Most Christians are hypocrits

>most Christians are hypocrits

Where did this spook come from and why is it still widely believed?

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it goes something like this

1. the bible is god's moral law
2. the bible contains many rules that current christians do not follow
3. current christians maintain the bible is moral

since these christians don't follow all the rules in the bible like the leviticus shit about shellfish they are therefore hypocrites because they don't follow the bible's rules, and tend to pick and choose.

>1. the bible is god's moral law
nice spook dude

i'm just telling you what people think.

>the bible is god's moral law
Well thats a misconception, the Bible is not a rule book.

They are, sorry senpai. Kierkegaard's criticisms of the Danish church are valid for virtually every church today.

Allowing gays to roam free.

It's a meme, stemming from Jesus' harsh condemnation of the hypocritical Pharisees. Anti-Christians want to use Christianity as ammo to attack itself, so they echo Jesus' condemnation of hypocrisy, but direct it against Christians.
Not that there isn't hypocrisy in the church, as reminds us, but this is why it's pointed out so often.
It is absolutely not anything like . Obviously this poster has never read the Bible, he's only heard soundbites about how Leviticus condemns pork and shellfish- completely ignorant of the Apostles' ruling that these rules don't apply to Gentile Christians, found in the New Testament.

i wasn't stating that was my position. that's just what the majority of atheists i've encountered have stated about the bible. chill out.

I agree, saying that most christians are hypocrites is bad. actually they all are

It seems the condemnation of Christians is overblown. The majority of Christians in my experience are neither preachy nor claim to be any better than the rest of us. People latch onto a few examples of failures and stereotype the vast majority who are just trying (and failing) to live their lives better.

>everyone who criticizes people for hypocrisy is just copying muh Jesus

>completely ignorant of the Apostles' ruling that these rules don't apply to Gentile Christians, found in the New Testament
So why is hating gays still justified by using Leviticus quotes? I know Paul talks about homosexuality, but I don't remember why he said that was a rule Christians should still use from Leviticus but foreskin and shellfish are A-okay?

The law doesn't still apply, we don't put butt pirates to death anymore, but the "it's an abomination to Yahweh" part is still true.

Oh, sorry for misunderstanding.
No, the people who call Christians out for hypocrisy also hate Christ, mostly.
The Law found in the Hebrew scriptures contains some universal laws, and some particular commandments God gave to Israel specifically (e.g. pork and shellfish). Paul helps us understand that the prohibition of homosexuality was a universal, much like the prohibitions against lying or coveting. As a universal, even the Old Testament passages on the subject remain in force.
That's the reason why it's really justified. That being said, most of the use of Leviticus to bash gays is done by ignoramuses who don't know their Bible. They have the right Biblical conclusion, but their thought process is nonexistent.

Hating gays isn't justified by anything in the Bible, and as for the position of the church on homosexuality, it isn't justifiable by Leviticus' codes, it is justified by the theology of sexual morality and the body. Homosexuality simply doesn't make sense in Christian thinking (it has no telos), therefore it has to be a consequence of the Fall, therefore it cannot be divine, therefore it cannot be accepted. It shocks me how ignorant most people are of how Christianity works. Disagree with it, sure, but at least understand what you're criticising.

"Hypocrite" is popularly understood as "one who fails to live up to one's own standards." It's been divorced from its meaning which implied theatrical deceit. A major aspect of the overuse of "hypocrite" is plebs not knowing what the word means.

Why's it used so much against Christians? There are several famous passages in the Gospels where Christ absolutely rips into the Pharisees and scribes, calling them hypocrites. Because people misunderstand the nature of Christ's criticism, they think this makes it a double-gotcha.

>God gave to Israel specifically (e.g. pork and shellfish). Paul helps us understand that the prohibition of homosexuality was a universal, much like the prohibitions against lying or coveting.
How do you choose which ones are universal and which ones not? Do you just pick the ones that fit your moral preconceptions and then just discard the others?

It's universal because it is a commandment under the New Covenant, which applies to both Jew and Gentile, that is, everyone.

