How diverse is your library?

So tell me Veeky Forums, how much of your library consists of women or poc? I just went through all my shelves and this is what I can report.

White: 94,5% of authors
Male 91,3% of authors
White Males: 85,8% of authors
Dead White Males: 62,5% of authors
Women of Colour: 0% of authors

About 80% of the non-white male authors were Japanese.

my books all identify as otherkin, thank you for amending your perception of their gender status.

My library consists mainly of works I enjoy reading. Diversity is a buzzword for faux altruists to win their moral brownie points.

there is a reason for that, and it isn't racism

I can't laugh at things like this anymore. My heart is heavy now

Yeah, something like 95% is white men, most of them dead.

it's ok to be white

so i get their ideology behind the problem with white authors, but the "dead" part is just so fucking childish

um sweetie, like, no one wants to read out old white men who raped Africa and enslaved minorities People, like, want to read about people of color's experiences while they're alive now

Check your shelf privilege goys.


>I don't know what sarcasm is
Why did you post a picture of yourself?

is this real life? i cannot wrap my head around how absurd and comically self-destructive white people have become


The dead/white/whatever thing is so old. All authors should be divided into two categories:


>Homer (yes, I know, but he would just strike out in all directions with desperate fury. He would NEVER run.)
>Dante (actually fought in civil war-type things)
>Emily Dickinson (you'd be surprised)
>Mishima (might have to hold him back DESU)
>Bukowski (too drunk to run away)

>Virginia Woolf
>John Updike (would probably sneak off and try to seduce my wife whilst I was battling overwhelming odds)

Does Bolano count as a dead white male?

Do I get diversity points for my Borges book because he is Latin American? Or is he considered white because he is from Argentina?

his entire family tree was Spanish. no diversity points for you.

Are Irish considered white?

Eh, maybe count him as half white.


Have one willa cather and iceberg slim book, so not very diverse at all

Only non whites I have are Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Dante, Eco, Calvino and Cervantes.

Every time I read a post with "umm, sweetie" in it I feel a sharp turn of anger in my stomach.



Irish might look white but behavior wise they are little better than the coloreds


um sweetie, the problem lies with you for getting triggered by a simple string of words
sweetie posting is supposed to be ironic [/spoiler
>No blanco
Anglo eterno

>in the forest of my mind i'm free
as 30yo worker I can relate to this

its girl posting, you can also start with 'uhmmm', end with a simple ':)' or an 'x' either one or 2 followed with a few dots.
e.g. uhmmm you have no idea what you're talking about babe xx...

>Implying the average Anglophone understands this distinction
It's like you don't realize that preferential treatment for "Hispanics" largely serves to benefit descendants of Conquistadors, the rightful rulers of the New World. Pic related, this man and his children DESERVE to be legally privileged over you, bigot.

Most of my non whites are from east Asia too and of that most would be Chinese, one Korean, and a few jap chaps

>Library not 50% women and at least 50% poc

Wow, just wow

Reminder that by participating in this obsession with race you're contributing to the destruction of literature.

JEW DETECTED (probably)

Same. I just feel sad and heavy, and Im not even white. This is what you get wjen you let women and jews take charge. I think western humanities academia is trash because there are no good job prospects for those students, decreasing the competition and thus the quality of the students who make it into college. Say what you want, but this is obviously an indirect cinsequence of free market. Because there is this supply and demmand logic behind jobs and science, all of the people with intellectual pottential are waisting their brains trying to make a new novelty app for Iphone and get rich, meanwhile science has gone entirely to the hands of the jews

I actually went and looked up this article, and there actually is a point here. I thought I'd share it with you guys because we've all seen this movement but I for one had not actually seen the better arguments in its favor.

The argument seems to be this: for quite a while we had preferential treatment towards certain works which were in dialogue with each other. Lately we realize that it is unfortunate that the canon itself helped to select a certain subset of works; we fix this by throwing in a couple of works that already are known to have merit but are less widely read and represent certain groups.

The issue, though, is that the question of what has merit is already biased by what is part of the canon now. So throwing in tokens here and there is a waste of everyone's time. Instead, it is necessary to look at the western canon more broadly, and to see whether there are branches of the main literary tradition that are neglected, or places where "our" tradition, white male Western tradition, runs tangent to some other literature, or is fed by another. The study of these would actually add value to the study of the whole - but without a serious reexamination of the whole body of literature, it really is worthless to replace one white author with one (probably almost) as esteemed minority simply for diversity's sake. That's not what this argument is for.

