Is homeschooling a good idea?

Is homeschooling a good idea?

(Education is traditionally an accepted topic on Veeky Forums, so I believe this thread is okay.)

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Homeschooling is just another type of schooling. It can work if done right but it can cripple if done wrong.

Simplest solution is to go someplace more sane than the US. Send your kids to a nice public school in the UK.


the benefits of a more "rigorous" curriculum do not outweigh the arrested social development

children need, first and foremost even before education, to be socialized, no matter how dismal the current state of society may be. homeschooling is inherently anti-social and your children will be considered freaks (with good reason)

t. homeschooled khv NEET in his 20s

You can be home schooled and be social. Most home schooled kids do things like sports or scouts. I don't know about you, but there's also a lot more socializing between home schooled kids and adults.

Obviously, the only way to socialize children is by way of state supervised play breaks.. There is simply no other option

Yeah, getting your kids involved in local community programs is really hard and is also a really stupid idea.

I think learning how to socialize and how to be an agreeable person towards your peers is more important. All the people that I know who were homeschooled have a lot of hangups

the point is to Integrate your child into whatever the current society happens to be. the modern world does not facilitate anything outside of it's conventions, no matter how banal or fettering those may be. and once outside reintegration is nearly impossible if the fundamental points of development are absent

i know that not every homeschooled kid fails. my older brother who was also homeschooled graduated law school last year and got married, bought a house, found a job etc. but he is still an awkward fuck and does not have nor ever has had any social life beyond his work.

the majority of homeschooled kids end up extremely stunted because of it and the homeschooling community itself borders on a cult

Jokes on you nigger I went to a poor public school and I'm still a sociopath

Did the school have niggers?

>the point is to Integrate your child into whatever the current society happens to be. the modern world does not facilitate anything outside of it's conventions, no matter how banal or fettering those may be.
Send your kid into a system directly responsible for the decay of society, and he/she will grow up to watch society further decay, but at least they'll have friends. Then it's rinse/repeat with their children.
Sound logic.

better than to ostracize the kid for your own beliefs

>public school in the UK

You clearly aren't British.

you have a very juvenile grasp of existence

There are many kids who go to school and don't make any friends, have to deal with mean children (they are naturally mean, if you deny it's because you haven't dealt with them) and just have increased stress and anxiety as a result.

>the majority of homeschooled kids end up extremely stunted because of it and the homeschooling community itself borders on a cult

I know homeschoolers, and I've studied it for a project in uni. I'm going to need at least two sources on this, because I'm pretty sure it's straight bullshit.

Just stereotypes that exists about homeschoolers. On average they are just as social, integrate slightly better into society, and do significantly better in college.
Michael H. Romanowski's "Revisiting the Common Myths About Homeschooling"

Enlighten me with your heightened life experience and perspective. I'll wait.
>Dude, just trust the state to teach your kids what they need to know.

homeschooling or christian classical schools are the only ways your kids are going to get an actual education instead of a meme education

well I went to public school and I'm still an awkward loser with no social life, so go fuck yourself with your anecdotal garbage.

and please don't act like contemporary society is something worth integrating with.


homeschooled kids being badly socialized is also a baseless meme

I mean of course the argument is that lack of exposure to other kids can leave you a socially retarded mess but I went to public school and still left a socially retarded mess so really it's just a crapshoot.

I agree how else are children going to familiarize themselves with drugs and homosexuality? We can’t let parents decide in what environment their kids will socialize.

I wonder who could be behind this post

some graphs about christian classical schools and how they are better than the rest of us

Correlation is not causation.

>Classical Christian education
>Wilson described an educational model based on the child's developmental capabilities and natural inclinations.