>don't follow the give away your riches principle
>don't really love other people
>be prejudiced af
>exploit and do bad shit to strangers
>but I'm a very good papa
>plus the priest said I'm absolved
>plus there is this purgatory thing
>I'm certainly going to heaven!

>why he said that was a rule Christians should still use from Leviticus but foreskin and shellfish are A-okay?
The Jewish law also forbids buggery it to the goyim. The so-called 7 Laws of Noah contain one positive commandment (To establish courts of justice) and six negative ones:

Not to worship idols.
Not to curse God.
Not to commit murder.
Not to commit adultery or sexual immorality.
Not to steal.
Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal.

If a goy would do these things in the Biblical Israelites territory, death penalty would be applied. Orthodox Jews teach that to become a Righteous Gentile - that is to join them in the world to come - you have to follow these mitzvot. Non-Jews don't have to be circumcised to go to heaven according to both Judaism and Christianity, and yes they are allowed to eat their shellfish and delicious bacon, but this doesn't mean the laws in the Torah concerning idolatry, blasphemy, murder, sexual immorality and theft are somehow suspended if a goyim violates them.

People who say that Christians are okay and don't really harm anyone else in general, apart from rabid few, are retarded. Just because mental patients don't harm me doesn't mean people don't see how delusional they are. The fact that Christianity is so big with all its flaws is a major farce.

>, the Bible is not a rule book.
It is if you're evangelical, fundamentalist, southern baptist. The bible is the inerrant word of god, and is without error or fault in all its teaching. IT'S GAWDS LAW, user! Y'ALL GONNA BURN IN HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY IF YA DON' BELIEVE IT!

>Where did this spook come from and why is it still widely believed?
Because it's true.
Also, not literature.

>where did this spook come from
ah, very clever I see what you did there

listen christfags you worship a demon who wants you to bathe your kids in amniotic fluid, drink his blood, eat his flesh and swear to pledge your soul to him at death

you're the most evil people alive

Why would Gentiles be expected to follow cultural laws intended to mark Hebrews as a distinct people? Christians aren't Hebrews. Why would we follow the ceremonial laws for a religion based around animal sacrifice when the perfect sacrifice of Jesus already fulfilled all the need for sacrifices? We're only obligated to follow the moral laws handed down by the patriarchs. And that makes sense. It isn't a difficult fact to understand. It isn't hidden secret knowledge. All you have to do is ask a few Christians and maybe google. It's like you not only don't understand the basics of the Christian religion, but you don't want to.

How many Christians do you know that have given all of their wordly possessions to the poor?

>implying that early Christians didn't abandon these laws as a marketing move to attract Gentiles to the religion.

>don't follow the give away your riches principle
There's no such principle.
>don't really love other people
Love doesn't mean helping others to destroy their own souls and damage society.
>be prejudiced af
You're literally spouting prejudice against Christians right now.
>exploit and do bad shit to strangers
Christians are commanded to love strangers. Your worldview doesn't even have that commandment, let alone the practice of it.

There was a period in time when Christians actually did this and they were hated for it.

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Hated by other Christians for making them look like hypocrites?

Atheism is positively correlated with autism to the point where atheism is a symptom of autism.

The Bible contains numerous rules. It isn't just a rule book, but it is a rule book. You'll observe the consequences of not just breaking those laws but renouncing them even in your own lifetime. I've witnessed decades of the lives of plenty of white middle class liberal atheists with happy childhoods who I've known since childhood, including my own brother and sister. It's interesting to see their life trajectories as God gives them over to a reprobate mind. It's interesting to watch them proceed through creepy interests, bodily mutilation, fetishes, adultery, drug abuse, divorce, communism, homosexuality, neopaganism, colored hair, occultism, obsessive fandom, suicide, murder, mental illness, etc. I've also watched the effect it has on their children. It's amazing to watch what this kind of people turns into over the course of decades, what they turn their families into, what they turn their societies into. Meanwhile here are the Christians being normal.

