Makes you think

Makes you think

she should read KIDS

>they let dogs work as librarians nowadays

>1984 Animal Farm
is there a missing conjunction there? also
>not recommending Fahrenheit 451
as long as you're throwing out entry-level dystopia it might as well be relevant also
>implying this ever happened
surely nobody is this stupid to announce their crimes on twitter


some people advertise their services

>pigs can fly nowadays

W-why is Peterson getting so popular bros? The Marxist revolution was supposed to be right around the corner and now we're fucked!

What is the Streisand effect?

>1984 The Animal Farm
kek, that guy is an excellent memer

No one thinks this way, and Peterson isn't stopping anything - I doubt any NEET rooms have been cleaned.



>he hasn't read 1984 the animal farm

don't worry bro! peterson btfos teh postmodern sjw soycucks! Shadilay!

Meme magic is the new synthesis cick

She must really hate clean bedrooms and beds that are made.

>surely nobody is this stupid to announce their crimes on twitter
bro there have been people who posted pictures of themselves with stolen items on the victim's facebook page. people regularly record themselves committing crimes and putting the videos up on multiple social media platforms. never underestimate how fucking stupid and arrogant people can be.

I cleaned my room, i got a job, now i suffer with meaning. He genuinely helped me.

That's good. Do you use your new earnings to pay back your daddy debt on patreon dot com?

>he bought into the wageslavery is meaningful meme

surely fahrenheit 451 would have been a better dystopia to suggest

>nobody is this stupid to announce their crimes on twitter
Many are actually proud of what they are doing and doesn't even consider it as a crime.

Me too bro. I was already somewhat on the mental mend (though nowhere near where I am now) before discovering him, but he still helped to point me in the right direction and turned me on to reading things I never would have otherwise. Don't pay any heed to snide cunts who can't bare to see anyone recover their life even in the smallest way.

someone on /pol/ did some hunting and found out it's a guy called graham or something

Libraries have self help books?

I think it's fake because of the way they include le rekt book suggestion

the librarian won't tell you where they are tho

when most people use the word 'crime' they are referring to those actions which are defined and delineated in their state's penal code, and you know it



>if you dislike memerson you must be a marxist

Nice meme ahahah I loved 2016

>communism will prevail next time we just need keep up the fight bros!!!

Ironically Peterson is a SJW soycuck himself.

accurate representation of the average lit user

Do you think this joke would help break the ice with a qt librarian, or have they probably heard them all before?

Fake news

>No one thinks this way
Wew. Nice comprehension there bud. I don't know any Marxist who thinks we can wish communism into being.

It’s almost like you can just make a sock and say anything. As if somebody that actually works at that library would say they were going to destroy books on twitter, you’re a fucking idiot if you buy this.

Marxism is getting more and more popular. It’s only natural that such a fact would create pushback.

Weird that the world’s foremost Marxist intellectual supported Trump and predicted him. From Zizek’s perspective Trump represents the working classes correctly recognizing that the role of the media in manufacturing ‘official opinion’ and the positive development of the de-legitimation of the government and other institutions of power. The election of Trump now acts as an ideological rupture, an “event” in his jargon, which raises the serious possibility of reconfiguring it in our favour.

The Marxist line IS that the focus on the Russia Affair is the result of the psychic trauma from the ruptured Imaginary, and thus they need to rely on the existence of a decisive outside factor as a way of not confronting the fact that their politics simply don’t appeal to people anymore. It’s focusing all the blame on the spark from a passing car, and not how we came to live in a dry tinderbox.

It’s actually pretty funny to see this because it looks like Redhats are going to completely misread their opposition in the dialectically opposite way that Clinton and her supporters did. Nobody on the Communist or socialist left things like this, and you are going to be the one who suffers for not recognizing that.

This is a side note, and I can’t say this enough times, while the New York Times and other publications completely blew their election prediction, Nate Silver and 538 got it right as always. On the morning of Election Day they gave Clinton 2/3rds, Trump 1/3rd. A result where Clinton won the popular vote by 5 million or whatever but lost the college is perfectly consistent with that result. Something that happens one third of the time still happens a lot. If you played Russian Roulette with a six-shooter and two loaded chambers, how good would you feel? In the end the polls were not wrong and the actual experts accurately called it. It was the liberal pundits for whom Trump was an unthinkable thing who incorrectly read the empirical data.

