite weak when reading text. Thus, I am forced to consume all tests by means of audiobook and other dyslexic friendly resources.

Am I pleb? I feel like I am both a retard and a genius at the same time.

>Suffice to say, the greatest works of philosophy are incomprehensible to the average IQ person

This doesn't seem to be true of anything intellectual that I can think of. What would a good example be? Or, what are the hard problems in philosophy?