Case in point. What do you think this person looks like? How do you picture them? What kind of life do they lead, will they lead in the future? Do you picture them with stunning white teeth in a broad smile, clear skin without tattoos, tired from working hard to support their nuclear family in a nice house, free from abnormal sexual fetishes, dressed in modest nice clothing? I don't. I don't think they can even picture themselves that way.

Read that entire chapter and come. You know the chapter doesn't just stop after Jesus tells the guy that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eyes of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God? The text just doesn't suddenly stop there. There are verses after that. The scene goes on for pages. Read them. For the love of God, read them, then stop spouting this stupidity.

Mark, read Mark. He is super clear about leaving everything behind. No room for alternative explanations, and all of the other gospel writers just amended Mark, so it is the most pure

No, hated because they were constantly begging for handouts because they had no money of their own because they gave it away.

I mean, it is very simple, most Christians are assholes deep down and very rarely do I find one I would enjoy spending time with. The religion is designed to suck originality out of humanity.

Christians aren't obligated to give away all their possessions and live in poverty. There are different callings for different Christians. Some are called to the religious life and become monks or priests, and they swear vows of poverty. The corporate wealth of the Church and monastic orders are not contrary to the Bible. Others are called to live single or family lives. In thr case of family men, giving away all of one's property to the poor would be a grave sin as one has a moral obligation to support one's family. Christians are expected to give a portion of their property to charity, or even to live voluntarily in personal poverty in communes as is the case of monks and nuns, but saying that all Christians must give everything to charity is not a commandment from God, but rather a false commandment from your god, which is Satan.

>I reject

23 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Assuredly, I say to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

25 When His disciples heard it, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?”

26 But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

You're passing on a false teaching. You're a liar.

And a fool.

No, Mark where he says ‘if you do not leave mother, father, land’ etc. I mean there are like three or four points in that book that he makes his communist views explicit

>the early Christians were communist

There were a number of early Christian sects that were communist (communities in which one had to give up all possessions to join) and they even had women leaders, but the asshole side of the church strongarmed the good guys to death and we ended up with this dumbed down Christianity that is ass-backwards.

>this is your brain on liberalism

>jesus said love everybody!
>but not you, you, you, you, you, you...

>loving people means staying silent and letting them sin and go to Hell

>implying liberalism and communism are in any way compatible

Read literally any political philosophy.

>saving someone from hell means not loving them
Congratulations. You're the problem.

You're a fucking pinko. You'll call yourself liberal when it suits you, socialist when it suits you, and communist when it suits you, and a half dozen other bullshit names. They're just names. These are just different masks you wear to conceal your evil from normal people. In reality there is nothing inside you. No ideas or ideals. Just a hatred for goodness and God and God's people that has utterly consumed your soul. So you project these personas that you believe can fool others and give you a path to power to build the Hell you want to see on earth. So I'll just call you a liberal. Everyone knows what that means. Your true name is Satan.

>do not cast pearls before swine
The J man said it himself

Reprobates aren't worth evangelizing. There are plenty of normal people who are open to the Gospel. Love is not pretending that reprobates are normal people. Love is not supporting and condoning and enabling sin. That's what you really want, isn't it? Sin?

A healthy man doesn't need a doctor.
You've completely missed the point of christianity and you're exactly the kind of people Jesus spoke against.

Reprobates are already dead. Normal non-Christian people are not reprobate. Do you even know what reprobation is? Please tell me more about Jesus. It's always interesting to hear the perspectives of people who don't know what they're talking about. A person who rejects Christ claiming that he he understands Christ when he doesn't even understand what I'm saying. You're a fool.

I can't help you.

No, you won't be leading me to Hell. I'll have to turn down your offer. Please try to overcome your hatred of God and Christians and accept Christ instead. You're a fool, but you don't have to stay that way. Repent.

Why do you follow Jesus, when he's just a semitic copycat of Appolonius? I can tell your faith is weak, considering your childish rage.

I'm not even angry. I just recognize that you're stupidly lying about a subject you have no knowledge of.

Most people are hypocrites in some way or another, it's not like christians have a special pass on that

It's true, any Christian with a proclivity for unrepentant metaphysical materialism are hypocrties.

Damn, I miss Benedict