Why is it always leftists doing this shit? You never hear about like a conservative moving all copies of Marx's Capital to the fantasy section or some shit like that.

This is the most fascinating part it me. The fact that at its root Peterson’s core problematic is finding meaning in the world today. Yet he’s built his brand around being an ‘anti-postmodernist’, despite seeking to address the exact same question they were, if ‘they’ can even be demarcated in any real way.

Postmodern philosophy, if it is anything, is a generation of philosophers trying to come to terms with finding meaning in a world after the death of both God and the great modernist projects of deliberately human constructed/engineered societies. In otherwords, the question of meaning in ‘the postmodern condition’. Postmodernism is an attempt to come to grips with postmodernity, the incomprehensibly complex, accelerating, fluxating world where there is no long a church everybody goes to or a democracy that anybody really believes in. It’s a world where people are atomized, and detached from any notion of their history, either personally or nationally, and have no strong vision of the future as different from the present. The world is so complex, and we are all pulled by many spheres of life to the point that all of us experience a fragmented subjectivity, never comfortable or whole or ‘a part’ of anything. This is a problem postmodernist thinkers wanted to talk about.

This is why Foucault spent so much time investigating marginalized people, homosexuals, the insane, the sick, criminal and sex workers and so on. People who live categorically outside any system by which the ‘normal’ person finds meaning. And what he tried to find was how these people construct their own subjectivities and their own sense of meaning, with the hope that from this we might come to understand how the rest of us can come to terms with life in postmodernity.

I see Peterson as somebody who sees the same problem but essentially proposes a return to pre-modern forms of meaning, but I’d really appreciate learning if this is correct or not.

Can you explain in short how Peterson grapples with the question of meaning? If not, could you link to a concise video that does? I don’t want to trek around hours and hours of video, but I am interested.

>surely nobody is this stupid to announce their crimes on twitter
You'd think so. You'd hope so. But you'd be wrong.

>surely nobody is this stupid to announce their crimes on twitter

Fundies got up in arms about Harry Potter.

it's mostly conservatives that try to get books removed from school libraries because they have any slightly controversial ideas in them

I rather like this analysis. But it's kind of blackly humorous to view Peterson through this lens. He thinks the postmodernists failed.
If he's on the same track a sthem, doesn't that mean he's destined to fail, too?

Damn this is legitimately the first explanation of post modernism I've seen on this site

can I introduce you to

you mean its leftists putting gay propoganda in children's books and sane parents saying they want nothing to do with that


>Foremost Marxist intellectual
the absolute state of Marxism desu familia


william james want meaning
lacan want meaning too
william james ironically lacan

no. it's mostly because of swearing and challenging religious views. because americans are delicate, and they don't like to think for themselves.
also pic related was removed from a library in canada for "perpetuating negative stereotypes of indigenous peoples"

i thought you guys had taken up the anti-free speech mantle recently

>americans don't like to think
>posts something about canada
this board just gets smarter by the day

It's what everyone does when they're trying to maintain control.

free speech is a meme tbqh. i have never met anyone that doesn't get upset over at least some topics

pretty much everyone has a 'how dare you question that' subject

>you guys
exactly who do you think you are addressing with that comment?

i never said the two statements were related
but if you want to be a dick about it, canada is part of the north american continent

pic related was removed from classrooms in idaho because it includes the phrase "god damn"

nowadays, christ has been effectively replaced by a ''marginalised'' 300lbs transgedner with neon blue hair. I am a white mane caught in a dead end job, i'm socially inept, I hate life and myself and I let out some steam by beating strawmen of the ''lgbt community'' online. My 'right wing' attitudes are little me than a product of the crushing sense of hopelessness and disappointment RE; the modern world and mass culture.

nobody does that in america, maybe in a public school library but in an actual library no one is going to try to censor anything

>t, canada is part of the north american continent
Yeah, you sound really intelligent referring to them as Americans

>removed from school libraries
which also includes some university libraries

>pic related was removed from classrooms in idaho because it includes the phrase "god damn"

point to where i referred to canadians as americans
(even though they are)
try to do that without hurting yourself

