Just read The Conspiracy Against the Human Race. 2/10

Just read The Conspiracy Against the Human Race. 2/10.

Ligotti is a brainlet. He's so butt frustrated about the immoral utilitarianism of Western revealed religion when it's clear he's spent all his time being emo and hasn't studied the origins of Christianity. The navel gazing about the subconscious being Man's innate self-deception regarding the horrors of the 'real world' are a laugh. First world privilege at it's finest. Ligotti isn't even when he calls a 'perverted pessimist,' what he calls people who take Landian pleasure in our mutual acceleration towards oblivion. Just a sad sack of meat who doesn't have the guts to end it.

Veeky Forums enough with this meme man. I move we strike him from the approved reading list.

Other urls found in this thread:


>I move we strike him from the approved reading list.
I move we ignore you.

Ligotti isn't saying anything new. The world sucks, we know. There is no pleasure or great horror in dissecting how it sucks. WE KNOW.

>dude I noticed a detail from the book

>dude i called it shitty

>dude here's another thing that happened in the book

>dude in fact here a whole list of things that happened in the book

>dude because I noticed these things, that in itself is bad. the fact that my retard brain was able to observe arguments and stylistic choices means that those arguments and stylistic choices are bad. because I noticed them

really detailed analysis and thoughtful commentary lol... NOT


>Just a sad sack of meat who doesn't have the guts to end it
Ironically that describes the human race if we go by Ligottian terms. We're just sad sacks of meat who know life is ultimately useless but prefer to distract ourselves with diverse and divers nonsense because we don't have the guts to end it.

Lmao what a chinlet. Id fucking hang myself

The guy is just upset that he looks like such a worm. the glasses combined with his weak chin make me want to pop his head like a zit.

Someone save a screenie of this immense ass-hurt for posting in future Veeky Forums comedy threads. Id do it myself, but im phoneposting like a real true to life PROPER pseud

"my life isn't pleasurable, thus it would have been better to not have been born."

The antinatalist bent seems to suggest aborted hedonism more than anything else.

Funnily enough, he wrote a story about people that turn into worms. Pic related, the illustration has always made me think of ol' Tommy's chinletism (as if he didn't have enough problems). And the other funny thing is that there's an antinatalist YouTuber who looks exactly like a younger female version of him. Nevertheless, I love this man dearly. His prose is beautiful, his interviews are hilarious and his life is such a shitstorm that I can't help but want to just give him a hug or something.

>there's an antinatalist YouTuber who looks exactly like a younger female version of him

She ain't attractive
There's a video somewhere of her doing a Cioran imitation, can't find it though


>I like suffering. Everything is just fine. I'm glad to be suffering. Nope, not gonna kill myself. I enjoy this intolerable pain dumped on my brain every waking second. Pain is good. I'm good for liking pain. Life is worth it, because it means more shame and guilt and anxiety and boredom and fear and hatred and pain. I like those things.

>read Ligotti (plus related authors like Cioran, John B. Ford, Mark Samuels, etc)
>suddenly my life feels aimless and meaningless
>try to indulge in things i like to get out from that hole
>realize my enjoyment of these things is part of the conspiracy to keep me from seeing that i'm just spoiling flesh on disintegrating bones
>suddenly my life feels aimless and meaningless
>rinse and repeat

how do i break from this cycle?

breh, that doesn't even look female

Don't enter the cycle or entertain its validity if you desire to break from it.

>all these 3deep5me Ligotti fans who have never truly suffered, and appreciate Ligotti for showing them what they couldn't figure out for themselves


exactly this. being a dumb brute isn't so bad, and going outside for a walk isn't a crime either.

has there ever been a more fulfilled man

Better read some Nietzsche ASAP to get you out of those gloomy mountains. Be prepared to stop feeling sorry for yourself and start hating yourself. Life is suffering, now LOVE IT.

I can't tell if you actually think people think like that or if you're sharing your thoughts. Either way you're projecting your issues onto others and acting as if they are a universal fact.