"Questions that dont deserve their own thread" thread

"Questions that dont deserve their own thread" thread.

I know there's a 2016 top 100 chart and a fake 2017 but I'm pretty sure I've seen a new one for 2017. Does anyone have it?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why did Dante choose Beatrice and not another figure like a saint or an archangel to accompany him in Heaven?

doesn't matter, found it.

Because he had a mad crush on her.

and cause she was dead

What book by houellebecq has the least amount of awkward sex scenes? I liked the elementary particles, but could have done with less descriptions of Bruno's sexual antics.

Whatever does not hold any sex scenes

Is Peterson indirectly influenced by Hegel?

In part, it’s sort of an apotheosis of the sonneteer’s devotion to his lady love.... his devotion to her leads to his salvation. Also in part because of her name and its association with beatification, or the attaining of blessedness.

This is the one. The other fake one had Bottom's Dream in like #5, and was obviously ridiculous.

how should i get into poetry?
I'm taking this one english class as a college req and thats literally all it's about. feeling kind of out of my depth.

Read a book on prosody.

Would there happen to be an updated version of pic-related or some other alternative of it?

Hello Veeky Forums

First time here and I've never even lurked so I'm sorry. But my grandmother passed away recently and she still had a lot of old book. I know what I'm doing now by transporting them is terrible but they have to be moved. But once they're back at my home what's the best way to preserve them. Not just physically, but the words in them as well. These are some silly old books and novels from 1930 and before, stuff which I assume is out of print, out of people's mind and in danger of being lost. But after that how to safely store them afterwards? Pics are just a few examples.

Of course none of them are in good condition, but I really don't want to throw things away, there's enough going to the tip as it is.


Some more I just found

Your grandma had great taste

Paedophilia and sublimation.

Why do people keep saying Dante’s love for Beatrice was pedophilic? Yes she was like eight when he fell in love with her but he was only one year older.

Because Dante belongs to a literary current, dolce stil novo, where the one beautiful woman the poet loves is made into an ethically ideal angelic being, as well as a wise muse that stimulates and elevates the author's intellect and art, worthy of the kind of admiration expressed in verses that you would expect to be praising the Church calendar's official saints and angels. This kind of love is seen as no different or separate from the love that moves the sun and the other stars (l'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle), the cosmic, salvific power of God which gave Dante the mission to begin with, both as writer and as character. In the mind of Dante nobody was better than Beatrice for the job, it has to be her, God had to recruite Beatrice to get him to write the Divine Comedy. See also Vita Nuova XX.


But he does choose a third guide, Saint Brenard of Clairvaux

thank you user!

Whatever, as already mentioned, and The Map and the Territory.

Where should I start with lacan? I don't know much about him other than zizek and he is a psychoanalyst.

I don't really have a good grasp of psychology either so any help with me appreciated.

Will be appreciated*

Fuck I'm a moron.

There is no 'real' chart. They're both coordinated by discordfags who can manipulate results.

I want to write a fantasy novel that will give me the best chance at being remembered after I'm dead, but I'm convinced the idea I want to write most is ultimately animesque and extremely forgetable

In contrast, I have a more memorable story idea, but it's missing most of the ides I like the most. I could write both of them, but they use the same character concept who's already appeared in one book I've already written and another that is in the works

What do I do?

You could try combining the two together. If you do it well it could be something special and memorable.

I'm not really sure I can but typing it out might lead to something

Idea 1
>the night a historic meteor shower begins a guy who accidentally takes the subway into another universe where the wildlife of an uninhabited city are preparing to go to war
>in order to get back he'll have to side with the fauna nation supporting the subway but it quickly becomes apparent that the side he joins is the wrong one who commited a war crime just by bringing humans into the fight and if any one of the nations captures the tunnel he came through it could result in the end of our world
>however, he wasn't the only one on that train, and not all the others were such great people

Idea 2
>during the great depression a starving boy sets out on a quest to become the world's greatest chef
>his journey ends up taking him from new york,
to paris, to tokyo alongside a plucky fortune teller who knows the ways between worlds to learn impossible cooking techniques that violate the laws of physics
>how to slice portions from an ingredient without diminishing it
>how to substitute ingredients so effectively that he can make mouth-watering meals from sticks and dirt
>how to produce dishes so heavenly that their aroma can bring someone back from the brink of death

yeah, no ideas to combine them are coming

I like the second one more. You could write little recipes too. I'd read it.

Thanks anons, much appreciated

Why do I have a cuckold fetish? Who has the best philosophy for being a cuckold?

What religions have a good alternative to the "7 deadly sins" and the accompanying virtues?

Doesnt necessarily have to be religious im just interested in seeing different archetypes/generalisations for humanity

How do I get through a boring but required read? I'm constantly thinking about how I could ve reading books I like.


How do I start reading Philosophy/Non-Fiction? Who do I even start with? I'm just afraid it will be really dry.

Freud, Saussure and a lot of patience

Before Freud: Heraclitus, Empedocles, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Plato, Shakespeare, Darwin, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche

1. Outline of Psychoanalysis, it's a short book that will get you started.
2. Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis
3. New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis

4. On Dreams, it's a dumbed down laymans version of Interpretation of Dreams, and is a decent introduction.

5. Interpretation of Dreams
6. Psychopathology of Everyday Life
7. Jokes and their Relation to the Unconscious

8. Three Essays on Sexuality
9. Beyond the Pleasure Principle
10. Ego and Id

11. Totem and Taboo
12. Future of an Illusion
13. Civilization and its Discontents

Before Lacan: Freud, de Saussure, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Heidegger, Jaspers, Kojève, Althusser, Bataille, Claude Lévi-Strauss

Secondary lit on Lacan:
Jacques Lacan: An Outline of a Life and History of a System of Thought - Elisabeth Roudinesco
A Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Theory and Technique - Bruce Fink
The Lacanian Subject: Between Language and Jouissance - Bruce Fink


Hindu varna system, perhaps?


Arishadvargas, six passions of Hinduism:
kama — lust
krodha — anger
lobh — greed
moha — delusory emotional attachment or temptation
mada — pride, hubris
matsarya — envy, jealousy

Five poisons in Buddhism: ignorance, attachment, aversion, pride, envy

Five Thieves in Sikhism: Kaam (Lust), Krodh (Rage), Lobh (Greed), Moh (Attachment), Ahankar (Conceit)

In Islam the nafs has seven characteristics that must be overcome: Pride (Takabbur), Greed (Hirs), Envy (Hasad), Lust (Shahwah), Backbiting (Gheebah), Stinginess (Bokhl), Malice (Keena)

Thanks anons.

Francois Dosse and Roudinescu's book on Lacan wouldn't be bad starting places



Try to balance the whitewashing vs. the smearing of Lacan and you will come somewhere close to the truth