That's a long way to say you and the article never heard of the non Western Canons.

Is that Jorge Ramos? Fuck him. Stupid leftie bastard

Are Italians white?

>Irish might look white but behavior wise they are little better than the coloreds

This applies to Slavs as well.

Very closely related to that and true in my case but I don't think that's quite exactly the point in its entirety. You're implying that the solution to a culture preferring itself in creating a canon is solved by reading canonical literature from other cultures; I'm saying the canon is not required to contain the best possible set of books, and a valuable book that is not in one canon is not required to be in another.

I think the people who want more diversity would be happy with your solution, but I still don't think they're necessarily the same solution.

>considered white
not even by the Irish

Try Toni Morrison. She’s an African American and I recently read her novel Song of Solomon (1977) and loved it.

'canon is a western word. there are no nonwestern canons

>I think the people who want more diversity would be happy with your solution, but I still don't think they're necessarily the same solution.
That's because you're both ignorant of Western Canon's accommodation of authors you're trying to save from so called obscurity. Most of Western Canon is depraved enough that only scholars were allowed look at some important works, and if the people campaigning for this read the black, female, queer or otherwise "different" authors involved in the canon, they'd ask for them to be banned.

>English literary canon
>English speaking countries have been mostly white throughout history
>Women have until recently been subjugated to lesser roles in society
>Why are so many of the best authors white and dead men


I want to see you argue this against /a/'s mods, and a Chinese Imperial examiner. I'm thinking mods on might be easier to find.

>>Women have until recently been subjugated to lesser roles in society

For many years European and American middle class girls were given piano lessons.
Despite this women's contributions to music have been minor
Despite grinding poverty, limited opportunities for education or advancement and brutal often violent oppression, African American men managed to invent blues, jazz, rock and roll, gospel, funk and hip hop.

This is retarded. I could understand the feminist critiques (even though Virginia Woolf, George Eliot, and Jane Austen are important parts of the canon), but the racial aspect to it is ridiculous. The reason the Western literary canon is 'white' is because Western culture has been primarily white until very recently. That's like asking why the Chinese literary canon is so full of East Asians.

Mine is maybe 20% white, 18% white male, 15% dead white male. I study Eastern philosophy though...

china has writing too, and I'm sure it's great but I know nothing about it

I once read Malcolm X's autobiography. It gave me a good insight into the plight of Black suffering in America.

However, it also continued to support my current view that the mixing of peoples on a great scale will always cause conflict, and that America/Europe is essentially doomed.

There's a reason why they put a emphasis on the dead part.

We don't need to be reading anything from dead white men.

Get out

Elliot Rodgers wasn't even white holy shit

Stop questioning the narrative you fucking bigot.

a compilation! grr im so angery nao
grow up you little faggot. What reason do you have to be proud of your race? What reason does anybody have to be proud of their race?

White people are an abomination, we need to make all good Western writers to be black.

25% Faggots
25% Opium-smokers

>grow up you little faggot. What reason do you have to be proud of your race? What reason does anybody have to be proud of their race?

I keep telling that to leftists about niggers and such after Black Panther, but then i'm suddenly racist. The people who complain about these things are inconsistent in their individualism.

Who said I was proud of my race? I'm just sharing what the mainstream thinks about us and I agree with them. We need to stop reading racists whites and start reading more blacks and other person's of color.

Pride feels better than shame.
Feeling good feels good.

Thus racial pride is good.


Am I being off topic? I'm just agreeing with the OP.

Precisely 99% male, 100% white. As a white male, I am happy to say that I am almost not appropriating any of the cultures/ethnicites/genders that I will never understand as a privileged white male, apart from the few books I have by Woolf. I understand that the 1% by Woolf is extremely problematic, and is a symptom of my white male drive to subjugate and destroy the narratives of oppressed minorities, but rest assured I will burn those books at the first given opportunity, despite adoring them greatly.

>I am laughably easy to bait

Uhmm sweetie, where's the sport in that?

This. I like my pasty white nerd culture. It's amazingly polite and frequently inventive.


Go back to /pol/ brainlet.

Whitie detected, we're here to end your racist reign of terror.

this umm this uh thread should be deleted

I feel sorry for you.

Half of these are not even attacks though. The other half are mild statements pointing to common trends.

