I want to gift my son ten books, but I don’t know what to buy

I don’t know what to gift him as all he had mentioned was that he wanted to start reading books, any suggestions?

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How old is your son?

>he wanted to start reading books
So do I, but that doesn't mean I ever will. Be a proper father and buy him some video games.

Little Prince

Watership down
Short stories by Kafka
American psycho
Stranger in a strange land
The stranger
Brave new world
The prince
The hobbit
Alice’s adventures in wonderland

Starship troopers
His dark materials (The Golden Compass)
Meditations, Marcus Aurelius
The Fellowship of the Ring (Lord of the Rings)
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
Horus Rising (The Horus Heresy)
The Myth of the Twentieth Century
Any Calvin and Hobbes compilation book
Ender's Game

>Stranger in a strange land

Literally a creepy old man's harem fantasies. Reading this literally made me feel gross.

The first 10 Animorhps books.

Actually not a bad idea depending on his age. I loved that shit as a kid.

Sophie's World to get him into philosophy
A Little History of the World by E.H. Gombrich for history
The Number Devil for math
Harold Bloom's Stories and Poems for Children to get him into classic poetry and literature
The Hobbit and Wizard of Earthsea to get him into fantasy

Dune Messiah
Children of Dune
God Emperor of Dune
Heretics of Dune
Chapterhouse: Dune
House Atreides
House Harkonnen
House Corrino
The Butlerian Jihad


You really have to tell us a bit more. Obviously we need to know how old your son is. But also, what is he like? What are his hobbies? What TV shows or films does he like? What country did he grow up in? What country is he living in now?

What are his favourite subjects at school? When he says "he wants to start reading books", does that mean he has never read anything up to now, or he has read lots of things, but not prose fiction?

Buy him one book then, ten will be overwhelming if he just wants to start reading, and will give him excuses to put it off.

Disagree. Buy him 20, then he can’t make the argument: I have nothing to read.

1. Ready Player One
2. Ready Player One
3. Ready Player One
4. Ready Player One
5. Ready Player One
6. Ready Player One
7. Ready Player One
8. Ready Player One
9. Ready Player One
10. Ready Player One

What 19 year old has a kid that’s old enough to read?

Sorry for late reply, he’s 18 and has a wide range of interest and so far I know is he’s reading Brave New World and really liking it.

>Literally a creepy old man's harem fantasies
You made me download a copy.

Behead all Satan’s x10