Did philosophy die in the 60s?


Got replaced by psychology

It just started

I don’t know how you can ask this when Thomas Nagel and David Chalmers are still living.

That was the low point of french phil tbqh golden age wad 60-80

>Did philosophy die in the 60s?
no , it died in the 16's.

Die? What does that even mean?

Death is a concept invented by living white philosophers in order to oppress disadvantaged dead africans

Everything died in the 60s

Psychoanalysis was the killing blow

No, it started deadlifting.


lol it died with aristotle

it died before any of those chichi hacks were born

No that's when it started to get good, if you're talking about French philosophy

No, it's much better now. Existentialists are a fucking joke.

dude it fucking died when the first fuck-ape gargled out a guttural "Grernk" at the sun.

There are three great evental periods in western philosophy; The Ancient Greek Academy, Germany from the publication of Kant’s first critique to the death of Hegel, and France from 1966 to the death of Deleuze.

Althusser, Lacan, Derrida, Foucault, Balibar, Rancierre, Mancherey, Lefebvre, Debord, Badiou, Lyotard, Deleuze, Guattari, Baudrillard, Virilio, Lefort, Laruelle, Lacoue-Labarthe, Ricoeur, Levinas, irigaray, Kristeva, Barthes
Like holy shit, there has never been a period of time in the history of the world that had been so intellectually productive. It is going to be another century before it even starts to be reasonably digested.


I do wonder why it happened in France the way it did (rather than the US for example) and how many of the authors you mentioned (along with a few others unmentioned) will be remembered in history. Also, some of them are total pseuds. Lacan might've had some very interesting and influential ideas (even among those who ultimately disagree with him), but Lacanian philosophers (and psychoanalysts no less) are unbearable.

Because France has had an extremely long and sophisticated intellectual tradition stretching uninterrupted longer than every other Western nations. They are simply ahead culturally. Every new thought that those in the rest of the West have was had by a Frenchman centuries ago.
The US at the time were still buying into English Cambridge school bullshit and still couldn't handle Nietzsche with maturity.

>/pol/ humour

>cue movie trailer music