Has anyone read this book? What did you think of it. A lot of commies got butthurt about it...

Has anyone read this book? What did you think of it. A lot of commies got butthurt about it, but that was somewhat the point. How does it hold up as a critical philosophical work?

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>saying that firebrands are bad per se
Gee! That's some boomer core right there.

>not a single class-based socialist


What commies exactly did he target, cause i don't think that's Paul Virillo?

Terrible, like everything Rover Scrotum has put out.

t. butthurt lefty

You never read the book, did ya?

>"class based"
>new left
>reading comprehension
I do think that putting Sartre and Foucault in with the new left is tenuous at best, however.

I did and it didn't surprise me one bit. Your classical Scruton.

What did you hate about the book?

wahhh somebody disagrees with my fragile worldview so they're bad!!!! If you have a problem with Scruton's style or line of argument then please enlighten us.

His insufferable moralism, hypocrisy and taking what his opponents said of context to twist them how he pleases. He's a hack.

he pointed out the hypocrisy of far lefties who ferociously criticize the West and then go and suck the dick of the USSR/Maoist China, like Hobsbawm, Althusser, Sartre, and Lukacs.
> and taking what his opponents said of context to twist them how he pleases.
Most of the criticism he gives is fairly straightforward, especially when it comes to obscurantist use of language by Althusser and Habermas.

So you are basically agreeing with that user but repacking what he said in nicer sounding terms?

no that's what you're doing right now

No ... that isn't?

T. Lefty loser rebelling against God.

No, not really. Thoughts about God don't occupy my mind. I'm certainly not a militant atheist.

You are the proponent of an ideology that is a rebellion against God, whether you are concioiss of it or lot. Leftism is heaven on earth by human means.

Conciouss of it or not *

I'm a 4th generation Marxist. It's family tradition, not a rebellion.

i won't touch anything scruton writes even though i agree with him on some things. the man is an actual shill.

The ideology itself is still a rebellion against God.

>the man is an actual shill.
How so