>From birth, the child learns language and about itself.
>From about age 2 to age 4, the child develops social skills and gains mobility and dexterity
>The Grammar stage begins around age 5. In this stage, the child is in a "parrot" stage of repeating what they are told. This phase sees them enjoying simple songs over and over, so songs, rhymes and memory aid teach the basics of reading, writing, numbers and math, and observational science. Many schools begin Latin language training in 3rd grade. Some schools will also teach a Christian Catechism while students are in this phase, as foundation for intensive study of the texts and structures of the Bible.
>The Logic stage begins in 6th grade. At this age, students naturally develop an argumentative behavior, and are equipped with tools of logic and how to formulate a defense for an idea. This provides the foundation for Sayers' 'teaching them to think' model.
>The Rhetoric phase happens during high school, blending the prior learning with specialized knowledge, generally in a college preparatory curriculum. [7]

causation is just a meme, only correlation exists in real life

Then higher abilities means inclination toward homeschooling? Or something else causes both heightened abilities and the inclination toward homeschooling?

I'm not seeing all alternative explainations of the data by you.

>let the globalist state turn your kid into a literal pleb
good job my dude

the best schools in my country are military schools, which are single-gender and as traditional and strict as it gets.

Poor people can not afford to homeschool

so your point is that poor people are just dumber and the method itself can't be a justification?

I think homeschooling is great. Just that that chart does not control for anything and proves nothing.

Make sense.

Not that guy but taking the aggregate stats for americas public school and homeschool educated isn't a scientific comparison. There are a number of confounds such as which parents are most likely to homeschool. Factors like this have an impact and need to be controlled for

Exactly, so again, do smarter parents homeschool? Or does homeschooling produce smarter kids, or something else.

>homeschool your kid to teach them that everyone (including psycopaths) should have the ability to own semi automatic weapons because muh ebil gubmint

Yea no he is a retarded gun-nut and is the reason why decent people are wary of homeschooling.

Homeschooling is a terrible idea. Private schooling, on the other hand, is a very good idea.

I'm really fucking glad none of you autismos will ever have any children.

homeschool your children so they don't get trapped into a "gun-free zone" with nobody to defend them

Public schools are private schools in the UK.

All those other things have legitimate day-to-day uses other than cigarettes (which should be subject to severe restrictions just like rifles to protect public health)

>low quality jpg facebook pic
the absolute state of gun nuts

Yeah but only for non-morons, OPs pic very unrelated

homeschooling is fine and actually ideal until age 9 or 10. This is generally the point of no return for life long mental conditioning of an individual human. But if you're keeping them from school past that age you're doing it wrong, they need to get adjusted to hierarchical systems and establish valuable connections within that system because it emulates social life in the workforce and adult life in general. Plus you're kid has to learn the value of competition and how he does against others in the class not in the walls of his room.

>educating your children to think the earth is 6000 years old is "better"

No thanks.

Spot on. Who can forget that time that dude walked into a high school and killed 17 kids by force feeding them opiates.


Coddle me daddy gov

work from home so that you don't get trapped into a "plane crash free zone" with nobody to defend them

I don't know how to feel about it, I know numerous people studying education about to become high school teachers who have an actual disdain for the canon, or anything written by "old white dudes." I thought that was a meme but there will probably come a time (if it's not already now) where the Odyssey and Great Gatsby and Crime and Punishment are discarded for Kaur, John Green, etc. In the words of these students they want works the kids "can actually relate to." Kill me now.

On the other hand though.... all the home school kids I've met have been massive autists with helicopter parents. I guess it's possible to avoid that but I think it's a big risk. But either way you're playing with fire, I want to have children but I would feel kind of sick bringing them into the current state of things, especially if they're going to spend most of their life staring at a screen. I could try to take that away from them too, but again, all the kids I knew growing up whose parents made them eat super healthy and weren't allowed video games and TV grew up extremely messed up and jealous of the other kids. Kids are retarded and want to be cool, it's only natural. If all of society is actively pushing the post-modern techno-capitalist lifestyle on kids from their very first moments I'm not sure what you can do, besides taking your family to a remote cabin where they will grow up to be autists.

Yeah asking that the Government make it at least slightly harder for someone to be able to murder children with a semi-auto version of the weapon we used to kill a shitton of gooks in the 70's is like the definition of "coddling".

>support second amendment
The second amendment may have been a mistake but once you start doctoring with the bill of rights and arbitrarily historicizing them it becomes a pretty fucking slippery slope.

