
What are some good books for a brainlet like me to understand Economics is it One lession or Wealth of Nations a good place to start or what?

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Just play EU4 man

I have a shit computer

>Economics in One Lesson
>more than one lesson

Dunno, it's weird. Most of them are some ideological fodder or choppy basic economics with pseudoscience aspects. This is a textbook that's a lot more comprehensive and impartial than most things you'll find.


Those two are good for a basic intro. After that it depends on what school you want to go into.

Yes. Basic Economics is also available as an audiobook on YouTube.


Forgot to mention; it has a very "no nonsense" approach to everything. And when things are complicated (so a dummy like me won't understand it fully the first time) he clearly says so. Very well crafted book. Also has a bunch of cool examples explaining the concepts.

Listen a bit, maybe you'll like it.

You can't go wrong with Hazlitt or Sowell.

Just dip your toe in first, no need to dive into the Wealth of Nations or all the volumes of Kapital or the tomes by the classical liberals or "the general theory" by Lord kunt face. You'll get bored and quit easily trying to tackle everest if you've been a coach potato your whole life, so to speak.

Mankiw and Khan Academy.

> Khan Academy

Oh? What do they provide and how is it?

basic videos on economics. I'd recommend watching the videos along with reading Mankiw so that you can do the problems in the text.


I like Sowell for the reasons mentioned in the thread, but also because he actually gets at the root problem of economics: how to rationally allocate resources. Economics is usually taught with the economy as a given, whereas Sowell explains why it is that human need economies in the first place.

In short, it's because resources are finite and have multiple uses, so we need some way of deciding how much of each resource is going to go to what uses. He then argues, together with the general thrust of modern economics, that this is best done through markets which allow individuals to contribute their individual knowledge into forming price signals which tell people what is a good allocation of resources and what is not (this is really Hayek's insight).

Upvoted, comrade.

Start with Mankiw
People recommending Sowell are just memers

That short paragraph gives me strong doubts on the actual capacity of markets of (even) locally allocating resources in according to their limitations and not to the bottom line. That sounds like a bad reading of Brownian motion gone haywire, but fair enough, Sowell has written far more than a single paragraph and I'll give it a shot.

I recommend Naked Economics by Charles Wheelan. It is on an introductory university level but a more entertaining read than Mankiw

But is there any critical analysis of property?

Sowell and Hazlitt) are excellent as introduction and exploration of economic applications. Mankiw, and Cowen & Tabarrok are fine if you're looking for a more academic approach.