True, but it does set the tone and obsession.

adding to the list
George Orwell - actually probably killed people in the spanish civil war. got shot in the
neck and called it "interesting"

I have a few women on my shelves but they are all dead white lesbians

>Miguel Cervantes
100% Cervantes. He got bored with life in Spain, ran away and became a soldier. He could have ducked out of the Battle Of Lepanto because he was ill but he fought anyway and got badly wounded.
>Robert E Howard
He got laughed at by the men of his town because he worked as a waiter for a while. He soon earned their respect by engaging in BRUTAL BARE-KNUCKLE BOXING MATCHES. Go Robert E H!
>Ezra Pound
Just make sure you're fighting against the Shadowy Forces Of International Usury, and he would be right in there with a broken bottle to even things up.
>Raymond Carver
In the first place he is quite likely to be IN the bar.
In the second place he was a big guy and apparently could get a little rowdy on occasion.

>Marcel Proust
Cheese-eating surrender-monkey AND slack-jawed faggot.
>Franz Kafka
He would do nothing but whinge. You need a cheerful, robust disposition to shake off minor flesh wounds and I don't think he would measure up.

I got some ladies and darkies

Male: 100%
White: 95%
>reading books by women

>they are all dead white lesbians
Wtf. How many dead caucasian lesbians can there possibly be???


should also add her fwb, vita sackville west

I was drinking at a bar in Dublin that claims to be where Joyce had his first pint (yeah right) and ended up drinking next to an in the flesh Citizen. Got plastered on whisky, beer, and milk and then proceeded to shout at some vaguely foreign looking guy at the bar to get the fuck out of his country where he and his kin had toiled for generations.

The bartender eventually threw him out and half a dozen other Irishmen went out after him looking for a fight. Pretty fun desu.

as a woman I can honestly say that I can't stomach "white male" authors very well. just because of the gross power fantasies/obvious mansplaining of their works. Maybe if you haven't informed yourself with other perspectives you'll be blind to it

Time and time again I'll pick up a """""""classic"""""" work written by a man and it will be so unrealistic in its portrayal of women as a whole that I just get frustrated and put it down. Faulkner's female characters might be some of the worst ever penned

So all in all I'm glad to see more women being given the opportunity that for centuries they were denied to present their own points of view of life and its sciences from a woman's perspective

I think reading such a male-dominated canon has really screwed with people's instinctive appraisal of women and other minorities and now for the first time that standard is being challenged. what's really so bad about that?

>what's really so bad about that?
mediocre art

but the art is already mediocre. it's just a mediocrity that flatters your virility

>it's just a mediocrity that flatters your virility
Men don't ponder about Virility. Go read Musil now.

I never looked up the race, gender, or age of the authors of my shelf.

The books are there because they are on subjects I like, and they are informative, or a pleasure to read.

It disgusts me that a book is determined unusable by reason of being written by an unsuitable race.

Ugh, I hope you're laying down some bait. I don't wish to imagine the suffering of those around such a person.

>women and other minorities
of course it's b8 but it's good-quality b8
the lunacy is pitched just right
9/10 would swallow with a smile on my fishy face

why does most women's writing fall into
1. fucking chad
2. being a feminist/dystopiafantasy with feminist undertones (or ayn rand)
3. new age garbage

white males write about a whole wide array of topics because they arent preoccupied with race and gender.

You should. Whites and Asians have high IQs so they're capable of writing and discussing various subject matters. Niggers can't write, let alone read, and women write about stupid shit that no one, except themselves, cares about.

Me too. A sign of the times and a sign of decline.

A simple answer is that Africa - obviously - hasn't had the same development as the west otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation and that the foundations on which western society was built, was developed by Europeans. And the great works of European literature mostly came from a time when the West would have been deemed great and powerful, do you really think we have the potential to produce great works now? No. Not when every other news article is about how your child should be transgender and how you should be gay.
If we want more great works then the basics need to be sorted. A birthrate above replacement rate and a society for the native Europeans from there. Rather than the idea that anyone and everyone can come.

Music is strange too, it's very globalized. Now the only thing that appeals to most people is music from North American artists such as Drake, Beyonce and others. For example, 10 or 15 years ago in Britain you had lots of home grown artists that played Britpop and Britrock. Now all you get is Drake and then UK grime artists. The grime probably being a refection of the demographics of most areas of London.

I don't know, I'm not racist so I have no way of checking this.

just over 15% non-white but most that is the jew

100% white males and it's not going to change. I'm not buying or reading shit I don't care about and I'm definitely not going to give a fuck what some inner city whore has to say.

>now for the first time that standard is being challenged

I would trust Kafka with my life desu