So Veeky Forums I finally finished writing my novel. 300k words. any suggestions for naming the book as a whole...

so Veeky Forums I finally finished writing my novel. 300k words. any suggestions for naming the book as a whole, or any individual chapter?

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how the fuck have you written a book which you alone know intimately about, then expect any of us to come up with a better title than you.

cool pic tho.

my diary desu

let's all guess titles at random without knowing anything at all about the book and whoever comes up with the most fitting title gets to sleep with OP

My guess (based on OP picture):


Clod reigns

Furry Feet: Lord of the Rings Book 4

Ontologizing the Diasporic Practices of Post-War Japan

You're the only one that knows the book, so clearly it has to be made by you.

Typically 1-5 words is best. Be descriptive but don't tell the reader what's going to happen. At least that's what I've heard.

Cold Feet and Gang Beats

Sunglasses on oak Floors

A Case of Victory

The Eschatology of Love

Call it "Why the fuck did I write this?"

"And From the Sun, Came Nothing"

Title is literally: ""...Absolutely masterful. An important landmark for generations to come." -New York Times"

three hundred thousand reasons why

Boonk Gang and His Stolen Symplectic Manifold

The mystery of the primordial monkey key

The Tapir

You're onto something, but it needs embellishment.

> The Song Of The Tapir

> The Sadness Of The Tapir

> The Cave Of The Tapir

> The Tapir Chronicles, Book One: The Guild Of The Tapir

Ophelia's Smile.

The Assassination of the Liquid Sun by the Coward Tapir

The Tapir Who Argued With Dragons


This would make a pretty good short story concept tbqh

Keep this going

>Mystic of house tapir

>The unbroken Tapir

>The Tapirs' own Sun

>The Tapir degradation

Excellent Rape 4: Mom's Turn

The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra IV: Solitary Confinement

> The Dreams Of The Silver Tapir

> Where The Tapirs Are

> In The Shadow Of The Tapir

>The Tapir In Us All

>When I realised the life of the Tapir was the measuring stick to all

>Tapir of the great sea

>For Tapir of ages past

The Tapir of a Lock

aaaaand it waaaaas aaaaa




Hahah, what a good time we're having! Boy, wasn't Ophelia just the darnedest thing? What a kooky girl! Who just kills herself like that??? HA!

> The Tapir Who Fell From Grace With The Sea

> The Invisible Tapir

> The Tapir-Whisperer

kek, we should do a collaborative writing of the tapir and dragon dialogues.

Dad Adventures 3: The Mailman Mystery

Create an open Google doc. Let's all collaboratively write the Tapir series.

The Retarded Faggot Chronicles, Book One: I Asked Some People on the Internet to Name My Novel

Each of these can be it's own chapter or "part"

>The Tapir Who Argued With Dragons

>"Well? Tell me what you're thinking then, Dragon. It's not like I'm going anywhere."

This is autism.

It took an interesting turn

*The greatest literary work of our day.

>"It's the sapphires, I suppose. I cannot keep them. When the liquid sky comes to cry, I see sapphire that I cannot call my own. I ask what it means to be strong, if neither the Tapir nor the Dragon can affect their will."

That came out more purple than I intended.


What the fuck, I'm publishing this shit on my own. thanks for the ideas you FOOLS! HA!

I unironicaly feel very inclined to write novels with those titles.

>"...Absolutely masterful. An important landmark for generations to come." -New York Times
A novel who mocks current mass culture and how people more than never rely on "internet top10s" and this kind of citations to decide what's good or not (the later is actually something I currently try to write about)

>three hundred thousand reasons why
a novel who is a mix of "mocks current mass culture" and a modern day "Journey to the end of the night" where the MC's suicide at the end is implied because of the title

(also "three hundred thousand reasons why" sounds good imo)

btw, I think OP was asking more in a sense of "how to name a book and its chapters" than asking for actual names, I may be wrong tho

chapter 3 should be titled "eons away"

> how to outsource your creative process to unwitting internet bozos in 4 simple steps

Perpetual prank



>300k words
That's 4 books

Unending Comedy

> Tapiroska
>The Tapir and the carpeta
>Rug Tapir

>so Veeky Forums I finally finished writing my novel. 300k words. any suggestions for naming the book as a whole, or any individual chapter?

avant garde as FUCK