>(even though they are)
my fucking sides

I have taken up the 'there's nothing worth saying within the framework of the discourse hell we currently inhabit and we are all doomed' mantle. bell hooks, Jordan Peterson and Eckhardt Tolle are merely competing pushers of pseudo-politicised self help literature. We all fast loosing all contact with our literate past, institutions such as universities and schools are nothing but vulgar instruments of human cattle management. Increasingly impersonal bureaucratic worlds inhabited by atomised non-entities always seeking distraction and shareable rage content.

thanks for the cringe

1,2 shit on the floor
3,4 pick up dicks
5, 6 eat my ass
>burns/destroys books and posts about it publicly to stop people reading book in question
>thinks this will stop or means there will be less people reading it
She’s retarded

I think Peterson's view on how to achieve optimal meaning in life can be summarized with one of his most famous quotes: to ride the line between order and chaos.
So I'm guess his perspective is that the post modern world which pulls people apart into their own subjectivity is not a tenable view and that there are certain objective values which we must strive towards. This supposedly prevents the mentality of doing whatever you want because there are infinite subjective experiences. He believes the guidebook for this optimal way of life can be found in religion and myth, as it is the tradition and history that you say has been lost in the postmodernist view. This is why Peterson wants to bring it back as a why to reunite people. This is the order part of his belief system.
However he also acknowledges that much of religion is focused on looking for new experiences, having faith that large scale efforts will work and being innovative. This is the chaos part which is essentially risk taking.
This is why he claims that following the ever changing path that provides meaning is the optimal way to live. I agree with you that people can form their own meaning in life, I'm not sure about peterson, but I do believe that if you analyze religion as moral literature some good advice on how to attain meaning can be found without being committed to some of the less modern dogma or religious traditions.

Yeah, at best I think ite a took to challenge dominant grouos, but it will as be abandoned in the long run.

By objective I mean statistically more viable even if it is subjective.

>when you're a literal retard
I do not agree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it.
You're really showing your colors, bud.

mfw im in the same city as this pinko fuck

> Nobody on the Communist or socialist left things like this, and you are going to be the one who suffers for not recognizing that.

Nobody at all thinks like this, it's a strawman of the fabricated Hillary voter. The only people who remotely voiced this it-was-her-turn" opinion were sockpuppets on twitter and lena dunham.

Then again, trump voters refer to neoliberals as communists on a regular basis

like the word nigger in huck finn? please.

communists are de facto stormtroopers for neoliberalism, they do the dirty work of the liberals enforcing the mass immigration female hypergamy agenda. The only legit revolutionary path involves reading SIEGE by James Mason, and the esoteric third positionist works of authors such as Dugin, Guenon, and Miguel Serrano.

I get triggered over all sorts of topics but people should still have the right to voice them, you weak willed fuck. I'm a black guy on Veeky Forums, and people throw around 'nigger' like it's going out of style. You don't see me advocating for censorship of /pol/.

Go the fuck away

She should read SIEGE

wew lads. personally I don't care at all. you can be a Nazi, you can be kill YT, you can defend pedophilia or infant sacrifice

I said that in practice people are not actually like this. they usually have a topic where they wont listen to arguments or evidence, theyll just shut off

well you guys refer to Trump voters as Fascists all the time. same thing really

>huck finn
Removed from the Montgomery County,
Penn. school curriculum (2015) after a
group of students said the book’s use of
the N-word made them uncomfortable
and the students thought the school was
not being inclusive. Since its publication
in 1884, the book has caused controversy
starting in 1885 when it was banned in
Concord, Mass. as “trash and suitable
only for the slums.”

it's an exception. mostly books that feature wogs are challenged/withdrawn on some ridiculous pretext (swearing, sex etc) because americans don't like their ideas challenged. example beloved by toni morrison, challenged because of its gang rape scene

He's actually entirely right. Marxists nowadays are simply footsoldiers of the establishment. In case you weren't paying attention, the revolution has been commodified.

You've got a strong stomach, user. I'd suggest using 'cracker' or 'honky' back at them, but it doesn't work as well against us, unfortunately.

you are 'triggered' because you know its true. genderqueer antifa furries are the foremost enforcers of the system, they are the opposite of subversive. The blue hair set are college administrators, they run the media and most major corporations with an iron fist. Daring to be a straight white man in public is about the most subversive thing one can do. I'm calling for a skinhead uprising against global capitalism and the bluehaired pc freaks who currently manage it.

