What are some books that will or could give me the courage to finally put an end to my existence?

What are some books that will or could give me the courage to finally put an end to my existence?
I have always been suicidal, since I was a kid, and it got really extreme a few years ago but there was still "something" (fear? guilt? shame?) that prevented me from doing it. I'm ok now, thanks to medication, but I really think this should be over, I want to destroy that "something".
The most "depressing" book I have read is Brothers Karamazov, but I found it actually life affirming.

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Most people that have these feelings and then find it within themselves to end their lives don't go on to write book. Usually they die.

That being said, I think you should at least try to find more life-affirming books first. If ever you come to the place that you can reasonably enjoy this then that is better than being dead, right? I understand it is not as simple as just finding something that makes you happy, but if anything out there does, and you have already found some shard of this in Brothers Karamazov, isn't it reasonable to try to keep looking, at least while you don't have the courage to end your life?

Suicide by Edouard Leve

Unironically my diary desu

Is not that there aren't things in life that make me happy, the problem is that all of them have also a bad side that outweights the good side, I'm always craving something else and I want it to stop.
Brothers Karamazov may seem simple but it's strong component is the amount of work it takes to hold that fact, that the bad always outweights the good side. Dostoyevsky was able to carry that on and for some reason even write about it. It seems like somehow that made him hold on life, along with christianity. But I don't have that neither want it. But for the same reason I don't have the power to hold that in my shoulders, I can't end it.

If a writer was so depressed and pessimistic that his book would make people commit suicide, he probably wouldn't be writing books, he'd just commit suicide himself.
Besides, there's just something inherently life-affirming about art. Art is an experience for your senses and mind, it is a product of creation rather than destruction.

>Is not that there aren't things in life that make me happy, the problem is that all of them have also a bad side that outweights the good side
>virtue has a downside
An entire branch of normative ethics would like a word with you. Seriously though it sounds like you need to engage with texts on ethics. There are legitimate instances of defective brains but the majority of unhappy people just have bad philosophical ideas that they don't realise are wrong because they never taught philosophy/never developed practical wisdom.

I have what they call bipolar disorder. I don't really have a philosophy, the way I see things changed everyday. What ethics book do you reccomend?

All men fear death. It's a natural fear that consumes us all. We fear death because we feel that we haven't loved well enough or loved at all, which ultimately are one and the same. However, when you make love with a truly great woman, one that deserves the utmost respect in this world and one that makes you feel truly powerful, that fear of death completely disappears. Because when you are sharing your body and heart with a great woman the world fades away. You two are the only ones in the entire universe. You conquer what most lesser men have never conquered before, you have conquered a great woman's heart, the most vulnerable thing she can offer to another. Death no longer lingers in the mind. Fear no longer clouds your heart. Only passion for living, and for loving, become your sole reality. This is no easy task for it takes insurmountable courage. But remember this, for that moment when you are making love with a woman of true greatness you will feel immortal.

I am a big proponent of virtue ethics. The problem is that Christianity has so thoroughly changed the way we understand morality that we have to make leaps in the way we think about the world in order for us to understand virtue ethics. I ascribe the rise of moral nihilism almost entirely to Christianity warping our way of understanding ethics.
>inb4 reddit
This is a really solid introduction to it. Make sure to read the comments. OP addresses a lot of the problems that people who have not made the cognitive leap to understand virtue ethics ask. As for texts I would highly recommend the surviving writings on ethics by Epicurus. He is not a virtue ethicist but I find he provides a good example of practical wisdom (something he has in common with virtue ethicists) that makes intuitive sense to someone with no philosophical background. It's also easy to find his small amount of extant writings online. They are very short. I would highly recommend them. He's really only the start but he is a good start. I know he is starting to become a bit of a meme on Veeky Forums but I have been watching youtube.com/user/gbisadler/videos his videos for about six years ago and they are for the most part pretty solid. He has done videos on Epicurus.

Take everything I say with a grain of salt in terms of its ability to truly help you. I have had a lot of experience with people in the past with mental illness and I understand that often a lot of the problems you have are truly beyond your control. However that being said I think there is till much that can help even if it can't cure. I say this because it sounds like a philosophical position you have reached that makes you want to die with the illness being an aggravating factor rather than it being the illness itself which is the direct cause of your desire for death.

>Is not that there aren't things in life that make me happy, the problem is that all of them have also a bad side that outweights the good side
What you said here is why I have said everything. I believe that this statement is factually wrong and I am hoping I can convince you of this. I hope this helps.


