Has anyone here ever actually completed a book?

Has anyone here ever actually completed a book?

All the posts I ever see are people saying they're either halfway done or just starting. Never a completed book.

>Has anyone here ever actually completed a book?

Is writing a book the final step of the litpill?

>Veeky Forums
They can barely type a proper post, this is the Africa of Veeky Forums where WE WUZ WRAITERZ AND SHEEIT

uuuh i listened to iliad audiobook 2.5x speed does that count as reading???

By completed I meant completely writing a book, not reading it.

I've seen people post links to their books on amazon. I have no way of confirming it's them an not some other amazon published guy, but still.

Not as many as I wish. Of the ones that Veeky Forums memes, I’ve read
1. The Catcher in the Rye
2. Brave New World
3. Infinite Jest
4. The Odyessy
5. The Bible
6. Various Shakespeare plays (Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet, Titus Andronicus, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream)
Of those, I read Romeo and Juliet and The Catcher in the Rye for high school. The rest I read on my own. There was more classic Veeky Forums I could have read in high school, but I sparknoted it. I’ve been in kinda a rut for a while now, reading wise.

Oh nvm disregard my post here I thought you meant reading

I only write short stories. I feel that starting fresh more often will help me improve as a writer more quickly. Instead of working on one novel for a year, I finish the year with a bunch of short stories, of which maybe 3 are actually good in my opinion.

This is the board for pretending you are smarter than Jordan Peterson/everyone in existence/atheists/christians.

And the funny thing is, they really believe that their garbled criticisms are indicators of their intelligence and superiority. they hate the jews and never even read, well...

Prove it to me now smart guys, what book am I referring to? If you are really so smart it should be a cakewalk.


I feel bad for anyone who browses here without at least enjoying some reading or writing. Like wtf you doing on this board? Of course I read books, not a crazy amount but I read about one a month. And good books not shitass paperback YA bullshit.

Bo idea why illiterates browse this board.

do you ever stop and think its weird that you identify with pictures of little girls and keep these pics saved on your computer user?

leave Veeky Forums.net

my diary desu

nah, anime it's pretty much normie tier now, no problem on it

I read 2 books cover to cover last year, I’ve read 2 so far this year and nearly read a third.

If you’re struggling to finish books consider the following:
1) you’re acting as if it’s a chore and so your brain will want to procrastinate, even to the point of buying a newer more exciting book
2) you’re just not into it and that’s ok. Maybe consider if the genre is not for you, or the content is too difficult.


Nah Dog. I can't even read.

I collect unpublished novels. Reaching the end of the first draft for my third. When I get off this flipping site that is.