Name a better working class low life author

Name a better working class low life author.

You gotta admit he looked literally like what he wrote. Talk about coherence.



Jim Thompson

Who is the opposite of Bukowski? Like the most WASP, old money writer?

why do people say he was so ugly? He's unironically not that ugly, especially for an old man.

This. Looks kinda like Willem Dafoe.

He had acne scars, his nose was kind of deformed, going bald, short, bad teeth, ugly old man body

Kind of annoys me that he rotted away for so long. It was ultimately the making of him, but it just goes to show how many talented folks drift away in the capitalist system.

Henry Miller. Checkmate. He said his goal was to be the "working-class Proust."

so like any old man basically? this process happens to everybody.


Proust, for the most obvious non-Anglo choice. For Anglos, Henry James comes to mind.

Write shit about your day and people try to guess whether you've just written sentences about something that happened or a Bukowski poem.

I went to a local bar
There was alcohol involved
On the floor there was vomit
Nobody had cleaned it up
I wonder if anyone will clean it up tomorrow
When the bar opens again

John Fante


tom waits

maxim gorky

he and henry miller BOTH suck!! so bad!! nothing of value!

Larry Brown
William Gay
Cormac McCarthy