What problem was Hegel trying to solve with his dialectic?

>Logic is so dull and spiritless [...] Its determinations are accepted in their unmoved fixity and are brought only into external relation with each other. In judgments and syllogisms the operations are in the main reduced to and founded on the quantitative aspect of the determinations; consequently everything rests on an external difference, on mere comparison and becomes a completely analytical procedure and mechanical calculation. The deduction of the so-called rules and laws, chiefly of inference, is not much better than a manipulation of rods of unequal length in order to sort and group them according to size — than a childish game of fitting together the pieces of a coloured picture puzzle.

>In point of fact the need for a reconstruction of logic has long since been felt. In form and in content, logic, as exhibited in the text-books, may be said to have fallen into contempt. It is still dragged in, but more from a feeling that one cannot dispense with logic altogether and because the tradition of its importance still survives, rather than from a conviction that such commonplace content and occupation with such empty forms is valuable and useful.

>Before these dead bones of logic can be quickened by spirit, and so become possessed of a substantial, significant content, its method must be that which alone can enable it to be pure science [...] All that is necessary [...] is the recognition of the logical principle that the negative is just as much positive, or that what is self-contradictory does not resolve itself into a nullity, into abstract nothingness, but essentially only into the negation of its particular content, in other words, that such a negation is not all and every negation but the negation of a specific subject matter which resolves itself, and consequently is a specific negation, and therefore the result essentially contains that from which it results; which strictly speaking is a tautology, for otherwise it would be an immediacy, not a result. Because the result, the negation, is a specific negation, it has content. It is a fresh Notion but higher and richer than its predecessor; for it is richer by the negation or opposite of the latter, therefore contains it, but also something more, and is the unity of itself and its opposite.

This honestly just reads to me as "since logic is boring and stale we should spice it up by allowing contradictions."

Meanwhile the law of non-contradiction ("a statement can not be both true and false at the same time") is self-evident, and the law of excluded middle ("a statement is either true or false") can be formally derived from it.

Hegel came before Frege so he basically didn't even know what logic was.

Is this pic real?

Never make a thread with an image more interesting than the topic. Fatal mistake.
>tfw no legal loli gf

>Logic is so dull and spiritless
Hegel's speech is dull and spiritless. I see he wasn't keen on practicing literacy and eloquence.
And he fails to understand that science isn't for observing and reporting on how things work. It was created to contradict the laws of nature and make the world our bitch. Once we hack our biology to achieve intelligence we will break the laws of physics, the laws of space-time-gravity, the wildlife and nature itself. Finally we will break the degradation of society and human stupidity that's been more impossible to halter than the universe' progress.

>if you only care about looks pls go
You could think she knows shes the perfect woman for 90% of men (the rest are unfixable gays), but she feels like shes a freak lol not exploitable at all.


she knows exactly what she's doing. Look at what she's wearing for fuck sake

discovering the logical structure of all existence

>legal loli gf

what did god mean by this?

No, pic is actually a child model

Growth hormone disorders are much more severe, you ain't gonna find a pretty face like that on someone without healthy hormones.

>Swipe right to match with FBI

>they remove pituitary tumors thru your nose
Holy shit that's gotta be one hell of a surgery

>the perfect woman does not ex-

Overton Window

>That pic
I wanna buy the JoJo manga, and it's quite weird because I'm a snob usually. Is it a wise decision? I found the anime about the only one I've been able to stomach since I was a child - in fact, it was funny as shit. Anyone here know if there's a Veeky Forums manga?

There has to be more of this....

now this is a cute grl!

Nigga, Jojo is _the_ Veeky Forums manga. He literally references paintings/statues of Michelangelo in his stuff. Berserk too but less so.

Jojo is garbage tier plebbit shit pandering to the cynical caucausian male who doesn't want to believe you have to put real effort into life to get anything back.

>a bunch of these kinds of faggots at the local universities
>they get hooked on shit like steven universe, adventure time, ricky & mort(?) or whatever other pseud cartoon pops into fad-dom in north america

He was trying to 1 - find a place for German resistance to modernity 2 - fight Kant's scepticism and anti-theologie.
I recognize I haven't read much, but I am posting anyway.