I just wanted to say I love you, you are beautiful, smart, funny and cool. And I see a light in you, that from now on you will turn your life around you will become positive, hardworking and productive, there will always be people here for you remember that

I'm afraid a legitimately depressed person needs a bit more than platitudes like these
I mean, you're outright lying. Don't you find that repulsive?

my sister committed suicide a few years back, I just don't want it to happen to anyone else. I really do love you and my heart wants yours' to lighten. I'm not an expert but I would say that you have to find a love, a passion, pick up an instrument, start learning a new language, start going to the gym, also intentionally make your life tougher, have cold showers, become disciplined, cut out junk food, stop watching porn, force yourself to have a social interaction once a day, try hard to get a gf, try hard to make friends. Also maybe look into a religion, spirituality is an essential part to the human spirit but now living a materialistic world many people lives are absence of spirituality and they're is a hole left in their soul which leads to depression. Also importance to have a love for your country and people. Suicides are correlated to countries that are atheistic, materialistic, liberal, leftist, anntinationalistic, too comfortable(you must keep yourself tough not soft), have lots of addiction e.t.c(aka modern day western societies). Stop with this nonsense that you are a 'depressed person' who can't be saved, no animals or humans are born just to commit suicide(that wouldn't make any evolutionary sense), we live in an unusual society but you can rise above it

I dont consider myself a depressed person. I used to be depressed all the time since a was kid but since I started taking meds all the chronic chest pain and mental foggines and turbo-pessimistic googles are gone.
Last year I did a lot of the stuff you listed, it wasnt making me feel better.

The Sorrows of Young Werther desu

What did the painter mean by placing the underage child in between the adult male's legs?

I don't think you'll find the answer to that question in literature. Suicide for the most part is exceptionally emotional and is decided in an instant.

I hope you find something that can change your mind, or at least give you some semblance of peace with the world you inhabit that veers away from suicide. I get where you're coming from, as Ive stood on the side of the highway working up the courage to walk out into traffic.

I didn't find any literature that pulled me from those depths, but I redirected my attention and worry unto hobbies like painting and writing so I could have some sort of cathartic output.

>Suicide for the most part is exceptionally emotional and is decided in an instant
I see you also learned the art of contradicting basically all of literary evidence by making shit up. Keep up the good work!

Yes okay some is premeditated. But how many suicides are strictly decided before the act? How many actually take that impulse to jump in front of a train in one fell swoop. I relate to a video I saw once on liveleak involving a girl walking with her mum next to a subway when she suddenly just jumps onto the tracks.

Anyone who thought that out probably wouldnt want their mum to see that and live with it after.

>I saw a video that could possibly though not necessarily support a single instance of an idea that can overturn the last 70 years worth of evidence in an entire field
Do you want to know how I know that you never actually studied the things you are pretending to know shit about?

When did I ever claim I studied suicide

That's even worse then. Only God will have mercy upon your stupid cunt.

(I'm the guy you replied to. I'm not OP)
Yeah, so this is closer to what I think a suicidal person needs. Pretty words by a person who doesn't even know your name will mean nothing in the long term. A person has to build themselves and their peace and happiness over a longer period of time.
Some of the things you suggest sound like petersonian/r9k bull, to me they sound like you'd be forcing yourself to be happy rather than *being* happy. Why force yourself to have social interactions and make friends, why force yourself to love your people? Social interactions are in themselves valuable experiences, if you are among people you simply will find it natural to talk with them, and friendships will naturally arise. You don't have to force anything, just don't shut yourself off from other people. And why should one love his people uncritically? I'm a homosexual and many of "my" people would gladly beat me to death if they knew that. I love my land, not my people.
But I think we agree in principle, one has to realize what they love and work on that. You can't "try it out", you have to let what you love become an organic part of you, a firm internal axis against the chaos of the external world.

You don't love him. It's nice to embellish the truth by a bit as long as it's believable. But I can't really believe that you can love a person whom you haven't even happened into in your life in a personal manner. You're as much of an egoist beast as I am, you aren't fooling anybody. Everybody has hidden motives. Depression doesn't get cured by a hairless ape. My mother often tells me that I don't love anybody save for my bird pet, and she's right, get a pet if you want true love. Life is but a gift, but gifts can be returned.

Your diary desu

Is just a bunch of incoherent crap desu

>Social interactions are in themselves valuable experiences, if you are among people you simply will find it natural to talk with them, and friendships will naturally arise