Should I just kill myself or what?

Should I just kill myself or what?

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I haven't read the book, but you should kill yourself anyway.


The book is amazing, why would you kill yourself? Are you retarded?

but what if this is just a dream..., a ""simulation", if you will, and killing urself will wake u up? O_o

Baudrillard was not a pessimist or a moralist. He was a bit of an edgelord, I think he even called himself a nihilist so his reaction to the loss of being able to correctly signify things is more like "fuck it, so what"?

The book has nothing to do with that kind of simulation. Are you familiar with signalling?

Mfw i realize that everything is a semiological structure

Not yet

This book was required reading for the actors in the Matrix movie.

How? I've tried to read it like literally 10 times over the last ten years and never take anything substantial from it.

Have you tried writing down notes?

Maybe this will help you

> A term is not a word. A term is the meaning of a word. Water and agua are two different words, they mean the same thing though

Stopped reading right there.

Because this book is so hard to read.

To bad the directors didn't understand it

yes, you should kys p-zombie
yes, please kys if you can’t understand semiotics

not so fast!

Don't kill yourself, you won't be able to enjoy Baudrillard's fine works of science fiction. He's a total troll, both infatuated and repulsed by America. In his book 'America' he notes how Las Vegas is located near Death Valley. He's a lot of fun to read

No, I guess I could try that because reading it again is inevitable, something about it sitting on my shelf and knowing I haven't grasped it yet really irritates me and I always try again.
Hm, looks interesting, bookmarked, thank you

Start here, not as opaque as Simulacra, but gives you the gist of JB's philosophy in bite size morsels

>In his book 'America' he notes how Las Vegas is located near Death Valley.

Wow, what a shattering insight. I don't know if I can ever look at the world the same as before.

confirmed brainlet

killing yourself is more banal than being a GOAT-tier cynic-seducer. just start smoking.

Read tge annotated edition instead. It's the only way to grasp it if you don't have a comprehensive understanding of Marx and Hegel, which Debord references a lot.

I'm reading this right now and I have a question.

>Why should we not treat our surroundings as if they correspond to an actual reality unless given evidence otherwise?

And if given evidence that it does not, adjust our framework to encompass the new information. Baurillard seems to make a leap that because something is existential after something similar preceeded it that is necessarily a simulation. Even taking influence as given, I in no way see how thisinvalidates the latter construct (socio-cultural norm, belief, idea, meme, etc.).

Also, in his first chapter he posits an English major's view of science. "Because the ethnologists retreated from their subject it undermines their work, death of ethnology by tasaday revenge but they're just a simulation now anyway so they don't matter either."

He acts as if his idea of simulation invalidates medicine. Chemistry and physics, I have yet to see his comment on. I disagree with a lot of what he says, but I love this book. It makes me think.