Can we have a thread about Spanish literature? Preferably from Spain, but LatAm also welcome...

Can we have a thread about Spanish literature? Preferably from Spain, but LatAm also welcome. Which Spanish authors are you reading? What are some hidden gems? Who are the best living authors?

Posts en español bienvenidos.

Currently reading

I Always had a soft spot for The Seven Madmen and The Flamethrowers by Roberto Arlt

How are you enjoying it? I personally preferred La familia de Pascual Duarte but La colmena was good as well

Cela's best work for me

maygicool reel ism

The Crime of Father Amaro was pretty funny, if that counts.

>t. hasn't read a single Spanish book

any good spanish books about spain in the 1500s and the conquista and inquisition

Historia verdadera de la conquista de Nueva España

That was fucking amazing

Now reading Don Quijote. I didn't believe people saying it was such an amazing book, but I find it fucking sublime. It is a fucking shame that they do not make kids study it at school ( at least I didn't)

I was just finishing rereading Moby Dick today and thinking of starting my annual Don Quijote reread when I thought, “damn, I’m glad I didn’t read these in school.”

These books are labors of passion and meant to be enjoyed and read at one’s leisure. I can only imagine being forced to read these and graded on your ability to squeeze some pithy secondhand thesis about what it “means” would only suck the joy out of them. Like, imagine being quizzed on Henry James instead of enjoying his craft.

Well, some books I was examined about, but some others were read at class and discussed by all. I would have loved to do that last thing with Don Quijote. I had really good literature teachers with really shitty syllabus to go through at the speed of light...

Speaking of Cela, anyone have an opinion on Bolaño's seemingly contradictary statements on Cela?

He once said:

>There is a secret slot forCelaat his best, as one of the great prose stylists, plural, of Spain in the second half of the twentieth century, as a human being happy with his wife Marina, as a man dangerously like us.

But in his famous piece of advice for young ahort story writers he said:

>I’ll repeat this once more in case it’s still not clear: don’t consider Cela or Umbral, whatsoever.

Forcing kids to read Don Quixote is the best way to hate it. I had to read 30 selected chapters or so and i didn't like it then.

At that age is better for them to read easier literature. When they have a background and passion for reading it's time to start with it.

Spanish Baroque: the only Spanish literature worth reading. Ñ = ghost

i think they are all subhuman, i would never read anything by spanish or iberian shit, latin american etc. never, i would just feel disgusted lmao. some pig who is below me wrote some nonsense and I will read it? never.

I appreciate the rest but baroque is my favourite

not bad, but it was a clusterfuck and it kinda went nowhere, but i guess that was the point, to get a slice of the atmosphere from those times in Madrid

was the spanish inquisition that bad? or is it mostly a meme created by anglos as black legend?

Spanish just seems like such a brainlet language to me.
I'm biased because of engaging with retarded, fatass mexicans of course but I have a visceral dislike of sp*nish

Sorry to the spaniards.

you can learn to speak spanish like in 4h, so i guess it can be seen as a brainlet language in that sense

has anybody read Baltasar Gracián? should i start directly with his The Art of Worldly Wisdom or some of his other stuff?

Spanish is only barely easier to learn than other Romantic languages like French or Italian. So unless you define "brainlet" some other way I don't see what you mean.

Mostly a meme. Few killings and over a very long period of time (centuries). More people died in St Bartholomew's day massacre in France than the whole kill count of the inquisition in all its existence.

You're just biased. I find Spanish a more literary language than English, which I find colder and better suited for science.

>Portuguese is Spanish now
Please die

we are all the same, man

Maybe he thought Cela's or Umbral's styles weren't to be imitated by young writers, as if he wanted them to write something new. and not repeat what have been done.
I don't know, it doesnt seem contradictory to me.

Thoughts on Reverte?
I think is so fucking comfy to read his books
Never read Alatriste though

I like javier marias a lot

read his "El pintor de batallas", was too artsy for him

tried to read his "La carta esférica" about a beta orbiter but i got bored at some point from all the vibes i got from it

i read some of Alatriste and it was ok, but i don't remember much from it to tell you the true.

i guess i should read "The Club Dumas" at some point because i liked the movie even if it has some defects, but not sure because i didn't get much from him so far

He is a writer for 40 year old

He is usually spot on in his articles, even if he's memed about by SJWs. Never read his fiction, though

I read El pintor de batallas and I loved it
Also liked Un dia de coolers very much (but maybe it was because we fucked on some French's)
La tabla de Flandes was super fun to read. Like a good Da Vinci Code

Un dia de colera*

Creo que leí todas las novelas de Alatriste de chico. Reverte está completamente inflado como autor y figura pública y resulta ya insoportable. Hablamos de un tío que, con un sillón en la RAE y siendo probablemente el columnista más leído de España, nunca tendría que haber salido de la sección juvenil de Casadellibro ni de la televisión.