>sourceless graphs and anecdotal evidence: the thread

I don't know if everyone in here is defending homeschool because they were homeschooled, or if everyone is just fantasizing about raising a child to "save civilization", but either way this thread has certainly proven that education does not matter once people get on the internet.

Whoa, be careful with those edgy opinions, freedom hating soviet-nazi.

Handguns kill way more people every year. Just admit that you think "assault rifles" look scary and your psyche is being manipulated by the tragedy porn media narrative.

I'm not even american
>muh freedumbs
>muh shlipper shloppe

Aw yeah it's a huge fucking slippery slope to make amendments to the constitution. Just imagine if we had done that 17 times already, we'd be living in a post apocalyptic hellscape.

They knew who this kid was and clearly was a problem with the background checks they did for him the first time... How will they get any better?

>xD edgy lmao praise kek!
back to r/t_D with you

also, see this:
you can even rectify it with your worldview, it talks about how it's racis to focus on "assault weapons" when BLACK BODIES are being killed by handguns everyday

Only white people homeschool

you don't fuck with the bill of rights though my dude. If that's the case why don't we amend away with freedom of speech and assembly.
He's being ironic you dumb twat

>Homeschool thread turns into gun rights debate
What a time to be alive

the bill of rights is just the first 10 amendments, they can be altered by the citizenry at any time

and they haven't been! but let's start doing away with them now, why not? Due process? Pfffft. Right to a trial by a jury of your peers? Dude that's so old white men from the 18th century. Name me a single example where the Bill of Rights were amended, I'll fucking wait.

You should read the constitution and about how it was written to understand the full importance of the Bill of Rights and why it's so much more than "just the first 10 amendments".

Oh good, so the difference is just arbitrary. We can now save a lot of money by just arming our soldiers with Glocks since apparently giving them 30 round magazine rifles that shoot 5.56mm cartridges gives them no substantive tactical advantage in terms of murdering people.

>Can only own any gun if you're a homeowner/long time renter

There just fixed the mass shooting epidemic.

which country are you from m8? if it's the UK I may have to turn you in for hate speech against muricans.

>it hasn't been done before so it can't be done in the future

How should I educated my future kids?
I have 900k in bong money.
I was thinking of moving close to a grammar school and hiring a tutor to help them get into it.

I was homeschooled. Granted, in high school I was going to school twice a week for classes (Biola had a youth program where you’d take high school level classes with other students at a satellite campus, despite the affiliation it wasn’t expensive). Honestly looking around at my coworkers and others I meet, I think I’m actually better adjusted than many of my public schooled associates, and I still hang out with a group of guys from high school, 5 years after the fact - we’re still quite close and see each other at least once a week.

However I also know plenty of homeschoolers with severe arrested development. Honestly homeschooling is fine if you actually put in the effort to get your kids involved in socializing multiple times per week. Not just extracurricular activities, but actual classes too.

If/when I have children, I would probably want to either homeschool them or send them to a Jesuit school. I absolutely do not trust the public school system to properly teach my children. I’ve talked to many public schooled people, generally the system seems to churn out idiots who can’t think critically.

It's a statistic that's been wheeled out so many times but here goes again: almost all gun crime in the US is committed with illegally obtained firearms. Mass shootings are often the exception to this which is why they're the perfect fodder for the anti-gun lobby. You've got it all: a mentally disturbed boy who is LITERALLY A WHITE MALE, scary looking "assault rifles," and most importantly, a legally obtained scary "assault rifle." If not don't you think they would be focused on urban gun crime? Nobody cares about that, there's no glamour, no way of fitting it neatly into the 24 hour tragedy news cycle. I don't even like guns honestly but the anti-gun movement has become so hypocritical and hysterical that it's laughable.

>burgers actually have no idea that they live in Western Somalia

>all these /pol/ faggots saying that modern society isn't worth integrating into
Lmao you'll never learn to ride the Tiger if you do this shit guys

Nobody's saying it can't be done. Rather that we shouldn't. But go ahead, fuck our core constitutional values they're just arbitrary and subject to change at any time. It's such a fucking boomer cliche to say but I'll say it: go live in a country that doesn't have speech protection, due process, trial by jury, or the the rule of law period, and see how you would like living there.