I don't want to reduce a person to their race, no matter how retarded I think their views are. It's happened to me and I refuse to do it to another human being.

what a fucking drama queen

Sadly I don't think that this problem is going to get better anytime soon. It is simply too convenient for everyone to use racial cognition in lieu of politics or sociology.

Your calling for such a thing is also just one more tool in their kit, user.

>implying we don't live in a totalitarian gynocratic managerial dystopia run by blue haired women

Shy, ashamed, awkward, like the tiger whose spring has failed -- thus, you higher men, have I often seen you slink aside. A cast which you made has failed --

But what does it matter, you dice-players! Have you not learned to play and joke, as one must play and joke? Do we not ever sit at a great table of joking and playing?

And if great things have been a failure with you, have you yourselves therefore been a failure? And if you yourselves have been a failure, has man therefore been a failure? If man, however, has been a failure -- well then? Never mind!

yo why didn't they make the purple chick have purple eyes to match her getup i mean it's scifi they can do whatever

We'll stop Peterson!

I feel as though I read a new one every week and yet it seems different every time. Could it be that postmodernism is a vague term that tries to unify too many different belief systems? Who's to say that Foucault should be lumped in with Derrida and Lacan in the first place? Are their projects really so similar? And just what the hell is the difference between post-structuralism and postmodernism?

postmodernism is retards pissing on themselves right before society completely collapses

>y-you're a bad person. now, feel bad!!!

This sounds closer to existentialism. Postmodernism seems more like an umbrella term for anything falling from Modernity, and is claimed for its own by various authors. This however is the case for any emerging motif of an age, when something is trying to define itself. We'll know what postmodernism is in 10-20 years probably.

I don’t think Peterson recognizes that that is what postmodernism is about. He has heard vague things about relativism and social contructionism, and thinks that is the sum total of the thought of Foucault and Derrida. Rather, they saw the same problem that Peterson did, then embarked on a project to deeply understand that condition and how to negotiated it.
The big difference is that because all the postmodernist *were* leftists, they did not want to return to pre-modern sources of meaning, which they saw as entailing a return to pre-modern forms of oppression. I think they saw something like fascism as a sort of lurking pre-modernism which haunted society, and communism as a lurking modernism, things which could be relapsed into.

I think he’s essentially correct in that it’s possible to find meaning in pre-modern sources, I’m just not sure that it will be positive in the long run, it’s a sort of retreat into the darkness.

If you are correct then it does give me a lot of hope that Peterson supporters can be reached. Because everybody on the Marxist left also all hate their lives, hate their jobs, are over educated and underpaid, and are crushed by hopelessness. It’s just that once you make a couple friends who are gay or trans, beating online representatives of the lgbt community isn’t really that fun, so we sublimate that into arguing about history instead. I know the historical teleology of Marxism is false, yet, the idea of a coming future socialism does help fight the hopelessness. I accept that it basically takes the form of a religion, that there will one day be a salvation, but like a church it’s the immediate community that it provides which keeps me going.

From some of what I’ve seen it seems like he does believe there are something like ‘natural values’.

Marxists too fiercely critique the postmodern condition as being a society that is in the eternal present, that it is defined as being without a sense of its own history, and with no sense that it is moving towards anything better. Fredric Jameson’s Postmoderism or The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism maps out how there was a massive shift in media, art, architecture, literature, and philosophy towards complete ahistorical, decontextual representation of ideas and images across the whole culture. I think that despite being a Marxist, Peterson would agree with the bulk of what Jameson has to say, though he would probably disagree with how Jameson derives this from the tendencies within post-war capitalism and their dialectical relation to pre-war culture. Ultimately Peterson has an idealist understanding of culture, not a materialist one, but sort of that there is a lot of cross over here.

Communists agree that it is fundamentally the dislocation, atomization, and mass standardization of culture, all inherent in capitalism, which produces the hopelessness and despair of the modern day, but it’s only going to be by building a better future and overcoming the alienation of capitalism that that can be beaten. Something like a return to tradional religion or whatever is only covering the wound, and isn’t going to fundamentally change its route cause. The abandoning of those systems of belief are the result of capitalist development, and as long as there is a capitalist logic informing our social system of values we cannot escape that basic problem.

>someone unironically churns out walls of water on kermit's plain as day jungian pro-traditionalist hurdur and pomo boogy-monstery
Those painful... freshman mixer... with humanicucks... flashbacks.... ARRRRRGH