The Communist Manifesto

How could he be so right, yet so wrong at the same time?

I BOUGHT 'the communist manifesto' with MONEY that I EARNED at my JOB, how ironic is that lol xD

Capitalism even produced the book.

Wrong about what?

>workers organised all over the world
>various socialist revolutions were attempted
>several succeeded and created working, if underdeveloped, socialist societies

Marx saw the development of history clearer than most people. Was he supposed to envision how the entire 20th century would turn out? People seem to demand an impossible level of clairvoyance from Marx, like he should have foreseen everything. Why aren't you shitting on liberal economists who claimed that we would all be working 4 hours a day by this point?

funny because i bought it with the money that my country gave to all the people of my age for cultural purposes

What country is that?

Same issue with Stirner
The insight of the gods, the prescriptions of the mice

Well I bought it with neetbux

His meta-narrative is wrong and he assumes humans are good people, but quite a lot of what he writes in regards to the economy and the nature of popular revolt is great.


revolutionary sentiment is childish
this is where the communist manifesto falls flat. the Marx of capital is much more sober

"The path to Hell is paved with good intentions"


So this is the power of UBI

Communism deserves nothing but loathing. I ironically consider communists subhuman.

>i loathe something based on memes, rather than impartial analysis of its content

Why would you assume its because of memes not impartial analysis?

I've read a decent amount of Marxist content/books and I loathe them as well, althought I empathize a bit more now.

>tired memes of the bourgeoisie

So wrong my dude

Notice that in every iteraton there is a lack of understanding and empathy to the person who feels like the game is rigged but also a misunderstanding of the rational benefits of each game, that the emotions make person A miss?

This is big probrem.

It does not require emotion to see that oligarchy is by nature unstable and inefficient.

No but rather in understanding the problems others have with a given system, maybe their legit grievances and why their perspective leads them to a different conclusion than you.

Like how else do we harmonize opposing ideas without conflict, when essentially these people just want things to be better from the information and perspective that they have (or the emotions they are feeling).

Marx claimed to have discovered a scientific way of predicting the future course of history in dialectical materialism.

I would un-ironically get rid of this subsidy at first opportunity. It's a massive waste of money to get 90% of people to read anything, just let them watch their TV, especially if they pick trash like OP's pic. The only thing worse than my experience at home in the States among the retards has been going to Europe (France, Spain and Italy in particular) where everybody is a fucking try hard pseud.

He was right about some things, wrong about others. His prescription was also wrong imo

what prescription?