The US government has conciously chosen not to follow due process multiple times. A problem that your kind don't seem to think is a problem, despite your protests about da gobment going to take yur gunzzz.

all amendments can be revoked by newer amendments even the bill of rights, this is why its called a living document. The bill of rights isn't gospel, it is subject to change and you know this.

/pol/ faggots will never understand anything. The decent ones will continue to be hikikomori losers that die from malnutrition and the bad ones will eventually die out via suicide. The problem is a portion of the latter will choose to do so after some kind of rampage, but I suppose there's comfort in that they're incapable of breeding so they must die out as some point.

>the government is imperfect and doesn't follow its own laws/constitution all the time
>fuck it what's the point of even having a bill of rights dude lmao if we don't follow it to the letter every time

>problem that your kind don't seem to think is a problem
>If you support the bill of rights in it's entirety you're a Muslim hatin' Guantanamo lovin' Fox News watchin' yokel
Nice strawman my dude.

It hasn't been changed though. Unless you can come up with an example. We're still waiting. Also "living document" is one branch of constitutional theory. Nice spook there friend.

>op creates a thread about homeschooling
>Decent discussion looks like it's about to take place
>Outrageous claims
>Unbacked misinformation
>Low-quality infographs
>I give an argument for homeschooling, complete with a source.
>I'm a proper pseud now
>Leave for a while
>Come back
>Debate on gun control has broken out
>look at the board
>Look at the anons on my side of the original debate
>Realise they are all homeschoolers
>Realise they are all 4channers
Jesus Christ! Homeschooling causes autism!

>mfw being accused of a strawman by someone strawmanning

>Nobody's saying it can't be done
im glad you acknowledge this but you seem upset that the founders didn't set the bill of rights in stone as you so wish.

Hey guys, what do you think about homeschooling? Good idea?

>yea like it can be change and all BUT IT HASN'T SO THERE

literal retard

>hurr why try to make efforts to stop mass shootings when there are other problems you could focus on
You explained yourself why people don't focus on urban gun crime, because there's basically no easily identifiable solution as of now that's short of disarming the entire populace, which is obviously stupid. Meanwhile there's a plethora of measures we could take to fix the former concern.
Stop pretending like every piece of the bill of rights is self evidently equal in it's importance. The 2nd and 3rd amendments are clearly there for a very specific concern they had at that time and don't have the kind of universality of the ones you're choosing to quote. This is especially stupid since constitutional law is built around discrepancies in interpreting those amendments. People have doing this shit for centuries. Most people aren't even asking to fucking abolish the amendment, just to reevaluate the distinctions between civilian and military weaponry WHICH WE ALREADY FUCKING DO WITH FULLY AUTOMATIC RIFLES.

Homeschooling with or without guns?

>Nice spook there friend.
>mfw someone squabbling about the details of a constitution uses spook
The whole concept of a statehood is a spook you retard

>the second amendment isn't important because I don't feel like it's important
The absolute fucking STATE of grabbers

>the second amendment is important because I feel like it's important

If it makes you feel better, I actually think every child should not be homeschooled solely because the republic/state needs to take part in the education of its citizen.

Yeah total fucking coincidence that nobody gave a shit about the 2nd amendment until lunatics started gunning down people in the streets 50 years ago. When was the last time you were up in arms about soldiers being quartered in your house?

Y'all are both retarded. The second amendment was instituted as a last line of defence against the government going tyrannical, as this was the very thing the founding fathers were seeking to undo. This is why the first is about sharing of ideas in speech. If a political problem can be solved verbally then do so, but if not, it is equally important that people be able to arm themselves against the true evil. Nazi Germany saw this sort of tyranny. I am not going to say that a second amendment there would have entirely prevented this on its own, but the ability to bear arms would have empowered some truly good people living there are the time to fight against the evil while it was rising.

I woudn't care for friends if I became Mozart.

I agree, but the state seems pretty corrupted desu